
the audit department joined in to dig deep into the production and sales of many public hospitals and pharmaceutical equipment


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audit teams from multiple provinces have assembled, and a special audit on the use of drugs and equipment in public hospitals has begun.

on september 2, the zhejiang provincial audit office issued a notice, clarifying that starting from september 5, a special investigation will be launched into taizhou’s public hospitals and the production, use and distribution of drugs and medical devices.if necessary, the audit will be traced back to the relevant year or extended to the relevant units.

as of now, there are nearly 150 public hospitals in taizhou, including many class a tertiary hospitals. the industry generally believes that the presence of the national audit office will undoubtedly standardize the drug use behavior of public hospitals and correct many problems such as the poor supply of centralized procurement drugs.

last week, the yunnan provincial audit office also sent a special investigation teamstarting from early september 2024, a special audit investigation will be conducted on the production, distribution and use of public hospitals and drugs and medical devices in yunnan provincial third people's hospital and the third affiliated hospital of kunming medical university from january 2022 to june 2024.

the health bureau found that since 2024, shandong, zhejiang, anhui, hubei, fujian, yunnan, etc.audit departments in more than 10 provinces focus on the distribution and use of public hospitals and medical equipment, and carry out special on-site audits, and initial results have been achieved.

in august this year, the central commission for discipline inspection published an article pointing out that it gave priority to handling and thoroughly investigating the problem clues transferred by the auditing agency, and seriously investigated and dealt with a number of major cases in the fields of state-owned enterprises, finance, platform companies, medicine, education, etc. today, the anti-corruption storm in the pharmaceutical field continues.the participation of the audit department will undoubtedly bring a strong deterrent to criminals.

audits in various regions have shown initial results

crack down on insurance fraud, with a focus on preventing “using drugs to support doctors”

in may this year, 14 departments including the national health commission and the national audit office issued a notice requiring special audit investigations on the production, distribution and use of public hospitals and pharmaceutical and medical devices, and special investigations on cost prices, with a focus on pushing up drug prices, disrupting the order of drug circulation, and commercial bribery violations in the pharmaceutical field.

this is the first time that the audit department has been involved in the deployment of anti-corruption in the pharmaceutical industry.with the help of audits, industry chaos hidden at deeper levels were uncovered.

for example, the hubei provincial audit report showed that some institutions did not bid and set exclusive clauses in response to recruitment, involving an amount of 1.32 billion yuan. the guangdong provincial audit report revealed that more than 500 hospitals had problems such as excessive diagnosis and treatment, repeated charges, and over-standard charges, involving an amount of 74.8061 million yuan.

it is generally believed in the industry that strict auditing of the operation and use of public hospitals and drugs and equipment will not only promote the implementation of medical insurance reform policies and the effective promotion of centralized procurement of drugs and consumables, but also crack down on illegal insurance fraud and standardize the service scope of medical institutions.

in fact,the focus of this round of public hospital audit storm, is the compliance use, pricing and charging of drugs, equipment and consumables,especially the authenticity of drug charges, whether there is any reuse, illegal and blind purchase of equipment and consumables, and random charges to patients.

in addition, the audit team counted the hospital's annual drug revenue, medical revenue and total revenue.use big data comparative analysis to determine the rationality and development trend of hospital drug revenues and resolutely put an end to the problem of "using drugs to support doctors."

as the national supervision of anti-corruption in the pharmaceutical industry becomes stricter, the "golden sales" implemented in various names or forms in the future will inevitably be more covert in form and method. the timely intervention of the audit department will undoubtedly make public hospitals pay more attention to the construction of the compliance system and closed-loop management, and urge production and supply companies to fulfill their main responsibility for compliance operations.

according to public reports, as of the end of august this year, more than 200 cadres in the medical and health system have been investigated in 2024. many of them have been involves many issues such as using the convenience of one's position to make profits for others in the sale of medical equipment and pharmaceutical supplies.

however, "investigation" is not the goal, "correction" is the key.audit reports from many provinces require that relevant responsible units actively make rectifications and report the overall rectification situation in a timely manner.

anti-corruption campaign triggers “audit storm”

it is expected to be rolled out nationwide by the end of the year

up to now, the regulatory authorities have repeatedly expressed their views on "anti-corruption in the medical field", emphasizing the need to seriously investigate and deal with suspected corruption issues discovered during audits.

in january this year, the national audit work conference was held in beijing to deploy key tasks for 2024, including organizing national audit agencies to carry out audits of people's livelihood such as pensions, medical care, and compulsory education, severely investigating and punishing "petty corruption" around the people, and striving to follow up audit supervision to the "last mile" of people's livelihood security.

in fact, public hospitals and the production and sales of pharmaceuticals and medical devices have become the focus. it is generally believed in the industry that compared with the environment of new drug research and development, production and manufacturing,wholesale distribution and terminal sales have always been high-incidence areas of corruption in the pharmaceutical industry.

obviously, an "audit storm" targeting the procurement of drugs, consumables and equipment in public hospitals is sweeping across the country.

in accordance with the deployment requirements for the work of rectifying unhealthy practices in the medical field in 2024, we will focus on strengthening the construction of clean government in the medical and health sector, carry out special audit investigations on the production, distribution and use of public hospitals and drugs and medical devices, carry out special investigations on cost prices, and focus on illegal activities that push up drug prices and disrupt the order of drug circulation.

at the same time, we should promote the construction of a modern drug distribution system to reduce distribution costs;strengthen monitoring and analysis of medical staff's prescribing behavior, and guide them to give priority to the use of selected products; promote the implementation of centralized procurement of drugs and consumables and retain medical insurance surplus funds.

on september 20 last year, the "work plan of the central anti-corruption coordination group (2023-2027)" was issued, which made it clear: seriously investigate and deal with suspected corruption issues discovered during inspections, audits, accounting, statistics and other supervision, and give full play to the important role of audits in combating corruption and maintaining order.

more importantly, the national unified medical insurance information platform, drug traceability code system and other intelligent big data provide technical support for uncovering the "gray account book" in the pharmaceutical field.this round of special audit investigation will be launched nationwide by the end of this year.

the current medical reform has entered a critical stage. as the audit department digs deeper into medical violations, anti-corruption work has entered a new stage.penetrating supervision will effectively improve the supervision effect, stricter regulation of medical insurance will be a concrete measure to implement the task.

written by xiaomi

editor: jiang yunjiating

operation|han jinrui

illustration|visual china