
xi mihua confessed in prison, his wife and children posted photos of their enjoyment abroad without hiding it, and his lover's family was also very happy


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xi mihua: from casino tycoon to prisoner, a gamble of money and desire

he was once a powerful figure in macau casinos, with a net worth of billions and surrounded by beautiful women. he was also a wanted fugitive by the police and was eventually imprisoned, ending his legendary life. he is xi mihua. today, xi mihua is behind bars, but the stories surrounding him continue. his wife and children are enjoying a luxurious life abroad, and his lover has also fled with a huge breakup fee. all of this is like an absurd drama, which makes people sigh at the terrible power of money and desire.

1. casino tycoon: from a junket operator to a billionaire

xi mihua's rise can be described as a real-life version of "casino tycoon". he started as a low-level jackpot, and with his flexible mind and extraordinary courage, he climbed step by step to the pinnacle of power in macau casinos. he founded the suncity group, whose business scope spans multiple fields such as gambling, entertainment, and real estate, and his personal wealth is as high as tens of billions. in macau, xi mihua's name is almost known to everyone. he is generous, lives a luxurious life, and is surrounded by beautiful women. he is a "legendary figure" in the minds of countless people.

2. extravagance and decadence: the abyss of desire that cannot be filled

the huge wealth did not bring real happiness to xi mihua, but pushed him into the abyss of desire. he was addicted to gambling, spent money like water, and even broke the law to open a cross-border gambling platform, which eventually burned himself. in 2021, xi mihua was arrested by the police on charges of illegal gambling, money laundering and other crimes. after the court trial, xi mihua was sentenced to 18 years in prison and fined 24.8 billion hong kong dollars. the former casino tycoon has become a prisoner in the blink of an eye, which is very sad.

3. family changes: is it indifference or another form of “protection”?

xi mihua's imprisonment is undoubtedly a huge shock to his family. surprisingly, his wife chen huiling did not show too much sadness. instead, she took the children to europe for vacation to celebrate the birthday of her eldest daughter. the photos they posted on social media are still luxury cars and mansions, and the luxury is still the same. this "none of my business" attitude has aroused strong doubts from the public. some people accuse chen huiling of being cold-blooded and ruthless. her husband is in prison, but she is living happily with her children; others believe that chen huiling is using this method to protect the children from external interference so that they can live a normal life.

4. the lover leaves: taking away huge sums of money and leaving behind endless controversy

in sharp contrast to his wife's "peaceful years", xi mihua's lover mandy lieu chose to "cut losses in time". after xi mihua was arrested, mandy lieu took the huge breakup fee and went to the uk, bought a manor, and lived an idyllic life. although her choice seemed "wise", it also caused a lot of controversy. some people think that mandy lieu is a typical representative of "gold diggers" who only love money and ignore friendship; others think that mandy lieu's choice is human nature. after all, xi mihua can't protect himself, so there is no need for her to keep her virginity for him.

5. xi mihua: the epitome of sex and the city

xi mihua's story is a tragedy of money and desire, and also a microcosm of an era. in a society where money is paramount, people often get lost in a world of material desires. in pursuit of wealth and fame, they take risks and eventually go to ruin. xi mihua's rise and fall sounded a wake-up call for people: in life, we should stick to the bottom line and never forget our original intentions.

xi mihua's story has also triggered people's thinking about family, responsibility, morality and other issues. in an era of material desire, how can we stick to our original intentions and protect our families? how can we educate our children and let them establish correct values? these questions are worth deep consideration for each of us.

what do you think of xi mihua's story? what do you think the impact of money and desire will have on life? feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views.

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