
authoritative certification! qingteng tianrui passed the rasp capability assessment of china academy of information and communications technology


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with the rapid advancement of digitalization, software application services are subtly changing all aspects of business and life, penetrating into various industries and fields, and their own security issues are becoming more and more the focus of the industry. it is an industry consensus to integrate security into the entire life cycle of software services through automated security platforms and tools, and to adapt to the current development model, which is also a necessary way to achieve r&d and operational security.
recently, qingteng cloud security officially released "qingteng tianrui rasp application security protection", which can be injected into the application like an immune serum, integrated with it, and conduct real-time monitoring and block attacks, implanting native security capabilities into the application.
qingteng tianrui's product capabilities have been highly recognized by customers and have passed the evaluation of relevant authoritative organizations.china academy of information and communications technology "runtime application self-protection (RASP) tool capability assessment”during the process, i passed the "runtime application self-protection tool capability requirements" with high scores75 itemsrequiredcapability indicators4 itemsoptionalcapability indicators3 itemsrefer tocapability indicatorsqingteng tianrui met the assessment requirements in terms of inspection and analysis, analysis assistance, flexibility, scalability, deployment capabilities and service support, and successfully obtained the capability inspection certificate.
figure 1 china academy of information and communications technology rasp capability test certificate
hu jun, co-founder and vice president of products of qingteng cloud security, was invited to accept an exclusive interview with china academy of information and communications technology and introduced qingteng tianruiRASPgains from product and engagement capabilities assessment.
q: please introduce your company's rasp security tools.
qingteng tianrui is an application security protection product based on the rasp concept. it can make up for the internal security perspective that is missing in traditional security, seamlessly integrate active defense capabilities into the application running environment, capture and intercept various threat attacks that bypass traffic detection, and effectively respond to 0day attacks. it monitors and intercepts memory horses and sql injections, and provides stable and effective vulnerability emergency measures through the application of hot patch technology, providing powerful threat attack protection capabilities for internal enterprise applications and ensuring the security of application runtime.
figure 2 qingteng tianrui product deployment diagram
q: please introduce the application scenarios and functional features of your company's rasp security tools.
qingteng tianrui is an adaptive protection product for application runtime. it can realize multiple security protection functions such as intrusion prevention, application hot patching, weak password detection, component library management, api asset management, etc. through dynamic plugging technology during application operation. this product has technical advantages such as dynamic identification plugging, isolation from business, and comprehensive protection capabilities. it can realize intelligent adaptive protection during application runtime, effectively protect applications from known and unknown threats, and reduce application security risks. it is suitable for core business systems, transaction systems, internet applications, etc. with extremely high security requirements, and is an important means to improve application security.
q: what kind of help has this standard assessment brought to your company?
qingteng tianrui rasp products have passed the "runtime application self-protection tool capability assessment" of the china academy of information and communications technology, fully verifying its strong capabilities in application runtime protection. this assessment was tested from multiple dimensions such as intrusion detection protection, weak password identification, and hot patching. qingteng tianrui rasp demonstrated excellent adaptive protection capabilities, accurate weak password identification capabilities, and fast-response hot patching capabilities. this assessment provides authoritative technical support for customers to select and apply rasp products. i believe that after this assessment, qingteng tianrui rasp will be recognized by more customers, play a greater role in improving application security, and help all walks of life build the runtime self-protection capabilities of applications, and effectively respond to increasingly complex and changing network security threats.
runtime application self-protection (rasp) tool capability assessment(hereinafter referred to as “assessment”) introduction
the assessment is based on the "capability requirements for runtime application self-protection tools" standard, and evaluates seven major parts: tool inspection and analysis capability requirements, tool flexibility capability requirements, analysis assistance capability requirements, tool scalability capability requirements, deployment capability requirements, security capability requirements, and service support capability requirements. the assessment includes 31 first-level indicators, which can be subdivided into: 75 mandatory capability indicators + 4 optional capability indicators + 3 reference capability indicators.
figure 3 rasp tool capability evaluation indicators