
tao shengjian, principal of zhenjiang middle school, jiangsu province: accumulate excellent confidence and follow excellent role models


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yangtze evening news reported on september 3 (correspondent zhang lan, reporter wan lingyun) a new semester, a new atmosphere, a new direction. at the opening ceremony of the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year, all teachers and students of the famous school in the province, jiangsu zhenjiang middle school (referred to as "zhenjiang middle school"), held a "speech under the national flag". the "new" principal tao shengjian shared his recent gains, the power of role models, and his expectations for the future with the teachers and students of zhenjiang middle school with the theme of "accumulating excellent confidence and following excellent role models".
speech under the national flag
previously, the "zhenjiang middle school 2024 freshman military training closing ceremony" was held at the shiyezhou youth comprehensive practice base in zhenjiang city on august 31. huang kewen, party secretary and director of zhenjiang education bureau, zhao zhulin, the newly appointed party secretary of zhenjiang middle school of jiangsu province, and tao shengjian, deputy party secretary and principal of zhenjiang middle school of jiangsu province, attended the closing ceremony.
at the opening ceremony on september 2, as a "new" principal of a famous school in the province, tao shengjian's first "speech under the national flag" was naturally very "eye-catching".
tao shengjian, the new principal of the provincial town middle school
in his speech, tao shengjian used three parts, "live up to enthusiasm and reap rich rewards", "step on fertile soil and set an example", and "comprehensive care and a promising future", to respectively elaborate on "harvest", "example" and "expectation". although the words are not gorgeous, they are very pragmatic, and the views are not dazzling, but they are shining. there is a kind of low-key luxury, a solid power. this is consistent with the three requirements that tao shengjian put forward to the freshmen at the "zhenzhong 2024 freshman military training closing camp" ceremony: "perseverance and courage to take the lead, diligent learning and tireless pursuit of new knowledge, and high aspirations to write a new chapter".
"we will never change our determination to move forward despite the difficulties. the mountains are high and the roads are long, but the scenery is endless. we have excellent role models, excellent fertile soil, and sincere care. if we have sufficient patience and clear goals, we will definitely be even better!" the century-old school took over again! in the "speech under the national flag", the "new" principal tao shengjian blew the horn towards the new glory of the town middle school; his voice was loud and exciting, which inspired teachers and students.
jiangsu zhenjiang middle school
accumulate excellent confidence and follow excellent role models
——president tao shengjian’s speech at the opening ceremony of the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year
dear faculty and staff, dear students, good morning!
the title of my speech today is "accumulate excellent confidence and follow outstanding role models."
as the summer colors fade away and the leaves rustle in the autumn, today we gather under the national flag again, full of hope and confidence to start a new semester and embark on a new journey. at the beginning of the new school year and the new semester, i would like to share with you my recent gains, the power of role models, and my expectations for the future in three parts.
1. live up to your passion and achieve great results
the hot summer is a season of hard work for the whole school. with firm belief and unremitting efforts, we have harvested fruitful results. first of all, in the main battlefield of the college entrance examination, the students of zhenzhong lived up to expectations. 706 students of special undergraduate courses were admitted, with a pass rate of 76.2%. another 30 students were admitted to physical education, with a pass rate of 98.9%. zhang jiarui was admitted to peking university; 37 students were admitted to c9 universities; 146 students were admitted to 985 universities, continuing the story of zhenzhong of "low entry, high exit, high entry, excellent exit, excellent entry, strong exit, and all candidates are admitted".
in sports competitions, the school's women's basketball team won outstanding results and won the 2024 "mayor cup" zhenjiang campus basketball league championship, achieving six consecutive championships in the city! demonstrating the hard work and strength of the students in the town.
at the same time, our logistics team worked day and night throughout the summer vacation, overcoming various difficulties such as high temperatures and scorching heat, and completed the campus water network renovation, the renovation of the zangxiu building and many other projects on schedule, effectively ensuring the smooth start of the new semester. we should pay tribute and gratitude to them for their hard work and dedication.
it is particularly worth mentioning that the freshmen who just joined the town middle school family experienced the baptism of military training in the hot summer and completed the first lesson of high school life, showing a spirit of not fearing hardship or fatigue. every drop of sweat in the military training will turn into firm confidence and fearless courage to face three years of high school life.
2. standing on fertile soil and setting an example
in 2019, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china, the state awarded the "medal of the republic" and national honorary titles for the first time to commend meritorious and exemplary figures who have made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of new china. our school's 1947 alumnus, ms. yu yi, was the only person in the country's basic education who was personally awarded the "people's educator" national honorary medal and honorary title by general secretary xi jinping. this is a great honor for the people of zhenjiang and even more so for the people of zhenzhong.
in august this year, on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china, another zhenjiang native - zhang xielin, the former head coach of the chinese table tennis team, a famous chinese table tennis player and coach, was also announced as one of the ten recommended candidates for the national honorary title, and is about to become the second zhenjiang native to receive this honor.
zhenjiang, which has cultivated two winners of national honorary titles, is spiritual and profound. it is truly a fertile ground for the growth of talents. this land that has nurtured excellence is also nourishing each of our students. we are never short of nutrients for growth.
zhenzhong, which has trained 13 academicians, received good news this summer, with a new member added to the academician gallery. shen hongbin, a 1997 alumnus, was elected as a foreign corresponding academician of the bologna academy of sciences in italy for his outstanding achievements in bioinformatics. zhenzhong people have a new role model in their pursuit of excellence. we have a new coordinate on the road to walking with excellence.
3. comprehensive care, promising future
we know that the process of growth is not smooth sailing, and everyone has their own unique rhythm and way. excellence is not a rigid requirement, but an expectation and care for everyone. from the moment you enter the school, every teacher in the town is committed to paying full attention to every dimension of your development, not only focusing on academic performance, but also paying attention to ideology and morality, life needs and mental health. the teachers will listen to your voice, pay attention to your confusion, help you overcome every obstacle on the road to growth, and let everyone grow and develop in zhenjiang, the excellent fertile soil of zhenzhong.
fellow students, we must keep moving forward courageously despite the mountains and rivers. although the mountains are high and the roads are long, the scenery is endless. we have outstanding role models, excellent fertile soil, and sincere care. if we have sufficient patience and clear goals, we will definitely be even better!
thank you everyone!
proofread by xu heng