
parks, scenic spots and terraces have become popular check-in spots for photographing sunrises and sunsets. beautiful scenery integrated with cultural relics and humanistic landscapes is most popular among citizens. "sunrise" activates the new pixels of the ancient capital in eight minutes


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"#北京晚上来自装滤镜#" has recently become a hot search on weibo. a sunset lasts about 8 minutes, during which time, the capital is full of beautiful scenery. the "8-minute sunset effect" came into being and quickly became popular.
in fact, not only sunsets, but also sunrises have built-in filters. in the early morning, freeze the picture of the rising red sun; when the sun sets, focus the camera on the gorgeous sunset glow in the sky. more and more young people and photography enthusiasts go outdoors to shoot the sunrise and sunset in beijing. some of them run more than ten or even dozens of kilometers just to pursue beautiful pictures. they say that waiting for sunrise and chasing sunset is relaxing, healing, romantic, and a warm embrace with this city.
our reporter interviewed many such "trendsetters" and recommended several good places for "chasing the sun" in beijing.
standing on the olympic tower, overlooking the bright lights, this is not only the night view of a city, but also the crystallization of the wisdom and courage of the chinese nation, and the light and dream in the hearts of countless people.
in the cool autumn weather, many citizens climbed up to the feiyan terrace viewing platform of nanyuan forest wetland park to look out over the lush vegetation and beautiful scenery of beijing under the blue sky and white clouds. photo by our reporter wu yibin
shougang bridge has become a popular check-in spot for watching the sunset in beijing. every evening, citizens come here with their cameras and cannons to watch the sunset and take photos.
tiananmen square
the beauty of nature and the solemnity of tiananmen square
reason for recommendation: when the sunset glows over the city walls and chang'an avenue, it brings a visual shock.
“the sunset clouds and tiananmen square are the best in the world”
“does this really exist?” “the scenery of the burning clouds combined with tiananmen square is unique in the world!”... on the social platform, a video of the “century sunset” at tiananmen square shot by zhao yitong attracted nearly 40,000 likes.
"it was a coincidence," zhao yitong told the reporter. it was cloudy that evening, and she rode her bicycle home after shopping in wangfujing. when she was about to leave wangfujing, she suddenly saw the entire building opposite her shining with golden light. it turned out that the sun had emerged from the clouds, so she turned around and rode towards tiananmen square. when she arrived at the intersection near tiananmen square, the sunset was gradually decorating the sky, and she arrived at tiananmen square just in time for the most spectacular moment.
"the glow of the sunset is reflected on my arm. it's so beautiful!" zhao yitong rode on chang'an avenue. she and the people riding around her seemed to be shrouded in a red glow. the beauty of nature and the solemnity of tiananmen square are superimposed, like a magnificent painting, which makes people excited. zhao yitong took a photo of this scene.
zhao yitong has loved watching sunsets since high school. in her opinion, the brief few minutes when the sun sets are beautiful and quiet, allowing busy people to stop and immerse themselves in it.
temple of heaven park
the sunset with the hall of prayer for good harvests as the background is full of ancient charm
recommended reason
the sunset with the hall of prayer for good harvests as the background is full of ancient charm. on the overpass of tiyuguan road, you can also witness the elegance of the "sun hanging over the temple of heaven".
“the ‘sun hanging over the temple of heaven’ seems to have stopped at the tip of my heart”
taking photos of sunsets and evening glows, and then picking up a brush to paint them, this process is rossi's unique romance. as an architectural designer, rossi usually takes photos and paints scenes with interesting light and shadow or composition whenever she sees them. the temple of heaven park is where she often goes to find this romance and inspiration. one weekend, she came to the park as usual, but found that the sunset that day was a little different.
"that day i was in the woods next to the circular mound, and i happened to see the afterglow of the sunset shining in from outside the circular mound, stretching the shadows of the trees very long, so i took a picture immediately." after returning home, rossi spent five or six hours painting this scene. in the picture, the setting sun hangs on the red wall outside the circular mound, the golden light shines on the ground, the leaves are shining, and the narrow shadows of the trees lie on the golden grass, which looks very healing. "this process is a spiritual cleansing. the sunset and sunrise are particularly shocking to the heart." rossi said.
in addition, around the spring and autumn equinoxes every year, taking photos of the "temple of heaven sunrise" on the overpass of tiyuguan road is also a favorite of many photography enthusiasts. as the sun sets, the sky is filled with rosy clouds, and the glazed tiles of the hall of prayer for good harvests are also inlaid with gold edges. "the sun seemed to stop on the top of the hall of prayer for good harvests at a certain moment, and at that moment, it seemed to stop at the tip of my heart." xiao xie, a photography enthusiast, went there many times to take photos of this scene, and finally captured a classic scene that he will never forget.
