
visiting the seller of the "trough meat" incident of three sheep: no punishment was imposed, and tens of millions were sold in a year


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on september 4, lu wenqing, co-founder of three sheep, released a short video statement on his douyin account, saying that three sheep had not been punished by any relevant department regarding the "caotou meat incident" of meicaikourou, which has been of great concern online. this response once again aroused doubts from netizens.

"zheng zheng news" learned from insiders that there was no evidence showing that the sales funds of mei cai kou rou flowed to three sheep. three sheep was not the seller and therefore was not punished.

"zheng zheng news" visited the wuhan office of the sales party. employees said that the company is operating normally and its main business is selling pre-prepared meals. it has cooperated with three sheep and oriental selection and sold tens of millions of meals last year.

text | news hot spot group

recently, due to the price issue of hairy crabs sold during live broadcast, the anchor simba and xiao yangge's team and the three sheep had multiple rounds of quarrels.

during the argument, simba accused xiao yangge's team of having problems in quality inspection, after-sales service, and compensation attitude, implying that xiao yangge's business model was imitating himself. he then revealed that three sheep co-founder lu wenqing had been arrested and sentenced for brushing orders, and implied that lu wenqing and xiao yangge had teamed up to send a girl to prison, among other issues, which attracted widespread attention from netizens.

in the past two days, the debate between the two sides has continued to escalate, and related topics have continued to appear on the hot search list of social platforms.

on september 4, lu wenqing, co-founder of three sheep, released a short video statement on his douyin account saying that three sheep had not been punished by any relevant department regarding the "caotou meat incident" of meicai kourou (chinese preserved vegetable and pork) on march 15, which had attracted much attention online.

this response once again aroused doubts from netizens.

on september 5, zheng zheng news learned from an informed source that the three sheep were indeed not punished.

first of all, three sheep is not the seller but the advertiser, and no evidence of "false advertising" has been found so far; secondly, there is no evidence to prove that the preserved plum with preserved vegetables sold by three sheep is made with "caotou meat".

if the advertiser is not punished, will the seller be punished?

the seller and payment recipient in the "caotou meat incident" was hubei xiaocheng youxuan technology development co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "xiaocheng youxuan").

on september 6, zheng zheng news visited xiaocheng youxuan’s wuhan office. an employee said the company is currently operating normally. “we mainly sell pre-prepared meals. we have worked with xiao yangge and dongfang zhenxuan. xiao yangge seems to take 18% of each order. we sold tens of millions last year.”

the wuchang district market supervision and administration bureau told zheng zheng news that xiaocheng youxuan had not been punished and that it was currently impossible to prove that the preserved vegetable pork sold by xiaocheng youxuan was made from "caotou meat".

the above-mentioned person familiar with the matter said that when the producer of meicaikourou, anhui donghui food technology co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "donghui food"), was investigated by relevant departments in fuyang, it did not admit that meicaikourou made with "caotou meat" was sold online.

a staff member of the yingzhou district market supervision and administration bureau told zheng zheng news that donghui food has closed down and he was not aware of the details of the investigation into "caotou meat".

three sheep braised pork with preserved vegetables was involved in the "315 trough meat" incident

on the evening of september 4, three sheep co-founder lu wenqing publicly apologized on the social platform and responded to the recent controversial issues surrounding three sheep, such as the "preserved vegetable braised pork".

at the 2024 "3.15" gala, cctv exposed that fuyang chuntian food co., ltd., donghui food, and anhui chuxiansheng food co., ltd. used unprocessed trough meat to make preserved vegetable pork with preserved vegetables.

trough head meat refers to the meat at the connection between the pig's head and trunk. because there are more lymph nodes in trough head meat, it is also called lymphatic meat in daily life.

because it contains a large number of lymph nodes, lipomas and thyroid glands, it is a part of pork that must be strictly "repaired" and is recognized as a part of pork with poor quality and low price.

the normal wholesale price of pork belly is about 12 yuan per catty, while the wholesale price of inferior pork belly that has not been strictly processed is only about 3 yuan per catty.

"after the incident was exposed by the media, the relevant departments conducted a careful, meticulous and prudent investigation and synchronized the results of the investigation with us. up to now, our company has not received any punishment from any relevant department for this incident." lu wenqing said that after the incident, three sheep actively processed the refund, including but not limited to refunding one and compensating three.

public information shows that three sheep group's affiliated company, three sheep (hefei) holding group co., ltd., was established in march 2022. the legal representative and general manager is zhang qingyang (crazy little brother yang). the registered capital is rmb 50 million. hefei leading sheep culture media co., ltd. and hefei yaoyue eslite brand management co., ltd. hold 67% and 33% of the shares respectively.

among them, hefei leader culture media co., ltd. is jointly held by zhang qingyang and zhang kaiyang (crazy big brother yang).

the producer of "yuhuiyuan braised pork with preserved vegetables" previously promoted and sold by three sheep was donghui food, which was exposed in the "3.15" evening party.

