
a primary school in changsha was closed for three days. a parent suggested installing air conditioning and received a reply: severe cold and hot weather are also exercise


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a "temporary suspension of classes notice" shows that shazitang donglanwan primary school in yuhua district, changsha city said that in order to ensure the safety and health of students during the high temperature period, according to the work instructions of the superior education authorities, the school has decided that students will not go to school for educational and teaching activities from september 4 (wednesday) to september 6 (friday).

on the afternoon of the 3rd, a staff member of the primary school said that the temporary suspension of classes was true, starting from the 4th and lasting until the 6th. under normal circumstances, classes will start next monday (9th), and subsequent arrangements will be subject to notification from superiors. the head teacher will post specific notifications in the class group, and you can pay attention to the information in the group.

public information shows that shazitang donglanwan primary school was built in august 2015 and is located at no. 337 shawan road. it is a branch of shazitang education group and a complete primary school directly under yuhua district. the school currently has 60 classes, 157 teachers, and more than 2,900 students.

jiupai news noticed that many parents in changsha had previously reported that the elementary school classrooms where their children were studying were stuffy and suggested installing air conditioners.

on september 2, a netizen left a message to changsha yuhua district education bureau in the "xiangwen·complaint express" column of huasheng online, a website affiliated with hunan daily: it is recommended that primary school students in changsha postpone the start of school or install air conditioners to prevent students from heatstroke.

the netizen said that each classroom in taiyu no. 2 primary school only has four small ceiling fans, and some classrooms do not even have ceiling fans, only four small wall fans. there are 50 children in the classroom, and they are wearing airtight school uniforms; the teachers in class are also very hard-working and sweaty.

it is recommended to postpone the start of school or install air conditioners. photo/screenshot of xiangwen complaint express

on august 20, a parent reported on the website "wen zheng hunan" that his child was attending a public school in the yanghu area of ​​yuelu district. after registration, he found that there was no air conditioning in each classroom. changsha's weather is changeable, and children cannot study at ease in a stuffy classroom. he hopes that the classrooms can be equipped with air conditioners.

the education bureau of hunan xiangjiang new district management committee replied on the 28th: ​​according to the relevant notice of the hunan provincial department of education, classroom air conditioners are not part of the education standard configuration. there are currently no national, provincial or municipal documents or policies that explicitly require primary and secondary school classrooms to install air conditioners. considering the financial situation and the actual situation of the school, each school should make its own arrangements based on its own actual situation. there is no policy support for the unified requirement for comprehensive installation, and there is currently no mandatory requirement for schools.

as early as 2020, a parent from changsha left a message on hunan's "red net" saying that there were four fans in the classroom of yali yuhua middle school where his child was studying, but there was little wind in many areas. he hoped that air conditioners could be installed for the children to provide a comfortable learning environment.

the changsha education bureau responded below that the current national regulations do not explicitly require the installation of air conditioners in primary and secondary school classrooms. in addition, the city's current financial resources are not enough to guarantee the installation of air conditioners in all primary and secondary schools.

the bureau also stated that the primary and secondary school stages are the golden period for cultivating students' hard-working spirit and adaptability, and severe cold and heat are also a kind of exercise for primary and secondary school students. primary and secondary school students are active, like outdoor activities after class, and frequently go in and out of the classroom, so air conditioning cannot achieve the cooling effect. at the same time, students staying in the air-conditioned environment for a long time is not good for their health, and each student's physical adaptability to air conditioning is also different.

changsha education bureau responded. photo/rednet

according to the central meteorological observatory, the highest temperature in changsha will be 34.3℃ on september 3, and the highest temperature in the next 6 days will be between 36 and 37℃. the changsha meteorological observatory issued an orange high temperature warning signal at 9:12 on the 3rd: the highest temperature in furong district, tianxin district, kaifu district, yuhua district, etc. will rise to above 37℃ during the day today, please strengthen prevention.

jiupai news reporter hu bingyue