
xinyu city issued an emergency notice to suspend classes in high temperature weather


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina news client newshe qireport: according to the forecast of the meteorological department, xinyu city will still maintain sunny and hot weather in the next week. in order to actively respond to the hot weather, in accordance with the requirements of the document "reminders on reasonable arrangement of teaching in response to hot weather" issued by the provincial department of education, xinyu city has decided to issue an emergency notice. starting from september 4, in principle, all public and private primary schools and special education schools in the city will suspend classes, and classes will be resumed on september 9.
according to the notice, whether kindergartens, junior high schools, and high schools need to suspend classes is determined by each school based on the actual situation and heatstroke prevention and cooling conditions. if classes need to be suspended, they should report to the local education administrative department for filing and implementation. schools that have not suspended classes should actively make various arrangements for heatstroke prevention and cooling. check whether classroom fans, sunscreen curtains, and drinking water are in place; whether the school clinic is equipped with sufficient heatstroke prevention medicines; flexibly adjust outdoor activity plans, avoid large-scale outdoor group activities, physical training, and calisthenics during high temperature periods, reduce strenuous exercise, and give priority to various activities indoors; avoid long queues when entering and leaving the school gate, dining in the cafeteria, etc.; class teachers should strengthen publicity and education on heatstroke prevention and cooling.
the notice emphasized that the education departments of all counties and districts and all schools directly under the city should remind parents to ensure the safety of their students. schools that have suspended classes should use "a letter to parents" to guide parents to manage their children's home life, especially to strengthen "drowning prevention" management and implement a daily safety report system. schools that have not suspended classes should also remind parents through various channels to take safety precautions against heatstroke and cooling. let children wear breathable and light clothing, provide them with plenty of drinking water, and seek medical attention in time if they are found to have symptoms of heatstroke. the principals of township (sub-district office) schools should immediately report to the local party committee and government, and further strengthen "drowning prevention" inspections and other management during the suspension of classes.