
changning urban management: setting an example in service and promoting development with heart


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huasheng online news (correspondent: li hua) in order to continuously optimize the business environment, since 2024, the changning city urban management and comprehensive law enforcement bureau has fully played the exemplary role of leading cadres, and carried out the "director enters the hall" activity on the first thursday of every month. the bureau director transforms into an ordinary staff member at the urban management law enforcement service window of the municipal government service center, directly answering questions and doubts for the people on the spot, handling approval procedures, and improving service quality.
"to apply for a permit for temporary occupation of public space, you need to submit the legal person's id, site proof, business license and other information to the staff..." on september 5, the head of the municipal urban management integrated law enforcement bureau acted as an assistant at the urban management law enforcement service window. he patiently and carefully explained the relevant policies and regulations to mr. zhu, while checking and organizing the required information.
"the director not only helped me handle the parallel approval procedures for store sign registration and temporary road occupation for construction, but also went to the site for inspection with law enforcement personnel. the leadership supervision and management are in place, the urban management is efficient, and the business environment is getting better and better." ms. yi, a merchant who was holding the completed store sign registration and temporary road occupation for construction, said happily.
since 2024, the municipal urban management comprehensive law enforcement bureau has carried out the "director enters the hall" activity on the first thursday of every month. on that day, the director of the bureau will go to the window to communicate with the staff, and learn in detail about the difficulties, bottlenecks, and pain points that the public may encounter when handling affairs, such as the handling process, the tolerance of missing materials, and the handling time limit. he will also act as a propagandist, waiter, and interpreter on the spot to publicize policies and regulations for the enterprises and people who come to handle affairs, help with the approval procedures, and answer questions.
"we always adhere to the principle of 'the people's affairs are big affairs', constantly change our work style and improve our services, so that problems are solved at the grassroots level, services are optimized at the grassroots level, and work is promoted at the grassroots level. we serve enterprises and the public with heart and soul, create a 'four best' business environment, and promote changning's high-quality development." said the main person in charge of the municipal urban management and comprehensive law enforcement bureau.
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