
the female professor who angrily denounced the officials' "powerful authority" on the spot: the ultimate goal of tv political affairs is "no longer needing tv political affairs"


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"how can such a high-ranking official have such great power!" recently, a video clip of chen he, a professor at huazhong university of science and technology, criticizing bureaucratic style has been widely circulated on major online platforms. the content of the video comes from her comments on the program "daye tv questioning politics" in huangshi, hubei.

in the episode aired on august 27, local residents repeatedly reported safety hazards through the 12345 hotline, but they were never resolved. in response to the public's demands, hu, the 12345 commissioner of the jinshandian town people's government of daye city, not only claimed that the problems reported by the public "do not affect his daily life", but also complained that the public was too impatient and only cared about their own affairs. therefore, professor chen he expressed the above emotion in his comments.

later, more clips of professor chen he's comments were discovered, and a large number of netizens forwarded them, which also made this tv political program popular. in fact, professor chen he has participated in tv political programs for more than ten years. on september 3, she said in an interview with a reporter from the paper that the program had no rehearsal in advance and all her comments were improvised on the spot.

"there is no need to over-spread some of my personal commentary on the show. i hope everyone can watch the entire episode and pay more attention to the work done on and behind the scenes, as well as the actual effects of the show in promoting interaction between the government and the people and resolving the people's demands." she said that the ultimate goal of televised political questioning should be that the people "no longer need televised political questioning."

after the show became popular, the subsequent rectification situation was broadcast in advance

the paper:the program "daye tv political affairs" has been on the air for a long time, why did it suddenly become popular this time?

chen he:this program was launched at the end of 2021. it is hosted by the cpc daye municipal commission for discipline inspection, daye municipal supervisory committee, and the propaganda department of the cpc daye municipal committee, and co-organized by huangshi radio and television station and daye municipal media integration center. i have been a commentator for this program since the first episode.

the question-and-answer format of this program is usually to play a secret interview video first, and then the host begins to ask questions to the relevant responsible units; then, the members of the on-site review panel use the voting devices in their hands to vote "satisfied", "basically satisfied" or "unsatisfied" for the answers and performance of the relevant responsible units; finally, i will comment on it. after the program is broadcast on tv, the program team will also edit some highlights and publish them on new media platforms for secondary dissemination.

chen he. all pictures in this article are provided by the interviewees

in fact, the program broadcast on august 27th exposed relatively simple and easy-to-solve problems that did not involve major interests. in previous programs, more complex and profound problems were exposed, but they did not attract much attention online. i think that in the program on august 27th, the main reason was that the staff of the relevant responsible units lacked a service mentality and treated the masses with condescension. not only did they not solve the problems, but they blamed the masses who reported the problems, which resonated with everyone's experience of the masses in the program, so it attracted widespread attention online.

the paper:this episode mainly focuses on the various problems existing in the 12345 hotline. have you ever called the 12345 hotline?

chen he:when i encounter inaction, slow action, or chaotic action by government departments, i am used to calling the 12345 hotline, just like everyone else. i remember one time, a municipal maintenance project was being carried out at the entrance of the community where i lived, but the work of the relevant departments was not done properly. the construction fence almost blocked the entire gate of the community, making it extremely inconvenient for people and vehicles to enter and exit. when i saw it, i immediately called wuhan city's 12345 hotline to report it. about half a day after i made the call, the on-site rectification was in place, and the operator also returned to ask me if i was satisfied with the handling results. the handling efficiency was very high.

however, from the august 27 episode of "daye tv government affairs", we can see that although the 12345 hotline is the channel that many citizens are accustomed to choosing to report problems, in some places this channel is not very smooth and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

the paper:after the show became popular, has it brought about any changes?

chen he:this program may attract more attention. regarding the issues exposed in the august 27th program, i saw that a follow-up video of the subsequent rectification was broadcast on september 3rd. in the past, this follow-up video was usually broadcast in the next program. this time, the rectification was broadcast so quickly, which is also a response to public concern.

the show was not rehearsed in advance, and all comments were improvised on the spot.

the paper:many people may want to ask, will the program be rehearsed in advance?

chen he:the program was not rehearsed in advance, and my comments were all improvised on the spot. before each official recording, the program director would first confirm the recording time with me, and then send me the program process and the text script of the undercover video, which was mainly to let me know which units and problems were exposed in that episode.

after receiving the program flow and the script of the undercover video, i will do some homework in advance to find out the causes and consequences of the exposed problems, the crux of the problem, whether it is an isolated phenomenon in the local area or also exists in other parts of the country. in addition, i will also collect relevant policies and regulations, research papers, previous reports, etc. if there are still questions, i will find the director or the reporter who shot the undercover video to learn more about the situation and details to ensure that the situation i have is close to the facts, so that the on-site comments can be more down-to-earth.

chen he is participating in the show.

although i knew the program flow and what questions the host would ask the units being questioned, the units being questioned had no idea what location or issue the undercover video exposed, let alone what the host would ask. similarly, i had no way of knowing how the units being questioned would answer and respond during the program, so my comments could only be based on my performance on the spot.

the paper:at the show, there are also jury members participating in the voting. what are their identities?

chen he:in the program "daye tv political affairs", the members of the jury are mainly npc deputies, cppcc members, media and citizen representatives, etc. sometimes the composition of the jury members will be adjusted according to the theme and industry involved in the current program.

