
"mrs. crab" caused simba and the three sheep to fight each other, and the company to which it belongs has been suspended from membership by the industry association


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recently, the online anchor simba and the three sheep team "fought each other" and attracted a lot of attention. it is understood that the two "fought each other" because of the disagreement on the live broadcast pricing mechanism of the hairy crab brand "crab lady", and the conflict continued to escalate.

the red star capital bureau noted that the company that owns the "mrs. crab" brand is suzhou xifengge e-commerce co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "suzhou xifengge"). in june this year, suzhou xifengge was suspended from membership by the suzhou yangcheng lake hairy crab industry association.

according to the "decision on suspending the membership rights of suzhou xifengge e-commerce co., ltd." issued by the association, suzhou xifengge sold goods in short weight during the crab season in 2023 and was administratively punished by the suzhou xiangcheng district market supervision and administration bureau in april 2024. in july 2019, suzhou xifengge was administratively punished by the local regulatory authorities for labeling false producer-related information on the sale of edible agricultural products, and in 2022 for publishing false advertisements.

the left picture is from the "decision on suspending the membership rights of suzhou xifengge e-commerce co., ltd.", and the right picture is from the crab lady product introduction on douyin. all pictures in this article are from weibo @red star news

red star capital bureau noticed that mrs. crab currently wrote the words "full weight" in the video promoting her products. red star capital bureau consulted mrs. crab's douyin flagship store customer service as a consumer, asking how to deal with the problem of short weight. the customer service said: "milky crabs are fresh and live animals. there will be a moisture loss of less than 7% during transportation, which is within the normal range. if the difference is large, you can put all the crabs together, take a photo and resend it to the store. the store will verify and calculate compensation according to the average amount of the purchase order."

the red star capital bureau sent a letter to interview suzhou xifengge, raising questions such as "is the pricing mechanism for simba and the three sheep team the same?", "what is the response to their quarrel?" and "what are the solutions to the problem of short weight?". as of press time, the other party has not responded.

it is worth noting that feigua data shows that mrs. xie’s sales on douyin have exceeded 100 million yuan in the past 30 days, and the sales on august 22 alone exceeded 75 million yuan. in the past 30 days, there were 377 influencers who promoted the brand.

screenshot from feigua tiktok version data

source: red star news
