
"micro-short dramas" expand cross-border integration and empowerment to promote high-quality development of online audio-visual


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on the afternoon of september 3, the 2nd beijing online audiovisual art conference held a seminar on online short dramas. the theme of the seminar was "promoting innovation through integration and promoting integration through quality: exploring the long track of 'short dramas +' multi-industry cross-border integration". representatives of various competent departments, leaders of the federation of literary and art circles, industry experts and front-line creators made wonderful speeches.
this year's conference also introduced the innovative session of "short drama open mic" based on the integration of online audio-visual art performance methods and the popular "talk show" format. guests took turns to speak in a relaxed, free and open manner and had in-depth exchanges with the audience. around the themes of "revealing the production ecological chain of micro short dramas" and "extension of cross-border integration and development of micro short dramas", many experts and creators spoke freely, attracting attention.
increase in quantity and qualitythe ship of high-quality development of short drama sets sail
in recent years, online short dramas have been loved by the audience for their light size, fast pace and short duration, showing vigorous vitality. the online literary and artistic forms represented by online short dramas have "increased in quantity and quality", becoming an important force in promoting the innovative development of the cultural industry. in his speech, yang zheng, deputy director of the network audiovisual program management department of the state administration of radio and television, put forward requirements and expectations for the development of the industry from three aspects: strict and standardized management, grasping the creation of high-quality products, and promoting industrial integration, which boosted confidence in the standardized and innovative development of the entire industry. "i hope that all industry entities can cherish the opportunities brought by the development of the industry, strictly implement the management requirements of the competent departments, strengthen self-discipline awareness, take the initiative to explore and innovate, and achieve better development in the vast market of short dramas in the future." he said.
beijing municipal radio and television bureau attaches great importance to micro-short dramas. under the guidance of the state administration of radio, film and television, it has taken many measures to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the micro-short drama industry ecosystem. wang zhi, member of the party leadership group and deputy director of beijing municipal radio and television bureau, said in his speech, "focusing on the two dimensions of innovation and integration, in-depth exploration of methods and paths for the high-quality development of micro-short dramas is in line with the needs of the times, the people and the industry. under the active guidance of the competent departments of the industry and the self-regulation of the market, the creation and production of micro-short dramas have become standardized and refined. the ship of high-quality development of micro-short dramas has set sail again."
the "travel with short dramas - beijing tour with short dramas" creative project launched by beijing municipal radio and television bureau also attracted wide attention from the industry at the conference. this batch of works closely revolves around the five major themes of "beijing appearance, beijing charm, beijing creation, beijing trend, and beijing fashion", vividly interpreting beijing's profound historical and cultural heritage and distinctive lifestyle.
xia fei, director of the tv drama management office and the internet audiovisual program management office of the beijing municipal radio and television bureau, announced the "beijing big audiovisual network micro-short drama's first light' 2.0 support plan" at the meeting. the plan was initiated by the beijing municipal radio and television bureau, and participated by the propaganda departments of the beijing district committees, the youth work committee of the china television drama production industry association, and key broadcasting platforms. he said that as a miner, cultivator, and promoter of high-quality content, the beijing bureau will work with multiple resources to escort good ideas, good content, and good works in the next step.
wei xin, party secretary and director of beijing tongzhou district media integration center, promoted the online audio-visual industry of tongzhou district with the theme of "between virtual and real, the dream of the grand canal". he said, "we will continue to strengthen the resonance between micro-short plays and social hot spots, explore the integration of art and technology under the background of artificial intelligence, realize the 'big pattern' in the 'small volume', and reflect the 'flow' sound of the grand canal and the 'reflection' of history through the mirror of virtual and real."
zhu yannan, director of the development research center of the state administration of radio and television, further stated that the management of online short dramas has officially entered a new stage of "classification and tiered review". the introduction of the regulations on classification and tiered review and filing of short dramas not only points out the direction and sets standards for creation, but also provides a solid institutional support for fair competition and sustainable profitability of enterprises. while promoting the development of the short drama industry towards high-quality, innovative and large-scale development, it also enhances the expectations and confidence of practitioners.
the prosperity of the industry is inseparable from the strong support of national policies, as well as the creators' insight into industry trends and the methodology of high-quality production. as platforms and producers, wang chen, head of douyin's short drama business, li jiang, executive president of dianzhong technology, and zeng yingxue, senior vice president of perfect world group and head of film and television business, respectively shared the efforts of multiple subjects in the process of co-creating high-quality micro-short dramas. the user's content experience and emotional value are the "creative keys" that they all emphasize. zeng yingxue said that it is necessary to provide high-quality, diverse, and innovative micro-short drama content, establish a deep emotional connection with users, and resonate with the audience with quality works.
technology empowermentlet good content connect audiences and creators
currently, short short dramas are becoming a new front for high-quality creation and mainstream value dissemination, and are being recognized by more and more users. in the innovative session of this conference, "short drama open mic", many platform representatives, producers and creators shared their stories with short short dramas, revealing the production ecosystem of online dramas.
at the "short drama open mic" with the theme of "revealing the production ecological chain of micro-short dramas", shen hongxiang, the director of "new year's day" and "afternoon rose", shared his experience in creating micro-short dramas from the perspective of a director. in his opinion, traditional film and television practitioners have rich experience in grasping high-quality content and cooperating with professional actors and teams. "but we need to continue to learn and continue to deepen our cultivation in the short video content ecosystem. fragmented viewing is the choice of the audience and the choice of the times. young people who have grown up in the era of information explosion will have higher and higher demands and quality requirements for film and television works. practitioners and creators should demand themselves according to high quality and high standards, talk about human affairs, speak human words, and move human emotions, and deliver more good works to the audience and the market." he said.
