
the criticism of the chinese national football team is not innocent.


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during the olympics, a media colleague of mine caused negative public opinion because of his inappropriate choice of words when discussing quan hongchan. yang yi believed in his radio program that this was because football reporters were used to scolding the chinese national football team and did not pay attention to their choice of words and sentences, and some inappropriate words blurted out when talking about diving.

after listening to this, i was full of admiration for yang yi. how did he find the root of the problem so quickly? i immediately shared this view with the "banned" colleague on wechat, and he was also enlightened. then i also did some self-reflection, confirming that i have been bullying chinese football in my decades of football journalist career, and reminded myself to give enough respect to football practitioners in the future. but yesterday, after the chinese national football team lost 0-7 to japan, the "bullying gene" of football journalists was revived, and they were filled with the desire to attack.

i have been commenting on table tennis every day recently, and i have been carefully choosing every word and sentence in every paragraph. it really makes me feel suffocated. now that i have returned to the familiar field of football, i can finally eat big chunks of meat, drink big chunks of wine, and do whatever i want.

in fact, in yesterday's world cup qualifiers, compared to the 0-7 loss to japan, what was more heartbreaking was that palestine drew with south korea away. the fact that such a football team was born in that tiny place with artillery fire is a contrast to the absurdity of chinese football. at this time, it is not an exaggeration to describe the chinese football team as crazy and idiotic. moreover, as early as last year's asian cup, i found that the chinese football team was not as good as palestine. among the 24 participating teams, the chinese team had the most outdated and outdated technical and tactical play. chinese football seems to have been abandoned by the times, and the sense of déjà vu of the difference between old mobile phones and smart phones is particularly strong.

it is ridiculous that a great country that has risen rapidly in the past 40 years, with rapid development in politics, economy and other fields, cannot beat palestine in football. no matter what excuses people in the football circle give, they are basically bullshit. the so-called insufficient number of football players, problems with youth training, too much negative public opinion, all are the fault of the environment. no matter how bad the environment is, can it be worse than palestine? the gaza strip is almost like a sieve.

when an industry collapses to this extent, it must be a human problem, and it is not a problem of a few individuals, but a problem of everyone in the entire industry. whether it is work style, cognition, ability, or concept, it is all a mess. their so-called professionalism is only relative to us passers-by, and compared with foreign industry insiders, they are complete losers.

for example, after the big loss yesterday, fan zhiyi made a statement, angrily criticizing the team for being shameful and losing the ball too easily, implying that they were not fighting hard enough. i have heard similar words before. when the men's basketball team lost consecutively last year, some people in the basketball circle also said that clarkson scored too easily and would rather take a technical foul than fight. in my opinion, these words are meaningless, just like leading troops to fight, fighting spirit and morale are indispensable, but the commander can only pump up the blood and talk about spirit, it is impossible to win the battle, solid military quality is more critical.

what i mean is that it is not just fan zhiyi who is at a loss for words in the face of the current situation of chinese football. modern football has gone beyond their cognition. of course, i do not deny that some coaches have already felt the core of modern football, but there are too few such people, and the mainstream professionals in this industry are in a state of confusion.

why has the chinese women's volleyball team been able to maintain the level of a world powerhouse for decades? during lang ping's three consecutive championships, the women's volleyball team did not have jump serves. in fact, in addition to the overhand float, there was also the underhand float. the so-called underhand float is to hit the ball from bottom to top, and the quality of the serve must be average. but when foreign countries have jump serves, we immediately have jump serves. when foreign countries have back-row attacks, we can also have back-row attacks immediately. the absurdity of chinese football is that they have stayed in a certain era and have not moved. when you question why they don't have jump serves, they tell you, "when i didn't have jump serves, i still won three consecutive championships." later, when they were plagued by various failures, they had to admit the advancement of jump serves, but they still refused to jump serve. the reason is very sufficient, "our players are too incompetent and are not suitable for jump serves. at this stage, the overhand float is the most suitable serve for the chinese team."

the same is true for chinese basketball. we always miss the golden generation of the 1990s. the players’ abilities and achievements of that era are certainly worth remembering, but we should never miss the training methods and tactics of that era, which are outdated. isn’t it because the chinese men’s basketball team has fallen to this point today that they can’t keep up with the times? if the things in the 1990s were still effective now, why would they lose their position as the hegemon in asia? in my opinion, the training methods used to train inside players such as yao ming and wang zhizhi are also outdated. even if china is given a few good center seedlings, it is impossible to train a center of yao ming’s level.

