
nanyue district, hengyang city: pre-service education helps "new recruits" take the first step in military career


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queue training.
visit the nanyue guerrilla cadre training class exhibition hall.
red net time news september 4th(reporter chen zonghao, correspondent zhou chengpenggui) on the afternoon of september 4, the nanyue district recruitment office of hengyang city organized the new recruits to visit the nanyue guerrilla cadre training class exhibition hall and the old site of the nanyue guerrilla cadre training class graduation ceremony. the exhibition hall has mottled revolutionary relics, precious historical pictures, epic revolutionary stories, and touching revolutionary scenes, which vividly reproduce the magnificent revolutionary history of the year, deeply shocked everyone's hearts, and educated and inspired them through what they saw and heard.
"pre-service education is a process of ideological transformation and adaptation. i hope that everyone will start from scratch, study hard, strengthen their beliefs, and make up their minds to grow and develop in the military camp..." in recent days, nanyue district has organized new recruits who have passed both physical examinations and political assessments to participate in pre-service education. when mobilizing for training, xiong he, director of the district's armed forces department, won warm applause from the new recruits with his short and powerful words.
in order to carry out pre-service education well, the nanyue district recruiting office has made scientific plans and careful arrangements, taking advantage of the resources in the jurisdiction, communicating and connecting with the troops stationed in the jurisdiction, allowing the "prospective recruits" to enter the military camp training team, allowing them to better experience military life, feel the training management atmosphere, understand the military discipline requirements, and improve their ability to adapt to joining the army.
during the training, two non-commissioned officers with rich experience in leading troops were selected from the army to serve as squad leaders, a staff officer from the district people's armed forces department served as platoon leader, and a chief physician from the district people's hospital participated in the whole process. they uniformly established platoons and classes, implemented closed management, and provided an "immersive" experience of military life throughout the process.
"stand at attention, look to the right, look forward..." in a training team stationed in nanyue, loud commands were heard one after another on the training ground. the "prospective recruits" lined up for training under the command of the squad leader. all of them were energetic and motivated, and their movements were quick and orderly.
kuang yuanzhi, a staff officer of the military section of the nanyue district people's armed forces department, introduced that the seven-day pre-service education is a process of psychological adaptation and ideological transformation, which mainly covers the military camp adaptability education and training contents such as daily life order of the troops, formation training, political education, regulation learning, heart-to-heart talks, housekeeping, cultural and sports activities, etc. he also carefully prepared 12 teaching lesson plans, 9 reference examples, and 8 teaching videos, so that the pre-service education can truly achieve national defense education to strengthen responsibility, traditional education to advocate honor, discipline education to establish rules, and talent education to help development. formation training will build image, physical training will teach methods, psychological training will promote adaptation, and style training will focus on cultivation. the scheduled recruits will undergo a "body shaping" and "stereotype" in the process of having models and training standards, quickly change their thinking, improve the adaptability of the troops, and help take the first step in the military journey.
during the pre-service education, the district conscription office invited ma wenlong, an outstanding grassroots cadre who was promoted from a soldier, to share his insights on military service, and to impart knowledge and advice to the prospective recruits face to face, encouraging everyone to devote themselves to the military and make achievements. the conscription office staff implemented the "five similarities" with the prospective recruits throughout the process, including close contact and communication, all-round assessment and evaluation, and comprehensive scoring and ranking, so as to select the best from the good and the best from the best, and truly send aspiring young people with good political thinking, firm ideals and beliefs, and strong comprehensive qualities to the army.