
china's population is three times that of north korea, its area is 10 times larger, and its oil and gas industry ranks third in the world. why can't it produce nuclear weapons?


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china's population is three times that of north korea, its area is 10 times larger, and its oil and gas industry ranks third in the world. why can't it produce nuclear weapons?

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recently, iran exhibited a very sci-fi tank with a serrated skirt, a huge butterfly-shaped turret, and a bunch of various accessories, making this tank look very advanced and quite intimidating at first glance. but in fact, this is a deeply modernized and improved model of the iranian army's m60 tank, code-named "suleiman 402".

in the 1950s and 1960s, iran imported about 460 m60a1 tanks from the united states. after the iran-iraq war and post-war consumption, there are only about 150 left now. iran once developed the "zulfiqar" series tanks based on the m60a1 body, but due to the low technical level, only a few prototypes were built and no large-scale production was carried out. therefore, these outdated m60a1s still have to continue to play a leading role, and the same is true for the british "chieftain" tanks in service at the same time, so both have been modernized.

since iran has long been subject to western arms embargo sanctions, it can only find spare parts for upgrading us and british tanks on its own.