according to public information, as early as april this year, the fuyang municipal market supervision bureau had sealed off the three companies involved, and the above three companies were included in the serious illegal and untrustworthy list (also known as the "blacklist") by the fuyang municipal market supervision bureau.

among them, donghui food was accused of producing and selling food labels and instructions containing false content involving disease prevention and treatment functions, or producing and selling food labels and instructions other than health foods claiming to have health functions.

on may 10, the fuyang municipal market supervision bureau released an administrative penalty information disclosure form, warning three companies for their illegal and irregular behaviors, revoking their food production licenses, and imposing fines on the companies and their legal representatives.

among them, 2,617 products with falsely marked production dates were confiscated from antonhui food, and a fine of 5.7344 million yuan was imposed. its legal representative zhang laiyong was fined 252,000 yuan.

on july 2, donghui food was listed on the abnormal operation list by the yingzhou district market supervision bureau of fuyang city for failing to publicize its annual report within the time limit prescribed in article 8 of the interim regulations on the disclosure of enterprise information.

after the dispute between simba and the three sheep attracted attention, netizens questioned why the three sheep were not included in the punishment?

sales: earned tens of millions a year

on september 5, zheng zheng news consulted people familiar with the matter.

the insider said that the main reason why three sheep was not punished was that consumers bought pork with preserved vegetables in the three sheep live broadcast room, and the recipient was xiaocheng youxuan.

in other words, xiaocheng youxuan is the seller; donghui food, the manufacturer exposed on 315, is the producer; and three sheep is just the advertiser.

"there is currently no evidence that funds have flowed to the three sheep," said a person familiar with the matter.

according to relevant laws and regulations, consumers in the "caotou meat incident" can only demand compensation from sellers and producers.

therefore, at present, the relevant departments can only hold three sheep responsible for its advertising, but they have not yet grasped the fact that three sheep engaged in false advertising.

"they have always said that what they sold online was pork belly. we are still collecting evidence. if we can prove that the recipient of the payment is three sheep, we will hold three sheep accountable." the above-mentioned person familiar with the matter told "zheng news".

regarding the issue that lu wenqing said that "three sheep were not punished", which led netizens to believe that the law enforcement was unfair, people familiar with the matter emphasized that no matter what lu wenqing's purpose was in saying such things, the relevant departments need to "follow the law and cannot do anything without legal authorization."

on march 18, three days after this year's "3.15" gala, three sheep made an explanation on the "caotou meat" incident of meicai kourou, saying that the product manufacturer was donghui food and the seller was xiaocheng youxuan. the product was first submitted to the company's supply chain system on april 14, 2023, the final review was completed on april 27, 2023, and promotion and sales in the live broadcast room began on april 29, 2023.

after the media exposed the problems related to donghui food, the company contacted the manufacturer and seller immediately, and both stated that "online products did not violate the regulations by using trough head meat" and promised to provide relevant supporting materials as soon as possible.

"oh my god, sanziyang is not a seller? then what is he doing in the live broadcast room, linking and shouting loudly?" on september 5, netizens raised questions online, "it turns out that those who sell fake goods (live broadcast sales) are not considered sellers. they can perfectly avoid it by setting up a third-party account."

so what is the background of "xiaocheng youxuan", the recipient of payment for the goods sold in the three sheep live broadcast room, and has it been punished?

on september 6, the law enforcement officer in charge of the case from the wuchang district market supervision administration told zheng zheng news that xiaocheng youxuan had not been punished and that it was currently impossible to prove that the preserved vegetable braised pork sold by xiaocheng youxuan was made from "caotou meat".

"zheng xinwen" visited mei xiaocheng's wuhan office, and the front desk staff said that the company is currently operating normally.

xiaocheng youxuan said that the company does not have a food factory, but it has some factories with which it has close cooperation. "we mainly sell pre-prepared meals, and their entire factory almost only supplies us."

the company will then approach major anchors to discuss cooperation, and the anchors will directly post product links on the company’s douyin store during live broadcasts, and “the sales proceeds will be directly transferred to our account.”

regarding the anchor's commission deduction method, xiaocheng youxuan explained that the doudian link can be set up, and the commission will be automatically distributed to the anchor after the consumer places an order. "some anchors have additional pit fees."

regarding the company's cooperation with three sheep and oriental selection, xiaocheng youxuan said that the company mainly relies on these "big anchors" to make money. "last year, the company sold about tens of millions. xiao yangge and oriental selection have both brought us goods. one live broadcast can sell tens of thousands of orders. the unit price is 60, and xiao yangge takes about 18% of each order."

according to statistics from wang hai, a counterfeiter, dongfang zhenxuan sold 53,000 orders of donghui food's pork with preserved vegetables, with sales reaching 3.17 million yuan; the sales of qiao mei, a live broadcast of three sheep, exceeded 242,000 orders in one session. calculated at 59.9 yuan per order, the cumulative sales exceeded 14 million yuan, "and this does not include xiao yangge's live broadcast room."