
there will be light rain in beijing this afternoon, strong north wind tomorrow, and the temperature will rise slightly


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weather forecast for the next three days
in the afternoon of the 4th: cloudy with scattered showers; south to north wind level 2 or 3; the highest temperature in the plains is 26℃, and the highest temperature in the mountains is 22~26℃; the minimum relative humidity is 60%.
night of 4th: cloudy with scattered light showers turning to cloudy; northerly wind from level 2 to around level 3; the lowest temperature in the plains is 21℃, and the lowest temperature in the mountains is 18~21℃; the maximum relative humidity is 90%.
during the day on the 5th: cloudy to clear; northerly wind level 3 or 4, gusts level 5 or 6 to level 1; the highest temperature in the plains is 29℃, and the highest temperature in the mountainous areas is 26~29℃; the minimum relative humidity is 25%.
night of 5th: sunny to cloudy; northerly wind level 1 or 2; the lowest temperature in the plains is 18℃, and the lowest temperature in the mountains is 16 to 18℃.
daytime on the 6th: sunny to cloudy; north to south wind level 2 or 3; the highest temperature in the plains will be 27℃, and the highest temperature in the mountains will be 25~27℃.
night of the 6th: cloudy to overcast, with showers in the west and north; south to north winds level 1 or 2; the lowest temperature in the plains is 19°c, and the lowest temperature in the mountains is 15 to 19°c.
daytime on the 7th: cloudy with light rain; north to south wind level 2 or 3; the highest temperature in the plains area is 26℃.
night of 7th: cloudy to overcast; south to north wind level 1 or 2; the lowest temperature in the plains area is 18℃.
commuting weather forecast
when i get off work today: cloudy with scattered light showers; northerly wind; level 2; 24-22℃.
when i go to work tomorrow: cloudy to overcast; northerly wind; around level 3, with gusts of level 5 or 6; 22-25℃.
yesterday's temperature review
from 08:00 to 20:00 on september 3, the highest temperature at the nanjiao observatory was 27.3℃ (13:04 on the 3rd)
from 20:00 on september 3 to 08:00 on september 4, the lowest temperature at the nanjiao observatory was 22.6℃ (03:39 on september 4)
today's weather conditions
under the cover of dark clouds, rainfall has occurred in the west and north this morning, and scattered showers are expected to occur in the afternoon and the first half of the night. the rainfall is unevenly distributed and the rain is relatively gentle. however, it will still have a slight adverse impact on everyone's transportation, especially during the evening rush hour. please pay attention to road conditions in advance and pay attention to rain protection and traffic safety.
it's a drizzle in late summer. affected by the rainy weather, the temperature has dropped slightly today and it feels a little cool. the maximum temperature during the day is expected to be around 26℃. the elderly and weak people need to wear a thin jacket when traveling in the morning and evening to prevent colds.
future weather trends
tomorrow the sun will return, the sky will be blue again, and the temperature will rise slightly. the cold air will move southward, and the northerly wind will be stronger during the day, with short-term wind speeds reaching level 5 or 6. we remind everyone to pay attention to sun protection and hydration when going out tomorrow, and take windproof measures.
it is expected that there will still be light rain this saturday. please pay attention to the upcoming forecast information and make weekend travel arrangements in advance.
kind tips
there will still be light rain from this afternoon to the first half of the night. please remember to bring rain gear when traveling, drive slowly and avoid pedestrians.
the body feels cooler when it rains, so put on more clothes in time and be careful to prevent colds.
tomorrow's weather index
the clothing weather index is 6, so it is suitable to wear short-sleeved clothing during the day tomorrow.
the comfort index is 2, and it will feel hot during the day tomorrow.
the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular index is 2, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases during the day tomorrow is high.
the uv weather index is 4, and the uv intensity will be strong during the day tomorrow.
the morning exercise weather index is 2, and tomorrow morning is more suitable for outdoor morning exercise.
the car wash weather index is 2, which means it is more suitable for car washing during the day tomorrow.