
chongqing news network review: if we don’t pay attention to the youth training system, there will be another 0:7


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in last night's asian cup qualifier, the chinese national football team lost 0:7 to japan away from home. due to the huge score difference and the special opponent, it not only flooded the wechat moments last night, but even today, it is still a super hot search on the internet. considering that there are still 9 games to play, many fans are even more angry.
there is a saying that all football fans know: football is a war in peacetime. in the face of such a great defeat, there are bound to be a lot of public opinions. some say that the chinese national football team is worthy of being the balancer of a great country. it has been consistent for many years and always adds to the troubles when people are proud of their country; some say that we should understand the chinese national football team. it has been losing professionally for 30 years and has provided strong emotional value for countless people; some say that cctv did not broadcast the game live, which was really foresighted and won; some say that in the face of the worst defeat of the chinese men's football team against the japanese team in 100 years, such a rotten team should be disbanded on the spot...
as mentioned above, in the face of a huge loss, people's emotions, even if wrapped in all kinds of jokes and jokes, the overall main tone is still anger, humiliation, and entanglement. at this time, writing articles, shooting videos, or even making a few chinese national football emoticons can easily stimulate emotions and gain traffic. at this moment, jumping out of the analysis of the technical and tactical level of the game, reiterating the old question is still not outdated -attach importance to the youth training system, rebuild the youth training system, and carefully protect the youth training system.
the chinese national football team is so bad that many people will say "1.4 billion people can't select 11 players to play football", which is actually not accurate. it is a fact that the population is large, but it is also an indisputable fact that there is a shortage of football players. the training of football talents all over the world basically follows the echelon training, and no country dares to expect talented players to emerge out of nowhere. the youth training system is the foundation of echelon training, the base of the pyramid, and the soil for farming. for children of school age, the many obstacles faced by choosing football far exceed those of other sports, and there is no need to hide this. therefore, the construction of the youth training system must be put on the agenda and implemented in practice, rather than some people's tireless speeches at the meeting and repetition of documents. in any case, students must first have a ball to play and be willing to play football, and there must be a lot of stadiums for young players to play. without preschoolers, primary school students, and middle school students playing football, and without training and competitions suitable for each age, football has lost the soil for the growth of excellent players. it is not surprising that no talents can be selected, and it is only a matter of time before the next 0:7 is output.
if there is no youth training system, it can be rebuilt from scratch, but how to repair the damaged youth training system? many people say that china's infrastructure capacity is unparalleled. does it mean that in the field of football, as long as there is systematic planning and sustained efforts, success will be achieved - this is the truth, but this truth may not work in the field of football. why? because some people and behaviors that destroy the youth training system have become termites that corrode the football embankment, nesting in the east and west, and it is difficult to eradicate. everyone knows that in the past two years, a vigorous anti-corruption campaign has been launched in the football field, and a large number of football association cadres, coaches and players have been imprisoned. in fact, the anti-corruption campaign in football is more than just the past two years. looking back ten, twenty or thirty years, the anti-corruption trend in the football field has never stopped. to cure the disease, we must treat the root cause. we only see the football villains crying and regretting in front of the camera, but secretly, more behaviors and individuals that destroy the youth training system have quietly become the hurdles that young players cannot overcome in their growth:from the youth training policies that change every day, to the chaos in talent selection with corruption at all levels, to the youth training officials at all levels who form interest groups, every hurdle is difficult and countless football talents have been ruined.
a 0:7 defeat completely brought the chinese national football team back to square one, leaving all those who thought of "treating the symptoms rather than the root cause" and hoping for a lucky break completely speechless. today's chinese national football team is like a terminally ill patient. strong medicines such as "changing coaches" and "rebuilding" have been used many times in the past, like ginseng and deer antlers to save their lives, but each time they have been proven to be this case, it is better to choose another way: start with children, from the basics of passing, receiving, and running without the ball, and take a long-term view.from the reconstruction of the youth training system to the operation of the youth training system, from the iterative upgrade of the youth training system to the sustained efforts of the youth training system, the attention will be focused on the youth training system of football, and a brand new national team will be polished in ten or twenty years.
anyway, we have lost 7 goals in a single game, which is already the bottom. is there any better way?