summer palace
the "golden light shining through the holes" of the seventeen-arch bridge is unique
recommended reason
the ancient buildings are quaint and blend with the natural scenery, and the sunset glows with unique charm. especially the "golden light through the hole" of the seventeen-arch bridge, a "winter solstice limited" view, is unique.
the afterglow illuminates all 17 holes.
a red sun rises above kunming lake, illuminating the eastern sky, and the lake surface seems to be sprinkled with a layer of gold powder. in the pavilion on binfeng bridge, the hollow hanging lintel above and the lintel of the bench below the seat are like a picture frame, capturing the beautiful sunrise. seeing this photo on his mobile phone, liu haodong couldn't help but recall his experience of taking photos of the sunrise in the summer palace.
in march this year, liu haodong saw a post on a social platform shared by netizens who took photos of the sunrise at binfeng bridge. he was moved and came early the next morning to appreciate the beautiful scenery in the photo and watched the sunrise before going to work.
"i've seen sunrises at sea and in the mountains before, but never in the city," liu haodong said. at 6:30 in the morning, as soon as the gates of the summer palace opened, liu haodong headed straight for binfeng bridge. as the sun slowly rose from the wide lake, the golden light generously sprinkled on the water, and the binfeng bridge was filled with gold. he quickly pressed the shutter, "it's worth it, it's worth it!" liu haodong couldn't help but sigh: "the golden sunrise oil painting is the best winter moon in the world."
cao jingbin also has a special liking for the sunrise and sunset in the summer palace. regardless of spring, summer, autumn or winter, he often goes to the summer palace to take photos. he wants to freeze all the beautiful scenes, sunrise and sunset, morning glow and evening glow, with his camera. "photographing sunrise and sunset is not just about taking photos of the sun. the morning glow and evening glow are also very beautiful and have a very artistic conception." around the winter solstice every year, cao jingbin must go to the seventeen-arch bridge to wait. the famous seventeen-arch bridge in the summer palace is like a rainbow flying over the vast kunming lake. around the winter solstice, the wonder of "golden light passing through the holes" often appears, and the golden afterglow penetrates and illuminates all 17 holes.
olympic tower
olympic architectural elements integrated into the beautiful sunrise and sunset
recommended reason
standing on the top of the tower more than 200 meters high and looking south at the central axis, no matter it is sunrise or sunset, the beautiful scenery includes olympic buildings such as the bird's nest, water cube, and ice ribbon, a perfect fusion of natural and modern beauty.
“it looks like la la land at sunset”
on the northern extension of beijing's central axis stands an iconic building, the beijing olympic tower. it is not only the perfect crystallization of modern technology and architectural art, but also an excellent viewing platform overlooking this ancient yet young city. standing on the beijing olympic tower and looking south at the central axis, as the line of sight extends, the bell and drum tower, jingshan, the forbidden city... the buildings on the central axis unfold one after another. they are either simple and elegant, or solemn and majestic, and each one carries a heavy history and culture. climbing to the top to watch a sunrise or sunset allows many people to enjoy two kinds of enjoyment.
zhang zhang went to the olympic tower to enjoy a sunset in july. "i chose a clear day to go to the olympic tower to wait for a sunset. i had a 360-degree view under the blue sky and saw the limited edition of beijing from the sky." zhang zhang was shocked by the beautiful scenery. in her eyes, at sunset, the blue sky and the afterglow of the setting sun intertwined and merged, just like la la land, short but romantic. she kept pressing the shutter in her hand to record the beautiful scenery.
shougang bridge
the spring and autumn equinoxes present a beautiful picture of "shougang sun hanging"
recommended reason
the magnificent shougang bridge, the dingdu peak in the distance and the dingdu pavilion on the top of the mountain are three scenes in the same frame. there are two opportunities every year to present a beautiful picture of "shougang sun hanging".
“the best place to take sunset photos is gongbei pavilion”
"in more than half a month, the joint sunset of shougang bridge and dingdu pavilion will be officially unveiled!" chen hui was very excited when talking about this. "this unique landscape only appears twice a year, around the spring equinox and autumn equinox."
it is not difficult to capture the three scenes of shougang bridge, dingdu pavilion and sunset in one frame. you can take photos every evening. but the unique scene chen hui mentioned is that the sun is exactly in the middle of shougang bridge, and dingdu pavilion seems to be embedded below the sunset. the whole picture is very shocking. at this time, the overpass near shougang bridge is full of "long guns and short guns", and everyone is scrambling to record this beautiful scene.
mr. li, who grew up near shougang park, also prefers the sunset near shougang park. "the best places to take sunset photos are shougang bridge and gongbei pavilion, the highest point of shijingshan. from gongbei pavilion, you can see the sun setting over the yongding river, and from shougang bridge, you can take photos of the sunset over the bridge. both are spectacular." mr. li said that he has a special feeling for the sunrise and sunset here. shougang park has evolved from a heavy industrial park to a cultural industrial park. as the industrial structure has changed, the environment has also improved, and the pictures taken are more beautiful. "the process of taking sunset photos is a process of relaxing my body and mind, and i enjoy it very much."