the biggest problem of chinese football is not the low professional ability, but the existence of a lot of anti-intellectual logic that one plus one does not equal two. for example, excellent foreign coaches are not suitable for us because their tactics are too advanced and our players cannot keep up. this is like a brainless parent running to the school and saying, "my child's academic performance is too poor, you'd better find a worse teacher to teach him." or, "my child is at the first grade level, you should let him stay in the first grade and never let him learn the second grade."

when japanese football started in the early 1990s, its level was not as good as china's, but they never used china as a benchmark. they directly benchmarked against the netherlands and brazil, the two most powerful football teams at the time. it was very clear that they learned from brazil and the netherlands. after that, every step was on point. when there was a pass and control, they learned to pass and control, and when there was a front court press, they learned to press. it is no exaggeration to say that japanese football is definitely the world's top in terms of tactical play. unlike china, they used lippi at the beginning, and then switched to ivankovic. it's not that lippi can't be fired, and when the economy is tight, you don't necessarily have to hire a big name, but what does it mean to jump from lippi to ivan?

cuban coaches helped chinese women's boxing win 3 gold medals and 2 silver medals. if the cuban coach cannot renew his contract in the future, i believe that the chinese boxing team will never hire a foreign coach from a second-rate country. many chinese projects have made breakthroughs in this olympics, and foreign coaches can be found. synchronized swimming has a spanish coach, rhythmic gymnastics has a russian coach, boxing has a cuban coach, hockey has a god-level coach from australia, archery has a korean coach, and women's race walking has had a dismal record for nearly 4 years. last year, they urgently learned from an italian coach and immediately won the gold medal. all these coaches are from the strongest countries in the project. when any project hires a foreign coach, it will be difficult for the general administration to pass the inspection like chinese football does when hiring a second-rate foreign coach. the reason is simple. who are they trying to fool by hiring a coach of this level?

speaking of the cuban coach of the boxing team, i also specifically consulted several people in the boxing world. they said that the cuban coach brought subversive changes to chinese boxing. chinese boxers have always been defensive and stable, and have little desire to take the initiative to attack. the boxing world has never believed that an overly aggressive style of play is suitable for chinese boxers, but the cuban coach's style is quite radical, which has mobilized the aggressiveness of chinese boxers to the extreme. chang yuan's performance when she won the first gold medal was already very arrogant. she didn't even raise her fists to form a basic defensive action when attacking in some rounds. before the arrival of the cuban coach, she didn't even dare to think of such an aggressive style of play. china's three gold medals in boxing were basically won in the finals with an overwhelming advantage.

i specifically listed the cuban coach of women's boxing to express two points of view for chinese football. first, the so-called playing style and coach that suits you are often due to the narrow-minded vision and the cage that you set for yourself. if japanese football also thinks so, it is likely to be a local turtle now; second, even if the cuban coach leaves, the local experts of chinese boxing have also gained an improvement in their concept cognition, thus providing continuous impetus for the high-level development of chinese boxing. why is chinese football still falling at a high speed despite inviting so many foreign coaches? because our local experts have not absorbed nutrition from excellent foreign coaches. where is the success of milu, krauchen, lippi and others? where is the excellence? the local experts have not summed up anything, and they are only thinking about how to get rid of these people.

why can't local football experts learn anything? because they achieved secular success when the professional league was at its peak, they had a good reputation, good profits, and were highly sought after. they had a sense of superiority as successful people, so it was impossible for them to correctly face their current situation of "no level". fan zhiyi still boasted that he could defend mbappe, and completely forgot about the embarrassing moment when he was separated from the ball by the qatari black striker in the 1997 top ten match. he still made up ghost stories in variety shows about how he rarely lost to japan back then. fan zhiyi's arrogance represented the group characteristics of that era. obviously, the japanese team had already overtaken them, and almost all the international players said "we are not afraid of japan".

i don't know whether the chinese basketball community is sufficiently alert to japan's overtaking. i have a vague feeling that our basketball experts still do not think that the chinese men's basketball team is worse than japan and the philippines. they may think that last year's defeat was just an accident.

why have the chinese men's basketball and football teams become the most difficult problems in the sports world? because in any other sport, if the level is very low, the people involved will have a very hard time. they will not be complacent and regard themselves as successful just because they are the domestic leaders. they can recognize that their level is very poor and are eager to change this situation.

if i were in the basketball media business, and my skills were not that good but i made a lot of money, i would probably not take yang yi seriously, even if he was much better than me. i would probably say, "he is just so-so. there is nothing i can learn from him."