
is hpv vaccine included in the national immunization plan? the national health commission has a clear response!


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on september 2, the official website of the national health commission released a reply to the 358th, 3582nd, and 5702nd proposals of the second session of the 14th national people's congress. the full text is as follows:

reply to proposal no. 358, 3582 and 5702 of the second session of the 14th national people's congress

hello on your behalf:

we have received your proposals on "moving the protective barrier forward to promote free cervical cancer vaccination for middle school girls", "proposal on appropriate central government subsidies to promote free hpv vaccination for girls of school age", and "proposal on supporting guizhou province in carrying out free hpv vaccination for girls of school age". after consulting with the ministry of finance, the national medical insurance bureau, the national disease control bureau, and the all-china women's federation, we now reply as follows:

i. current status and progress of work

cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that seriously threatens women's health. studies have shown that persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (hpv) is directly related to the incidence of cervical cancer.vaccinating women of appropriate age with hpv vaccines can block persistent infection with high-risk hpv and effectively reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and precancerous january 2023, our commission, together with 10 departments including the ministry of education, the ministry of finance, and the national healthcare security administration, issued the "notice on issuing the action plan for accelerating the elimination of cervical cancer (2023-2030)", proposing to improve the comprehensive prevention and treatment mechanism for cervical cancer, further promote hpv vaccination services for girls of appropriate age, speed up the review and approval of domestic hpv vaccines that meet the requirements, and encourage qualified regions to carry out hpv vaccination pilot projects. the national center for disease control and prevention relies on the national immunization program information system to continuously monitor the hpv vaccination situation.

ii. response to the recommendations

(i) on further strengthening the popularization of science on cervical cancer prevention and 2021, our commission compiled and released the "core knowledge of health education on cervical cancer prevention and treatment", which incorporated key knowledge points such as hpv vaccination and cervical cancer screening into the core knowledge system, and guided localities to further strengthen related publicity. in conjunction with important time nodes such as "international hpv awareness day", "march 8th women's day", and "national children's vaccination day", localities used the internet, television, training lectures and other forms to jointly carry out social advocacy and popular science publicity with the women's federation, trade unions, disease control and other departments to raise the awareness of women as the first person responsible for their health and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about and support cervical cancer prevention and treatment. according to relevant surveys, the proportion of women who have mastered the knowledge of cervical cancer prevention and treatment has increased from less than 50% to more than 90%.

(b) regarding free hpv vaccination for girls of appropriate recent years, our commission has promoted local governments to actively carry out free hpv vaccination for girls of appropriate age in accordance with the working ideas of overall advancement and key breakthroughs.ten provinces including jiangsu, zhejiang, fujian, jiangxi, shandong, hubei, guangdong, hainan, chongqing and tibet, and cities including zhengzhou, chengdu, ordos and shijiazhuang have included hpv vaccination in the government's practical projects for the people. through fiscal purchase of services, fixed subsidies or medical insurance reimbursement models, domestically produced bivalent hpv vaccines are provided free of charge to girls of appropriate age, which is widely welcomed by the people.

(iii) regarding the implementation of relevant funding guarantees.the "notice on issuing the action plan to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer (2023-2030)" clearly states that regions with conditions are encouraged to carry out hpv vaccination pilot projects and explore various channels to support vaccination for girls of appropriate age in areas with insufficient present, hpv vaccination has not yet been included in the national immunization plan. whether to set up special funds for hpv vaccination subsidies at the provincial level will be determined by the relevant provinces based on a comprehensive study based on vaccination needs and their own financial 2024, our commission actively coordinated social resources to implement cervical cancer prevention and control pilot projects in liangshan prefecture, sichuan province and lijiang city, yunnan province, and supported free hpv vaccination for girls of appropriate age in the project areas.whether hpv vaccine will be included in the national immunization plan in the future will be determined based on rigorous research and demonstration, taking into account the demand and the safety, effectiveness, and accessibility of the vaccine itself.

(iv) on strengthening the management and supply of hpv vaccines.the national center for disease control and prevention actively guides localities to strictly implement the requirements of the "vaccine management law" and "vaccination work specifications", standardizes the management of vaccine procurement, supply, procurement, vaccination, etc., including hpv vaccines, and continuously optimizes vaccination services including hpv vaccines. rationally set up vaccination units to improve the timeliness and convenience of vaccination for the masses. standardize health status inquiries, strictly follow the "three checks, seven comparisons, and one verification" to implement vaccination, vaccine circulation, vaccination information records, and on-site observation, strengthen the monitoring and disposal of suspected abnormal reactions to vaccination, and ensure vaccination safety. according to statistics, more than 58 million doses of hpv vaccines were administered nationwide in 2023, and the level of vaccine management and supply continued to improve.

iii. next work goals and plans

our commission will work with relevant departments to implement the "action plan to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer (2023-2030)", further promote hpv vaccination services for girls of appropriate age, increase popular science publicity efforts, encourage regions with conditions to carry out hpv vaccination pilot projects, continuously improve the accessibility of hpv vaccines, and promote the health of women.

thank you for your concern and support for health work.

national health commission

july 9, 2024

source:national health commission website
