
south korea has once again had the nth room, and forced a korean girl to speak out on weibo


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on the evening of august 24, pavel durov was arrested by french police at le bourget airport outside paris after he had just stepped off a private plane.

according to official french news, the platform created by durov lacked supervision, leading to a large number of criminal activities including the spread of false information and hate speech.

this platform has a well-known name on the global internet, telegram, and chinese netizens usually call it telegram.

just a few days after telegram founder durov went to jail, another storm broke out on the telegram platform in south korea, half a world away from france.

this storm has a very familiar name in the korean media - "room n".

yes, you read that right, in south korea, room n is back again.

however, unlike the previous n room incidents, after this incident broke out, korean women did something that no one expected. they came to chinese social platforms and began to ask chinese netizens for help.

if any of you have been browsing weibo in the past two days, you should have noticed this incident.

at the end of august, a netizen named nosunae-520, whose ip address was shown to be in south korea, posted a weibo post. she claimed to be a korean girl, and now many women have been affected by deepfake.

it is said that many korean men have started to use ai to replace the faces of familiar women and then tease them. this kind of incident is especially common in schools. girls have also started to leave and delete their public photos on instagram, but they have been mocked by boys in the same school, saying "ugly people are more likely to do bad things."

not long after, another korean ip claiming to be an 18-year-old korean female student posted a similar weibo using machine translation.

their main purpose is to increase global attention to the issue of ai face-changing in this way.

as for why they didn't speak out on the korean internet, but instead went to chinese platforms to post, the reason is that they were often reported for posting in korea, and then the platform would issue a warning and finally delete the post.

the chinese girls are indeed incredibly proactive. in response to the call from the korean girls, they plan to organize an event against voyeurism and deepfakes in front of the korean embassy in london.

korean girls also expressed their gratitude on platforms such as twitter.

there are also korean youtubers who cover themselves up tightly and talk freely in front of the camera, thinking that the women are just making a fuss out of nothing.

not long after this outrageous statement was made, this person’s youtube income was stopped.

to talk about the matter at hand, it is hard to determine whether the two netizens who posted on the chinese platform are korean women, and whether their purpose is to attract attention to their current situation.

but what is certain is that what was said in those weibo posts really happened.

on august 28, south korean media kbs interviewed 백성동, a staff member of the korean teachers and educators union in gwangju. she said that the panic about ai face-changing has spread to schools. in gwangju alone, more than 30-40 middle schools have been affected because students have easy access to similar technologies and social media.

and the interviewee gave a very exaggerated number:globally, more than half of( 53% )deepfake sexual exploitation material was produced in south korea, and even elementary school students were affected.

kbs anchor connects with the interviewee (first from right)

well, maybe you have no idea about the ratio of 53%.

let me put it this way. cctv posted a weibo post yesterday saying that south korea's education department conducted a nationwide survey on campuses to investigate deepfake crimes. as a result, on august 27 and 29 alone, it received 2,500 reports involving at least 200 schools.

these are just the people who reported it. no one knows how many people there are who didn’t dare to come forward and report it.

and please note that the above figures have a big premise:

at the end of may this year, south korea had already experienced the nth room incident. at that time, the keyword "nth room incident" of seoul university caused widespread discussion on the korean internet. it was also popular in china, and we also talked about it.

the cause of the incident was that several male alumni of seoul university collected photo information of women from the same school through the internet and other means over a period of years, and synthesized revealing pictures using deepfake technology, which were then spread through the telegram platform, and even teased and threatened the original owners of the photos.

the police are powerless to do anything about the secrecy of the telegram platform and usually close the case hastily. in the end, they can only get an answer of "we will try our best". as for how they will try, only god knows.

after that, the victims went to the seoul central district prosecutors' office and the seoul high prosecutors' office, but their cases were rejected again. in desperation, they found yuan enzhi (transliteration), a member of the "tracking team spark" who investigated the nth room incident, to help them investigate.

yuan enzhi first forged an identity for herself as a middle-aged man who graduated from seoul university and had a beautiful wife, and established contact with the other party. then after two years of contact, she gradually dispelled the other party's suspicion and began to take further action.

in order to seduce the other party to show up, she said to the culprit, "i will give you my wife's underwear." then these people whose big heads were controlled by the small head came offline and exposed themselves in front of the camera.

the murderers who caused panic at seoul university were finally arrested by the police.

when the truth came to light, everyone understood why korean women were so panicked about this matter.

park, one of the five culprits, produced ai-synthesized adult content for about 48 female victims, including minors. he was accused of producing about 400 fake videos and disseminating about 1,700 videos between july 2021 and april this year.

several criminals who had been hiding among the people were dug out, and the authorities had dealt with them as they should have. but i predicted at the time that this matter was not over at all.

during that period, koreans were arguing all over the internet, and wherever there was room for comment, there would definitely be people saying that the country was doomed.

facts have also proved that koreans really understand korea.

the reason is that the three words "room n" do not represent a specific event, but a type of event.

after the first exposure of room n, dr. zhao and other suspects went to jail. after the seoul university room n incident, the team involved in the case also went to jail. but look, now room n has appeared again.

it is not enough to just catch the murderer, the key is the soil for crime, which seems to have never changed. everyone is busy cleaning the house, but they are unwilling to take a look at the elephant in the room.

the korea times reported that the perpetrators of deepfakes were not afraid of the police's warnings. they even boasted on social platforms that they would not be caught and laughed at the government and the media for making a fuss.

lee soo-jung, a professor of criminal psychology at gyeonggi university, believes that since 2022, mainly europe has begun to enact laws to hold platforms that spread sexually exploitative content accountable, but south korea still has no punishment regulations, only surveillance.

why can't south korea handle these things? because telegram has never responded to the south korean government's request for cooperation in investigating sexual crimes.

so in the real world, south korean bureaucrats and politicians and deepfake content producers seem to have reached a delicate balance.

politicians have put forward many opinions and suggestions, but in the end they cannot be implemented. deepfake content producers continue to play as they please, and the world remains as bad as it should be.

serious illnesses require drastic measures. south korea is missing a tough guy who dares to overturn the table and arrest the founder of telegram.

some people may have forgotten the origin of the term "room n".

at that time, the chat rooms for sexual exploitation were named "room 1", "room 2" and so on. these chat rooms were collectively called room n.

behind n is the rampant pornographic bullying on the internet and the endless desires in human nature. the person sitting in front of the screen and spying on room n is in an absolutely dominant position, exuding malice uncontrollably, and finally even he himself gets used to it.

this malice spreads through the internet, proliferating like cockroaches and crawling into every corner. until one day it was exposed to the eyes of ordinary people, and everyone realized that if you open a corner of the internet, it is full of cyber cockroaches filled with the stench of human nature.

the best way to deal with cockroaches is not communication or appeasement, but insecticide. some things should not exist. killing cockroaches and flushing them down the drain is good for them and for me.