
the scandal-ridden richest woman, nina wang, has passed away seventeen years ago. now her brother and sister-in-law are being kicked out of her mansion?


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in july 2007, hong kong's business community was shaken. chinachem group chairman nina kung passed away due to illness at the age of 69. this legendary figure, once known as the richest woman in asia, left behind an astonishing legacy of hk$84 billion.

however, her death did not settle the dispute, but instead set off a battle for inheritance that lasted for many years.

seventeen years later, nina wang's name is back in the headlines as the news that her four elderly siblings are facing eviction from their mansion has sparked widespread public concern.

what was the reason that made this once powerful female tycoon unable to rest in peace? what secrets did her life hide? let us walk into the legendary life of nina wang and uncover this unsolved business case that spanned nearly half a century.

the story of nina kung began with a childhood sweetheart love that spanned the flames of war. she and wang dehui had known each other since childhood, and their families were old friends. however, fate played a trick on her. at the age of 13, nina kung lost her father in the shocking "taiping" incident.

it was wang dehui who helped her through the darkest moments of her life through correspondence.

at the age of 18, gong ruxin, who suffered academic setbacks and came from a poor family, went to hong kong alone to seek refuge with wang dehui. soon after, the two got married and embarked on the road of entrepreneurship hand in hand.

although nina wang initially encountered many setbacks while working as a secretary in a law firm, her tenacious character impressed wang dehui deeply.

after obtaining the support of their parents, the couple co-founded chinachem real estate. with her keen business sense, nina became wang dehui's right-hand man. their values ​​were highly compatible and their understanding of things often coincided.

by the 1970s, chinachem had become one of the largest private real estate companies in hong kong.

however, the accumulation of wealth did not change their frugal nature. gong ruxin often wore jeans that cost only 30 yuan from street stalls and bought cheap suits for her husband.

the lunch they entertained their guests was often just white rice, curry and baked sweet potatoes. this low-key style seemed out of place in the circle of wealthy people, but it also made them legendary.

the story of nina gong and dehui wang shows the struggle of a couple working together to build a business from scratch. their success is not only reflected in their business achievements, but also in their spiritual quality of always keeping their original aspirations and not being burdened by money.

wang dehui often reminded gong ruxin that if she was scolded by her boss again, she should throw the documents at him and leave gracefully. this open-minded attitude may be the secret of their ability to ride the wind and waves in the business world.

this experience laid a solid foundation for gong ruxin to face difficult challenges alone in the future. the business empire she created with wang dehui not only changed their own destiny, but also wrote a strong and colorful chapter for the real estate industry in hong kong.

however, a turning point in fate is quietly approaching, and an unexpected disaster is about to change the life trajectory of the couple.

on an ordinary morning in 1983, nina kung and dehui wang went to work as usual, but unexpectedly encountered a nightmare. since they never had bodyguards, they easily fell into the hands of kidnappers.

the kidnappers released gong ruxin and asked her to raise the ransom. faced with the huge demand, gong ruxin paid 11 million us dollars without hesitation and then took public transportation to the police station to report the case.

fortunately, wang dehui was rescued in the end. while being held captive, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the sticker on the kidnapper's car window, which provided the police with a key clue to solve the case. to express their gratitude, the couple invited the police to have dinner at their favorite restaurant, mcdonald's.

however, after being rescued, wang dehui first blamed his wife for paying too much ransom, as if it was just a small financial loss.

this thrilling experience should have made them more vigilant, but the couple soon returned to their old lifestyle. they only hired bodyguards for a period of time, then thought the crisis was over and returned to their "lonely and solitude" and "stingy and greedy" lives.

however, fate did not let them off. seven years later, in 1990, when chinachem real estate had reached a staggering scale of 50 billion yuan, wang dehui was kidnapped again.

this kidnapping was more carefully planned, and the mastermind behind it was a former police officer who repeatedly studied the 1983 case files and carefully planned the kidnapping.

