
the university gate worth 3.76 million yuan and the thatched house of southwest associated university


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geng yinping
a university in the north moved to a new site and spent 3.7663 million yuan to build the main gate and gatehouse of the campus. some students expressed their support, believing that the gate is the "face" of the school, which optimizes the campus environment and helps promote the school's image. some students also believe that the gate is located in the middle of the school and there is not much actual demand for transportation, so it is almost "exclusively for taking photos." some faculty and staff on campus told reporters that after moving to the new campus, school accommodation, library and other facilities are still in short supply. a building originally used for faculty and staff has also been allocated for student accommodation, and many teachers have to rent houses outside. (china youth daily, september 4)
the new university gate, which cost 3.76 million yuan to build, has indeed met the needs of teachers and students to check in, making the image of the university in the image appear beautiful and grand, attracting a lot of attention and praise.
however, don't applaud it yet. if this gate is built in a tourist attraction, it would be very "fitting" and could release a wonderful economic effect. the problem is that this is not a tourist attraction, but a university for teaching and educating people. this is a bit out of place. because the university is a palace of knowledge, it emphasizes tranquility and far-sightedness, and being indifferent to fame and wealth. the value of a good university does not lie in the luxury of the school gate, but in whether it cultivates talents and spreads civilization for society.
the construction of the gate cost too much money, and the money for the school's infrastructure construction was stretched to the limit. this was a case of putting the cart before the horse and swell up one's face to make it look fat. the relevant person in charge of the school was ambitious and seemed to have thrown the spirit of hard work and simplicity and the habit of thrift behind his mind. the luxurious gate they built promoted a kind of extravagant atmosphere invisibly, which did not bring honor to the university, but instead reduced the value of the university.
the author can't help but think of the thatched house of southwest associated university. after the outbreak of the anti-japanese war, peking university, tsinghua university, and nankai university moved to kunming to form southwest associated university. according to records, "the school buildings of southwest associated university are very simple. except for the green tile roof of the library, some classrooms and the principal's office are iron roofs, all other buildings are thatched houses." because there was no money. but the architectural masters liang sicheng and lin huiyin designed the thatched house with a strong cultural atmosphere. not only did the thatched house not affect the development of southwest associated university, its harsh environment inspired the enthusiasm and dedication of teachers and students to run schools for the country and the people. in 8 years, southwest associated university has produced 2 nobel prize winners, 4 winners of the national highest science and technology award, 8 winners of the "two bombs and one satellite medal of merit", 171 academicians of the two academies and more than 100 humanities masters, creating a miracle in the history of world education.
the soul of a university lies in its spirit and heritage, not in its material accumulation. a university should not only focus on the hardware construction of the school, but also pay attention to the cultivation and development of its spiritual culture. today, our universities certainly do not have to run schools as hard as southwest associated university, but they should still maintain a simple style and not blindly pursue ostentation. administrators must remember the heavy responsibility of educating people on their shoulders and must never relax or neglect it at any time.
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