
the product size and share plummeted before and after the star fund manager left. who is redeeming?


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according to the red star capital bureau on september 3, as the 2024 mid-year reports of public funds are disclosed one after another, the subscription and redemption situations of funds managed by star fund managers are also made public.

red star capital bureau found that in the first half of the year, fund managers and company insiders generally kept their holdings unchanged. however, the departure of several well-known fund managers this year also had an impact on fund size and share. in addition to fund managers and their employees redeeming funds, institutional investors also significantly reduced their holdings.

there were even cases where institutional investors significantly reduced their holdings before news of a fund manager's resignation was announced; there were also fund managers who "cleared their positions with one click" before officially leaving.

many equity veterans resigned in the first half of the year

both i and the institution are redeeming

in the first half of this year, the turnover of public fund managers has accelerated significantly. the list of fund managers who left includes many influential public fund veterans, such as fan yan of yuanxin yongfeng fund, jiang feng of jianxin fund, dong shanqing of taixin fund, jia chengdong of china merchants fund, etc. red star capital bureau found that among the products that were "abandoned" by their own employees in the first half of the year, there were products managed by these fund managers.

on april 3, fan yan officially announced her resignation from 8 funds including yuanxin yongfeng premium life, and later joined fullgoal fund. at the end of 2023, the total shares of yuanxin yongfeng premium life held by internal employees of yuanxin yongfeng fund were 8.3097 million; but by mid-2024, the total shares held were only 449,600, and the redemption ratio was as high as 94.59%, of which fan yan herself redeemed more than 1 million shares.