gong ruxin once again paid a ransom of up to 30 million us dollars, but in return she received the sad news that her husband was ruthlessly thrown into the sea. faced with this cruel reality, gong ruxin completely collapsed.

her life has changed dramatically since then.

after losing her husband, gong ruxin began a crazy journey of searching, from baotou, inner mongolia, china, all the way to the deserted islands in southeast asia. as long as someone provided even the slightest clue, she would go there regardless of everything.

she always believed that her husband was still alive, and this persistence supported her to move forward.

at the same time, gong ruxin devoted all her energy to the construction of the group. under her leadership, the scale of chinachem real estate doubled, and the company's market value climbed to an astonishing 80 billion yuan.

to express her longing for her husband, she built a unique twin tower in the new territories of hong kong. the two towering buildings are connected by a sky bridge, symbolizing the indestructible love bond between her and wang dehui.

however, the growth of wealth did not fill the emptiness in her heart. gong ruxin lived alone in the top floor apartment of the group. the suits that wang dehui had worn were hung in her home. whenever she had free time, she would carefully iron them.

as for wang dehui's study, she asked the servants to clean it every day, but strictly prohibited anyone from moving the items in it without permission, for fear that her husband would not be able to find a familiar environment when he returned.

she lived in seclusion and was indifferent to all external affairs. some people speculated that the reason why her appearance became so haggard was that she missed the good times when she had her husband's love and care.

this experience not only changed gong ruxin's life, but also profoundly affected her mental state and decision-making methods, laying the groundwork for various controversies in the future.

in 1997, as wang dehui had been missing for a long time, his father wang tingxin completely lost hope that his son would survive. this year, a protracted battle for inheritance began, and nina wang and her father-in-law wang tingxin became the protagonists of this legal battle.

the dispute centred on two contrasting wills: a 1968 will that left all of the estate to her father, wang tingxin, and a 1990 will that named nina as the sole heir.

what is even more shocking is that the 1990 will clearly stated that "it will never be given to anyone in the wang family, nor to anyone in the gong family." the appearance of this will has made the battle between the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law even more intense.

the two sides engaged in a fierce battle in court. wang tingxin claimed that the 1968 will was written because wang dehui discovered that gong ruxin was unfaithful, and also mentioned a mysterious safe containing evidence of wang dehui's improper relationships with as many as 48 women.

in the face of these accusations, gong ruxin did not show any weakness. she fought back and exposed her father-in-law's chaotic life, drug addiction, poor business ability and other problems. this fierce confrontation between the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law, with mutual harm as the main line, became the focus of hong kong society for a time.

when gong ruxin was in trouble, a feng shui master named chen zhencong appeared. he suggested that gong ruxin install steel plates on the inside of the walls of the office and place three pots of cactus as the so-called "dragon bones".

then he asked gong ruxin to install a huge windmill on the top floor of the group, claiming that it was a "wind blade". these seemingly absurd practices gave gong ruxin great spiritual support.

faced with the elaborate plan of her father-in-law wang tingxin, gong ruxin seemed extremely passive. if she lost the case, she would not only lose all her property, but might even face the serious crime of forging a will.

at this critical moment, gong ruxin spared no expense to invite three top handwriting identification experts from mainland china. after arduous efforts, they finally succeeded in proving the authenticity of the 1990 will.

in 2005, the hong kong high court ruled that the will held by gong ruxin was authentic. she won the long-running lawsuit and became the only legal heir to wang dehui's estate.

behind this short twenty-word verdict, there are countless days and nights of torment, as well as various speculations from the outside world about the emotional entanglement between nina wang and david wang.

however, fate always seemed to like playing jokes on gong ruxin. just 18 months after she won the lawsuit, gong ruxin was mercilessly taken away by illness.

her funeral hall still retains her husband's surname, which is undoubtedly the best interpretation of her deep love. however, her death did not calm the dispute, but instead opened the prelude to a new round of more intense inheritance disputes.

