
beyond the limit! guiyang girl shi yiting added another gold medal to the "hometown of champions"


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huasheng online omnimedia reporter zhang siqi correspondent liao shihui
"come on shi yiting! come on shi yiting!" in shi yiting's hometown, guiyang county, chenzhou city, her family, coaches and people from all walks of life waited in front of the tv screens to cheer her on.
at 18:27 beijing time on september 1, in the women's 200m t36 final of the paris paralympic track and field event, hunan athlete shi yiting won the gold medal with a time of 27.50 seconds, breaking the paralympic record in the event and achieving a "three consecutive championships" in this event at the paralympic games.
shi yiting was born in niexi village, leiping town, guiyang county, chenzhou city in 1997. she suffered from brain hypoxia at birth, which led to atrophy of the muscles in her left upper limb, making her a fourth-level disabled person.
although she has a physical disability, she has extraordinary athletic talent.
in 2010, guiyang county held a track and field competition for primary and secondary school students. shi yiting was only 1.46 meters tall at the time, but she jumped 1.1 meters in the high jump. "what a good talent for track and field!" wang fangshu, the physical education coach of guiyang no. 3 middle school who was watching the competition, was amazed and later recruited her into the track and field team of no. 3 middle school for systematic training.
due to her physical disability, shi yiting had to put in much more effort and hardship than ordinary people. "when yiting started training, her legs would always hurt after running, and she would be easily injured and fatigued." wang fangshu, her first coach, recalled that everyone advised her to rest more, but she always smiled and said she could persist.
in 2013, shi yiting joined the hunan province disabled track and field team. in the 2016 rio paralympics, she won the women's t36 200m championship; in the 2021 tokyo paralympics, she won the women's t36 200m championship again. together with the gold medal in the paris paralympics, she has achieved a "three-peat" in this event.
in may this year, she achieved another success at the 11th world para athletics championships, winning the women's 100m t36 championship and the women's 200m t36 runner-up, breaking the world record and setting a new asian record, which also earned her a ticket to the paris paralympic games.
behind the brilliant achievements, the athletes have put in hard work day after day. "she never gives up easily when she decides to do something." in the eyes of her father shi wenzhong, the most valuable thing about his daughter is her tenacity to never give up.
in 2015, shi yiting was preparing for the rio paralympics in guangzhou. during the training camp, she strained her leg. seeing her thigh covered with bruises, her father felt very distressed. shi yiting gritted her teeth and persevered, and comforted her father: "this is the path i chose, it doesn't matter if it's a little hard and tiring!"
she also competed with an injury in the paris paralympic games.
when the starting gun sounded, shi yiting reacted quickly and started smoothly, running 27.50 seconds with great effort, showing the "chinese speed" and successfully winning the championship. after the game, she fell down due to exhaustion. with the help of medical staff, she left the field in a wheelchair with the national flag in her hands.
"in the end, the purple track in front of me turned pink in my eyes. i reached my limit, but i finally gritted my teeth and persevered." in a subsequent interview, shi yiting described the scene of the final sprint.
next, shi yiting will also participate in the women's 100m t36 final held on september 4th, beijing time.
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