
99 schools have completed construction and 94 have been put into use. this education and livelihood project in hunan is progressing rapidly.


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yang sihan, omnimedia reporter of huasheng online
"i am a little excited to come to the brand new classroom and see the modern teaching facilities. i will definitely study hard and strive to get into my ideal university." on september 2, xie muhan, a student in class 2419 of grade 1, hanshou county no. 2 middle school, said happily in the classroom of the "xu teli teaching building" of hanshou county no. 2 middle school. the reporter learned that the school's "xu teli teaching building" was officially opened in september, adding 2,200 new places to the school.
it is reported that by the time the autumn semester starts in september this year, 99 of the 100 county-level general high schools in the province's "xu teli project" have completed the main structure, of which 94 have been put into use, and the rest can be completed and put into use before the end of the year, leading to 66,000 new high-quality public school places and 17,500 new student dormitory beds in counties.
at hanshou county no. 2 middle school, students study in the classroom of the "xu teli teaching building".
the projects have been completed and put into use one after another, accelerating the pace of talent training
on august 29, the sun was shining brightly, and the campus of xiangtan county no. 1 middle school was full of joy. as the only national defense construction project in the province's "xu teli project", the school's "teli haihang building" was completed and put into use. teachers and students, dressed in neat school uniforms and with excited smiles on their faces, witnessed this historic moment together.
the school hosted the naval aviation experimental class in 2017 (later renamed "hunan naval youth aviation school"). so far, it has trained five classes of naval aviation graduates and sent 100 carrier-based aircraft pilots to the naval aviation university. the average flight rate ranks first in the country. the relevant person in charge of the school said that although the school's educational performance ranks among the top, its hardware conditions lag behind others. "the completion of this project has made the school's hardware level leap to the forefront of the 14 youth naval aviation schools in the country, and can accommodate 6 classes and 300 students. it is conducive to the early discovery and training of more pilots in the province who love the sea and air, are suitable for flying, and have comprehensive qualities, and provide talent support for building a strong naval aviation force and defending the security of the motherland's territorial waters!"
in zhongfang county, the special teaching building of the no. 1 middle school of the county has been put into use in mid-may this year, and the 2024 college entrance examination will be held here. according to reports, after the new teaching building was put into use, the school added 55 classrooms, 5 multi-purpose rooms for students and 20 teacher offices, and more than 700 new places, which effectively alleviated the pressure on places and improved the school's operating conditions. at the same time, the school has also recruited more than 30 young teachers through recruitment and other means, and the construction of the teaching team has been further optimized.
the xu teli project of hengdong county no. 1 middle school consists of three parts: the teli teaching building, the teli cultural plaza, and the teli sports field. it was fully completed and put into use in august. the teaching building is not only equipped with facilities such as smart blackboards and monitoring networks, but also has high-quality recording and broadcasting studios and maker rooms.
the relevant person in charge of the school said that the completion and use of the school's "special teaching building" has added 1,650 high-quality public high school places in the county. the school will recruit 550 more students in the new fall semester this year, a 50% increase over last year, effectively alleviating the pressure on high-quality public high school places in hengdong county. in addition, the school also built a track and field stadium at the same time, providing high-quality venues and conditions for students to exercise and enrich their extracurricular life.
ensure that "one school is built, one school meets the standards, and one school is used well"
in order to promote the standardization of county middle schools and meet the people's demand for high-quality general high school education, our province has launched the implementation of the "xu teli project" for county general high schools since 2023. this is another educational "business card" created by our province with heart, emotion and effort after the "furong school".
through the construction of the "xu teli project", various places have further expanded the supply of high-quality high school resources, improved the construction of student dormitories, canteens, sports fields, experimental teaching and other supporting facilities, and ensured that "one school is built, one school meets the standards, and one school is used well."
at present, the area of ​​​​the repair and renovation of the ancillary projects of 100 "xu teli project" schools is 340,700 square meters, 378,300 new books have been added, 200 million yuan of new instruments and equipment, and 150 million yuan of information equipment have been added. continue to implement the full coverage project of educational application foundations, carry out key actions such as school networking and full coverage of multimedia classrooms, and achieve 100% coverage of "network to school" and "terminal to school" in county middle schools across the province, promote the digital transformation of county middle school education, and promote educational equity.
in addition, in order to optimize the allocation of teachers, the provincial department of education has also improved the teacher training and management mechanism in county middle schools, increased the training of publicly funded targeted normal students in ordinary high schools, actively promoted "county-run school recruitment" and "rotation and exchange" within the county, and promoted the setting of middle and senior teacher positions to be appropriately tilted towards county middle schools, focusing on solving the problems of insufficient total number of teachers and structural vacancies in county middle schools; organized and held training courses for county middle school secretaries and principals across the province, and specially arranged high-end training for famous teachers and principals in the "xu teli project" in projects such as "national training" and "provincial training", continuously improving the quality and ability of county middle school principals and teachers, ensuring that the project schools have "good principals" and "good teachers", and ensuring that a large number of "good students" are trained.
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