
the people's party announced that it will hold a nationwide speech to defend ko wen-je's innocence! the first stop will be in front of the taiwan public opinion agency on sunday


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after taiwan people's party chairman ko wen-je was detained and denied access to visitors, the people's party central emergency response team held an enlarged meeting on the 6th and held a press conference at around 10:30 a.m. to explain the resolution to the outside world. according to the people's party interview notice, in order to fight against green taiwan, the people will be called to speak across taiwan to protest against judicial abuse of power! legislator huang kuo-chang announced at the meeting that the people's party has decided to mobilize the entire party and speak across taiwan. the first stop will be at 6:30 p.m. on the 8th (sunday) in front of the qunxian building (taiwan's public opinion agency) on jinan road in taipei city.

huang kuo-chang announced that, first, the entire people's party is united in supporting ko wen-je in defending his innocence. currently, the central emergency response team of the people's party continues to operate, and party affairs are carried out as usual under the leadership of the secretary-general. second, in the face of the lai ching-te administration's abuse of taiwan's prosecutorial and investigative tools, and the political attacks and judicial persecution of ko wen-je, the people's party decided to mobilize the entire party and speak out across taiwan, mobilizing party officials to target the improper treatment ko wen-je suffered in this judicial process, and how the prosecutors and investigative teams leaked information, distorted one-sidedness, and even went so far as to create false information, and under the joint efforts of the judiciary and the media, ko wen-je was treated unfairly. what is at stake is not only ko wen-je's personal innocence, but whether taiwan's rule of law can still maintain fairness and justice.

huang kuo-chang mentioned that the first stop will be at 6:30 p.m. this sunday in front of the qunxian building on jinan road in taipei city. next, the legal team will be further strengthened to fully support ko wen-je.

huang kuo-chang said that ke wenzhe's hands, which had saved countless lives, were now handcuffed by the green power. these handcuffs may imprison ke wenzhe's body, but they will never extinguish ke wenzhe's will.

huang kuo-chang said that through this press conference, all people's party public officials would like to express their deepest gratitude to all supporters, because this is a marathon, not a 100-meter race, and they are ready for a long-term battle. they also hope and call on all supporters to accompany ko wen-je through this rough and difficult road, and continue to work together for taiwan's judicial politics.

lin jingxian, taiwan correspondent of strait herald