the composition of the panel members of tv political programs in different places is also different. for example, in another tv political program i participated in, in shishou city, jingzhou, hubei, the panel members reached hundreds of people. in addition to deputies to the national people's congress and members of the chinese people's political consultative conference, there were also representatives from all walks of life such as entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors, and cleaners. the coverage of the crowd was very wide. due to the large number of participants, the tv station even moved the program to the studio and recorded it directly in the local auditorium.

this is also what moved me very much. people who don't know the situation may say that political programs are just a show, and they are closed-door entertainment and self-directed and self-acted. but what i saw with my own eyes was that many ordinary people really came to the program to participate in the evaluation and cast their own votes. the people's voting is very strict, especially in areas related to people's livelihood. if the relevant departments do not do a good job, the satisfaction rate of on-site voting will be very low. this is also the charm of the authenticity of tv political programs.

healthy interaction between politics and academia

the paper:when did you first start participating in television political shows?

chen he:i have been participating in tv political programs for more than ten years, and the first time was around 2014 when i participated in a tv political program in wuhan.

"daye tv questioning politics" is broadcast every two months. since the first episode, i have served as a commentator for the program. during the recording of this program, in addition to the main leaders of the relevant responsible units sitting on the stage, other team members and specific business leaders also sat in the audience, which helps to promote the actual solution of problems. i appreciate this program very much, so i have participated in the recording of every episode since it was launched.

in addition, i also participated in some tv political programs in xiangyang, hubei, shiyan, hubei, shishou city and jianli city in jingzhou, hubei, wuxue city in huanggang, hubei, etc. the preparation period of this kind of program is relatively long, and it is necessary to shoot undercover short videos in the early stage, usually once every two months or one quarter, and the recording frequency is not too high. i am a university teacher, and i don’t have classes every day, so i just have time to participate in the program recording.

the paper:is there any connection between participating in tv political programs and your identity as a university teacher?

chen he:in my opinion, the function of a university is to create knowledge, disseminate knowledge, and serve society. i am a teacher at the school of public administration of huazhong university of science and technology. i study government management and public governance, so participating in tv political programs is also a way to use my professional knowledge to serve society. conversely, some real events that have been publicly broadcast in the programs i participated in can also become the source of case materials for my classroom lectures.

in addition, my comments in the program may make some officials blush and sweat, but outside the program, they are still willing to listen to the voices from the academic community. when they encounter confusion in actual work, they will also invite experts and scholars to hold relevant seminars to give them advice. this is also a kind of benign interaction between the political and academic circles.

the paper:i just heard you list that there are tv political programs in many places in hubei. why are such programs so popular in hubei?

chen he:i think one of the most important factors is that it is really useful. ordinary people not only like to watch this kind of program, but also need it. local leaders also see that tv political affairs programs can effectively improve the work style of officials and effectively promote the implementation of work.

from the public to the officials, everyone saw the value of tv political programs, and gradually formed an atmosphere of demonstration and promotion, learning from each other and catching up. for example, in jingzhou, hubei, shishou city previously launched a tv political program, which received a good response from the society after several years. the neighboring jianli city went to study and learn from it, and after returning, it also launched a tv political program, and then this type of program gradually increased.

more efforts should be made in normal times

the paper:what do you think of the tv political program format?

chen he:in the eyes of some people, especially some officials, television political questioning is a way to expose family scandals, but in my opinion, it is an effective form of social supervision, and it also reflects the confidence and courage of a place to turn the knife inward and carry out self-revolution.

television political programs usually have a theme for each episode, which is usually centered around the key local work at the time or issues that the masses have strong opinions about. political programs on television can effectively solve problems, but solving problems cannot be limited to political programs on television.

chen he is participating in the show.

each episode of the political program has a limited duration. outside of the program, the people still have many urgent and difficult issues to worry about. this requires the government to establish a regular mechanism for reflecting and solving problems, such as the 12345 hotline we have repeatedly mentioned. to truly achieve "the people have something to say, i have something to respond to", more efforts should be made in normal times.

the paper:so do you think there will come a day when we no longer need political shows on tv?

chen he:i believe that the ultimate goal of tv political inquiry should be that the people no longer need tv political inquiry. when i participated in the program a few years ago, i once said that if one day the daily interaction channels between the government and the people can be unimpeded and the people no longer need tv political inquiry, then the historical mission of tv political inquiry will be accomplished.

on the other hand, the reason why we still need televised government affairs is because the current channels for ordinary people to report their problems are not smooth enough. therefore, we need to use this form of social supervision, namely televised government affairs, to transmit pressure to various government departments so that they can better see, hear and resolve the demands of the ordinary people.

the paper:your comments on the show are always sharp and to the point. what kind of personality are you outside the show?

chen he:in my daily work and life, i am also a straightforward person. i am just like this. i am not good at catering to others, so sometimes i am not very likable. for example, as i mentioned earlier, if i see a problem with the municipal maintenance project near my home, i will immediately call the 12345 hotline to report it. at school, if i have any opinions or suggestions, i will also immediately find the relevant department to report it.

however, i would like to say that there is no need to over-spread some of my personal comments on the show. i hope everyone can watch the entire show and pay more attention to the work done on and off the stage, as well as the actual effect of the show in promoting interaction between the government and the people and solving the people's demands. i also hope that everyone can work together to push the government's public governance level to a higher level and make our society better.