
she is the dream of 1 billion men, but she is called the most miserable cctv actress? dropping out of school, running away from marriage, surrounded by scandals, the beauty behind the scene is so sad


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in the entertainment industry, there is a woman who does not compete with flashy appearance, but shines brightly on the cctv stage with her unique temperament and indomitable spirit.

she is the leading female anchor of "cross-strait" - li hong, an extraordinary woman who writes her own life script with her strength.

today, let shark take you into li hong’s world, explore the stories hidden behind the camera, and feel the beauty of the rose blooming against the light.

1. a noble lady from a poor family, her first blossoming in adversity

while most people were still immersed in the carefree childhood, li hong had already begun her journey of fighting against fate.

born in a remote and poor family, her childhood had no toys and candies, only endless labor and the burden of life.

however, it was this environment that shaped her tenacious character.

whenever night falls, under the dim light, li hong always buries herself in studying. her eyes full of curiosity seem to be able to penetrate the darkness and see the light of the future.

she had a dream in her heart, a dream of getting out of the mountains and changing her destiny with knowledge.

2. from cocoon to butterfly: a symphony of education and dreams

finally, the god of fate extended an olive branch to li hong.

after countless days and nights of hard work, she was admitted to jilin education college with excellent results, realizing her dream of returning to school.

on the university campus, li hong is like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, absorbing the nutrients of knowledge and enjoying the beauty of youth.

not only is she an excellent student, she also actively participates in various activities to hone her comprehensive abilities.

every time she stands on the stage, she can feel the power in her heart surging, which is the persistent pursuit of her dreams and the affirmation of her self-worth.

3. cctv stage, a brilliant turn

with her unremitting efforts and outstanding performance, li hong successfully entered jilin provincial tv station and became a host.

with her unique hosting style and profound professional qualities, she has won the love of the audience and recognition from the industry.

however, li hong did not stop. she longed for a bigger stage and a broader world.

finally, the opportunity came. with her outstanding performance at jilin provincial tv station, she successfully entered cctv and became the leading female anchor of "cross-strait".

here, she conveys the voices of both sides of the taiwan strait to audiences across the country and even the world with a more professional attitude and greater enthusiasm, becoming a bridge connecting the emotions on both sides of the strait.

4. rumors and truth, perseverance in the storm

however, the road to success is never smooth.

as her fame grew, li hong also encountered various criticisms and rumors on the internet.

some people questioned her background, some people fabricated her private life, and these false statements hit her like a storm.

but li hong chose to remain silent and persevere, she believed that the truth would eventually come to light.

she proved everything with her actions, and used her strength and works to refute those rumors.

she knows very well that as a public figure, she not only has to face praise and applause, but also has to learn to withstand questioning and criticism.

only in this way can we stay sober and remain true to ourselves in the entertainment industry, a world of fame and fortune.

5. inner monologue: the tenacity and tenderness behind beauty

in addition to her busy work, li hong will also calm down and review her growth process.

she is grateful for the hardships and setbacks she has experienced, as they have made her stronger and more mature.

she knows very well that the reason she can get to where she is today, in addition to her personal efforts, is inseparable from the support and encouragement of her family, friends and audiences.

therefore, she always has a grateful heart and gives back to everyone with better works and a more sincere attitude.


li hong, the rose blooming against the light, tells us through her story that beauty lies not only in the glamorous appearance, but also in the tenacity and gentleness in one's heart.

we believe that in the days to come, li hong will continue to shine even brighter on the cctv stage with her unique charm and unremitting efforts.

and the audiences and fans who have accompanied her through the ups and downs will also witness this honor and glory with her.