nanyuan forest wetland park scenic spot
wide view overlooking xishan cbd
recommended reason
from the open viewing platform, you can overlook xishan, guomao cbd, etc., and feel the sun rising and setting in all directions.
storyset up a camera to take a time-lapse video of the sunset
in the south of beijing, there is a great spot to enjoy the sunrise and sunset, which echoes the "olympic tower" in the north. this is the nanyuan forest wetland park observation deck, which was officially opened in may this year. when the weather is good, standing on the deck and looking out, you can see the west hill, the china world trade center cbd and other places, and feel the sun rising in the east and setting in the west from all angles.
the observation deck is located on the 39-meter-high dongtu mountain, with a total height of 59 meters. the entire building is divided into two floors. the first floor is a platform surrounded by transparent glass walls on all sides, with a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery in all directions. going up from the platform, you can reach the top observation deck. the observation deck has an inverted triangle "roof" design like a wild goose spreading its wings, and there are north-south viewing seats on both sides of the "roof".
at about 18:00, more and more people came to the viewing platform. because the clouds were thick that day, people who came to see the sunset began to worry whether they could see the sunset. at about 19:00, the sun gradually broke free from the clouds, and suddenly the rays of light shone everywhere, and the clouds on the horizon were coated with a layer of dazzling gold. "it's so beautiful!" "it's so spectacular!" everyone stood up and pointed their cameras at the setting sun on the horizon, either freezing the scenery at the moment or taking photos with it. because the viewing platform is high in the garden, it is surrounded by open space and has a wide field of vision. standing at any position, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful sunset.
at the northwest corner of the viewing platform, among a crowd of mobile phones and handheld cameras, a mounted camera stands out. "i think sunset is very romantic! when the sun is about to set, the whole sky will have a blue hue, which is very beautiful!" dong hongyang hurried home after work and brought his camera to the viewing platform to shoot a time-lapse video. "today's sunset has a very obvious tyndall effect, and the light scattered from the clouds is very beautiful." dong hongyang was very excited.
zhang siying, a college student standing next to her, was equally excited. she had seen the view of the observation deck on social media and had spent an hour and a half to get here. "i love nature! it's especially fun and relaxing to see the sky, clouds, and sun in an open space!" zhang siying said that although the sunset process only lasted eight minutes, she could completely focus on herself and nature.
▼ around the winter solstice every year, the south lake island in the summer palace is crowded with people, who rush to see the magnificent view of the seventeen-arch bridge "golden light shining through the holes". photo by our reporter wang haixin
exploiting terrace space
stimulate new vitality of the city
the terrace is a good choice for viewing the beautiful city and appreciating the sunrise and sunset. the open terrace is known as the sky garden for "viewing the city scenery". it is a good choice for enjoying the cool, viewing the scenery, chatting and gathering. the reporter learned that many hotels and businesses have fully developed some terrace or rooftop resources to create a garden-like environment. these high spots are becoming more and more popular among citizens and have become a good place to enjoy the sunset.
during the interview, the reporter found that many citizens believe that watching the sunrise and sunset in beijing is not just about appreciating the natural scenery. if there are cultural relics or humanistic landscapes unique to beijing in the background, the artistic conception will be raised to a higher level and the scenery will become more cultural.
beijing has been continuously exploring the resources of high-rise viewing platforms. for example, the municipal tourism commission and dongcheng district jointly launched the "breeze terrace" product, hoping to create a terrace economy. cultural and tourism enterprises in the economic development zone have explored resources such as terraces, gardens, and squares, integrating space and consumption scenarios, and meeting the public's pursuit of a better life by providing novel tourism products and services.
referring to the experience of similar platforms at home and abroad, beijing also focuses on building high-rise viewing platforms. for example, the olympic tower takes olympic culture as its core, empowers through scientific and technological means, creates the most technological olympic cultural leisure experience space, and develops various natural and cultural experience projects throughout the park with the viewing platform as the center, attracting people who pay attention to ecological activities to return to nature and participate in natural study, forest therapy, photography and stargazing and other projects; nansen observation deck attracts art schools, professional associations, academic institutions, etc., builds a base for learning, research and application, provides various professional cultural lectures, forums, exchange sharing sessions and other content, creates nansen brand forums and cultural theme activities, takes the viewing platform as the core, and regularly organizes various public welfare and customized service activities to meet the experience projects of people with different needs.
other "daily" point recommendations
■ wanchun pavilion in jingshan park
■ the highest peak of xiangshan
■ xishan park
■ corner tower of the forbidden city
■ cctv tower
■ rooftop of china world trade center phase iii
■ rooftop platform of longfu plaza
(reporter zhang yue luo qianwen)