
"replacement" creates new consumption momentum wuhou district takes another step in replacing old cars with new ones


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china news service sichuan news, september 1st. on august 29th, wuhou district of chengdu held a symposium on policies to support the automobile sales industry's trade-in and promote consumption. nearly 40 automobile sales companies participated in the symposium, and the government and enterprises discussed further improving measures to promote automobile consumption.
the data map shows that the automobile consumption market in wuhou district is "hot and sizzling". photo provided by the publicity department of wuhou district committee
at the meeting, wuhou district issued the "second round of policies to support the automobile sales industry's trade-in and promote consumption". this is a new round of old-for-new policies following the "first batch of policies to promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in" issued in may this year, aiming to further promote the stable growth of the automobile consumer market.
"after the old-for-new policy was introduced, the number of consumers visiting the store for consultation increased significantly, and the transaction volume also continued to rise. in june this year, a single store sold nearly 200 cars, most of which were new energy vehicles." a relevant person in charge of chengdu jianguo automobile trading co., ltd. said that the company's sales have increased significantly under favorable policies.
in the field of consumer goods, the first batch of policies for old-for-new in wuhou district include three aspects: car trade-in, second-hand car circulation and sales, and home appliance sales, with real money and silver discounts directly reaching consumers. under the guidance of the policy, the enthusiasm of the market supply and demand sides represented by enterprises and consumers to participate in the old-for-new policy has increased significantly, with more than 400 stores and enterprises participating, more than 100,000 consumers, and driving retail sales of more than 2 billion yuan. among them, new car sales were 1.78 billion yuan, second-hand car sales were 240 million yuan, and home appliance sales were 120 million yuan. as an important engine for consumption growth, automobile consumption has a prominent positive driving effect.
the hot consumer market in the district is closely related to the subsidies provided by the government to enterprises. according to the implementation situation, wuhou district is expected to pay more than 40 million yuan in policy incentives to more than 30 new car sales companies, and about 40 million yuan in policy incentives to second-hand car and home appliance sales companies.
"the government provides subsidies, so we are also happy to provide more discounts, which can not only increase sales but also benefit consumers." at the symposium, the heads of automobile sales companies such as chengdu jianguo automobile trading co., ltd., chengdu heshundao automobile sales and service co., ltd., and chengdu xinyamiya automobile technology co., ltd. exchanged views. representatives of automobile companies said that since the implementation of the first batch of policies, they can clearly feel the increase in consumer enthusiasm, and 4s stores have further opened up the process of old car recycling and new car purchase, and all procedures for vehicle trade-in can be completed in the store.
benefiting from the continuous optimization and promotion of the old-for-new policy, wuhou district achieved automobile sales of 11.51 billion yuan from january to july this year, a year-on-year increase of 14.1%. the 37 automobile sales companies in the district achieved positive growth, and the annual sales are expected to exceed 20 billion yuan.
in addition, wuhou district has increased its support and launched a new round of car trade-in policies. in terms of new car sales, car sales companies can receive a maximum reward of 6,000 yuan for each new energy vehicle and 5,500 yuan for each fuel vehicle; in terms of scrapping and renewal, car sales companies can receive an additional 1,000 yuan reward per vehicle; car sales companies participating in the event must provide related preferential activities, and the preferential strength is no less than the government's "new car sales" incentive strength, and the "government + car companies" will jointly benefit consumers.
the relevant person in charge of the wuhou district automobile circulation association said that the automobile consumption market is generally moving from the "incremental era" to the "incremental and stock era". wuhou district has stepped up efforts to implement automobile scrapping and renewal and old-for-new exchanges, which will help accelerate the transformation of the consumer market from "whether there is one" to "how good it is", stimulate new consumption, and help the high-quality development of the regional economy.
at the same time as replacing old cars with new ones, the activity of the used car market is also increasing. since 2022, wuhou district has vigorously developed used car sales, with an average annual growth rate of 367% in used car sales, becoming a new important engine to drive consumption growth. another highlight of the new round of car trade-in policy is in the field of used car circulation and sales. car companies that meet the corresponding conditions can enjoy a maximum reward of 10 million yuan after enjoying similar provincial and municipal support policies. the relevant person in charge of wuhou district said that he hopes to use the new support measures to further enhance the standardization and branding of wuhou's used car market. through government-enterprise collaboration, it is hoped that the annual sales of used cars will exceed 10 billion yuan in the next three years, making it a benchmark urban used car consumption district. (finish)