the death of nina wang did not quell the dispute, but instead triggered an even more intense battle for her inheritance, with the amount in dispute this time reaching hk$84 billion, between feng shui master chan chun-chung and the chinachem charity foundation.

as early as 2001, nina kung had stated that all her wealth would be transferred to the chinachem charity foundation after her death. however, chen zhencong suddenly produced a so-called will, claiming that he was the legal heir to nina kung's huge estate.

in court, chen zhencong expressed his deep affection for gong ruxin without any reservation, and even frankly admitted that he fell in love with this woman who was 23 years older than him.

he claimed that he and gong ruxin would caress each other for 15 minutes every night before going to bed, which became a special ritual between them. even more shocking, he also revealed that gong ruxin injected a large amount of estrogen in order to realize her dream of having children, which may have led to her ovarian cancer later.

however, chen zhencong's words and deeds have aroused many doubts. in the short few years of knowing gong ruxin, he obtained a reward of up to 3.2 billion hong kong dollars from gong ruxin through the so-called "feng shui" method.

his extravagant life is even more jaw-dropping. not only did he purchase multiple villas, luxury cars, yachts and other luxury goods, he also spent 1.5 billion to buy a luxury private jet, becoming the first billionaire in the world to purchase this model in his personal name.

such extravagant behavior was at odds with his self-proclaimed identity as a feng shui master.

chen zhencong's behavior was severely criticized in court. some people publicly accused him of being "evil", "shameless" and "extremely greedy". in the face of these accusations, chen zhencong remained silent and did not respond.

his wife, tan miu-ching, bluntly pointed out that chan chun-chung knew nothing about feng shui and that his wealth came entirely from the income from massage.

after years of legal wrangling, this high-profile battle for inheritance finally came to an end in 2013. the court finally ruled that the will held by chen zhencong was a forgery, and he was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

surprisingly, however, the chinachem charitable foundation was judged to be the trustee of the estate rather than the beneficiary as generally believed.

this lawsuit not only revealed the true face of chen zhencong, but also exposed gong ruxin's fragility and loneliness in her later years. it is sad that a powerful woman who once dominated the world was eventually deceived by a young man who claimed to be a feng shui master.

at the same time, this lawsuit has also caused people to think deeply about wealth, trust and morality.

on july 3, 2021, chan chun-chung was released from prison. he walked out of stanley prison with his head held high, reunited with his family, and expressed his intention to publish an autobiography and devote himself to charity.

however, the controversy over the inheritance left by nina wang is far from over, and new disputes are brewing.

it has been 17 years since nina kung passed away, but the disputes over her estate have not yet been settled. the latest controversy focuses on her four brothers and sisters who are over 80 years old. it is reported that nina kung's younger brother, kung yan-sum, sister-in-law liu yuan-chun, second sister kung chun-chun and third sister kung yin-sum have been living in a luxury residence in pokfulam owned by chinachem for many years.

however, they now face the dilemma of being asked to move out.

in 2019, the chinachem group control committee asked the four people to move out, return the parking spaces and pay high rents on the grounds that "they were not chinachem employees". the annual rent of these three properties is as high as about hk$2.1 million.

nina wang's siblings insisted that according to their sister's will, they should be able to "reside there until they leave voluntarily" and "without the need to obtain permission from the group."

this controversy stems from the special nature of chinachem group: it is neither a listed company nor a family business. before her death, nina kung had said that she would donate the group to a charity foundation for charitable causes and planned to establish the "chinese nobel prize".

however, the many restrictions she set in her will have meant that this wish has not been realized to this day, and has also put her relatives in an awkward situation.

gong ruxin's story has triggered deep thinking about how to deal with the inheritance of wealthy people. for family businesses without children to inherit, how to properly handle the inheritance issue? how to balance family interests and company development? how to ensure that charitable intentions are effectively implemented? these issues not only concern the inheritance of personal wealth, but also involve the reasonable allocation of social resources, and are worthy of in-depth discussion by all sectors of society.