the industry is full of new forms and new content of innovative expression methods, and short dramas, as an emerging form of content, must rely on the support of high-tech to realize the full-chain process of the industry. at the beginning of 2024, empowered by technological innovation, the first domestic virtual production short drama "seven people's life" was launched on douyin. the current playback volume has reached 550 million, and the highest number of likes for a single episode has reached 3.37 million. huihui zhou, the lead actor of "seven people's life", shared that virtual production technology is a way of shooting in the post-production stage, which can achieve the effect of "what you see is what you get" during shooting, making it easier to shoot and making the actors more immersive, thereby improving the efficiency and quality of series production.
qian lili, the person in charge of douyin's boutique short dramas, believes that the joint efforts of multiple entities such as the platform and creators have allowed the online micro-short drama industry to continue to move towards boutique production. the core value of micro-short dramas lies in satisfying the emotional value required by the audience. in her opinion, from emotional value to story value, micro-short dramas need to achieve innovation, iteration, and upgrading, and the path is to interact and empathize with the audience on the basis of caring about social reality. as a platform, what douyin short dramas need to do on the road to boutique production is to encourage quality, innovation, and diversity.
in the future, the application prospects of new technologies such as big data and ai technology in online short dramas will be broader. wang haiyue, head of kuaishou xingmang short drama business, said frankly: "the combination of short dramas and new aigc technologies is already a general trend. kuaishou short drama will continue to promote the further development of the online short drama industry through short dramas + new technology, short dramas + sports, short dramas + cultural tourism, short dramas + ip, etc. i believe that short dramas will be able to reduce production costs and shorten production cycles with the support of new technologies, and accelerate the process of china's film and television industrialization."
cross-border integrationmultiple growth points expand new possibilities for "micro short drama +"
more and more practitioners are sticking to their original intentions, and a large number of micro-short plays that are carefully planned and produced are constantly emerging. at the same time, micro-short plays are also shining in the fields of popular science, cultural tourism, traditional culture, etc., showing unique adaptability and flexibility in practice.
at the second "short drama open mic" with the theme of "extension·cross-border integration development of micro-short dramas", many guests talked about their understanding and wonderful practices of "micro-short dramas +". wang ling, director of the publicity department of shenzhen health commission and the owner of shenzhen xiaowei, said, "the '+' in 'micro-short dramas +' is the core of the future development of micro-short dramas". based on the production experience in the new media field, she introduced shenzhen xiaowei's exploration of the cross-border and integration of micro-short dramas. "to do 'micro-short dramas +' well, we must boldly explore the cross-border and integration of micro-short dramas. in addition, we must strike a balance between being in sync with young people and delivering practical information, and integrate new media content with our own business more organically."
jia yao, chief planner of "windy on my way home" and deputy editor-in-chief of huace, shared how the play became a two-way journey dedicated to high-quality creation and empowering cultural tourism. he said that "windy on my way home" fully demonstrated the local characteristics and intangible traditional culture of leshan, allowing the audience to have a further understanding of leshan's urban landscape and humanistic feelings, and attracted many netizens to check in. it is a beneficial attempt for online short dramas to drive cultural tourism consumption.
jin mu, screenwriter of "pray for peace" and "songs of a thousand miles of boats" and general manager of beijing jin mu culture media co., ltd., further shared her insights. "songs of a thousand miles of boats" is based on the boatman's song of the canal in tongzhou, beijing, and "pray for peace" is based on the water-avoiding beasts in the capital museum. whether it is intangible culture or tangible cultural relics, these two works fully demonstrate the beauty of chinese traditional culture. she believes that the key to doing a good job in cultural tourism micro-short dramas is to grasp three characteristics, including local characteristics, the characteristics of the work itself, and the characteristics of the micro-short drama itself.
following the creative logic of the micro-short drama itself, jin jin, the producer of iqiyi's "don't panic, my king", brought more possibilities for the integration of "micro-short drama + variety show". she summarized the creative experience of the series of micro-short dramas "don't panic, my king", which is linked to dramas and variety shows, including the following three points: the first is innovation, so that the audience has a fresh feeling beyond expectations; the second is to follow the creative logic of dramas and integrate variety shows as elements into the logic of dramas; the third point is to focus on the current nature of content and topics. xu yuyu, the planner of youku's "lu xiaozhai's journey of delicious food on earth", shared the application scenarios of "lu xiaozhai lulu", the second domestic and first overseas hyper-realistic large-scale digital human launched by alibaba after "li li". she said that the micro-short drama "lu xiaozhai's journey of delicious food on earth" is the integration and co-construction of "content + technology", and it is also a witness to the overseas exchange of chinese science and technology and cultural content.
bi yuying, head of the short drama studio of china literature group, also shared the cross-border integration experience of "micro short drama + ip" from the perspective of content creation. she proposed that in the future, china literature will release synergy effects, mobilize the writer ecosystem, realize content-centricity, and tell more good stories to the audience. "in this process, china literature will focus on the core asset ip, give full play to the characteristics of ip, produce excellent short drama works, and realize two-way empowerment."
the theme seminar on online micro-drama has come to an end, but the creation and imagination of "micro-drama +" are still continuing. with the persistence of innovation and exploration, online micro-drama will occupy a place in the field of culture and entertainment, and its cross-border integration will also break through the boundaries of creation and burst out with more brilliance. as a literary and artistic work of the people, the refinement of micro-drama is the eternal pursuit of creators. i believe that with the support of policies, talents, funds and other dimensions, the realization of the refinement, specialization, industrialization and internationalization of micro-drama is no longer a distant future.