
beijing will build 100 regional elderly care service centers within this year


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by the end of 2023, the number of elderly people living in beijing will reach 4.948 million, accounting for 22.6%, and beijing has entered a moderately aging society.elderly people over 80 years old are the "most urgent need" for elderly care services and are also the top priority of elderly care work.
dining, medical treatment, and bedside care are the main elderly care needs of the elderly. in recent years, beijing has focused on the supply-side reform of elderly care services.targeting the pain points of elderly care, we will build and improve an elderly care service system based on "one list, one platform, and one network" to open up the "last 100 meters" of home-based elderly care service supply, so that "old people" can feel more at ease when they live at home.
file photoelderly care and dining centers are built at the doorstep of the elderly
“food is the primary need of the people.” in beijing, the problem of “difficulty in eating” for the elderly is being properly solved.
near noon, the central kitchen for elderly care meals in xisanqi street, haidian district, was filled with the aroma of food. ma zhisheng, an old man living in jiancai dongli, came here to eat as usual. for the old man, since this central kitchen was built at his doorstep, it has become his "canteen".
"it solves a big problem for us old people!" when it comes to eating, ma zhisheng, who is nearly 80 years old, expressed the troubles of the elderly: cooking one dish is not worth it. cooking two dishes is too much to eat. the children have to improve the food in the evening, and the leftovers from lunch have to be eaten the next day. if this continues for a long time, health problems are likely to occur. as for the older "old people", the problems are more numerous and more prominent.
xisanqi street has 28 communities under its jurisdiction, with 36,000 elderly people aged 60 and above, and the problem of "worrying about cooking and eating" for the elderly is prominent. in october 2023, the central kitchen for elderly care and dining in xisanqi street was put into use, which solved this problem. the central kitchen has a construction area of ​​343 square meters. it was invested and built by the street and commissioned to a professional elderly care service provider for operation. it provides 12 kinds of meals for the elderly every day, including vegetarian dishes, meat dishes, and special noodles. the elderly only need to spend a dozen yuan to have a nutritious meal. in addition, the central kitchen has also launched a small portion service, so that the elderly can eat well and be full without wasting.
file photo"a meat dish costs 14 yuan, and a half portion costs 7 yuan. a vegetarian dish costs 10 yuan, and a half portion costs 5 yuan." ma zhisheng is very satisfied with the food in the central kitchen. he said that the elderly meals here are not only economical, but also low in oil, salt and sugar. most importantly, the environment here is good and close to home.
through the central kitchen, xisanqi street is gradually promoting the construction of a community elderly care and meal assistance network."we have currently built 21 community meal assistance points, which are delivered by special vehicles every day, and two more meal assistance points are under construction." hao yuanyuan, head of the central kitchen, said that such a community elderly care and meal assistance network has greatly facilitated the elderly in the community, especially those "old elderly" who are old and have difficulty in moving.
in order to solve the most concerned, direct and realistic elderly care issues for the elderly and their families, beijing has actively promoted reforms in the elderly care service sector and vigorously developed universal, basic and bottom-up elderly care recent years, beijing has focused on solving the problem of eating for the elderly by expanding the supply of meals in nursing homes, encouraging social catering companies to participate, and opening up canteens within enterprises and institutions.more than 2,100 elderly care and dining assistance points of various types have been developed, covering three-quarters of the city’s urban and rural communities.
nursing homes upgraded to serve home-based elderly care
"old people" need professional elderly care services due to age, physical condition and other reasons.this year, beijing will build 100 regional elderly care service centers that integrate functions such as matching supply and demand of elderly care services, overall coordination, community restaurants, senior citizen schools, health care and entertainment, and centralized care to meet the diverse needs of the elderly, especially the "old elderly."
at the lai guangying township elderly care service center in chaoyang district, the newly built assisted bathing room is spacious and warm, which is a pleasant sight. taking a bath is the wish of many elderly people, especially those with disabilities. however, due to the lack of conditions at home or the lack of care ability of family members, this wish is often difficult to achieve. at the lai guangying township elderly care service center, not only can assisted bathing be provided for elderly people at home, but also door-to-door assisted bathing services can be provided.
“bedridden elderly people can also enjoy assisted bathing services.”zhao qian, a staff member of laiguangying township elderly care service center, introduced that the hospital has specially installed a ceiling rail transfer system, which can safely transfer severely disabled elderly people to the assisted bathroom. this device is like a track. with this transfer system, bathing "old elderly people" will no longer be a problem.
the laiguangying township elderly care service center was formerly a nursing home that only provided services to the elderly in the nursing home. in july this year, the nursing home was upgraded to a regional elderly care service center with more comprehensive functions and a wider range of services. "we didn't provide services to the public before, but now we have to provide more home-based elderly care services," said zhao qian.
the upgraded lai guangying township elderly care service center integrates multiple functions, including five functional areas: community restaurant, senior school, nursing service area, medical and nursing service area, and comprehensive service area. the center has also built a new "service desk" to integrate high-quality elderly service resources in the region and coordinate and dispatch elderly care services. the real-time service development of lai guangying township is displayed on the smart screen in the hall. it is understood that the center currently provides services such as meal assistance, bathing assistance, medical assistance, bedside care, inspection visits, and aging-friendly renovations around the service needs of "elderly people", with a monthly service volume of 15,400 people.
by the end of this year, beijing will have built 100 such regional elderly care service centers, bringing inclusive and professional elderly care services to the doorsteps of the elderly. wang xiaobing, deputy director of the elderly care services division of the beijing municipal civil affairs bureau, said,at present, the construction task of the regional elderly care service center has been completed more than half, the rest of the work is being pushed forward.
file photofocus on the urgent needs of the elderly and promote elderly care services
according to the latest statistics, more than 99% of the elderly in beijing choose to live at home, and less than 1% choose institutional care. the new changes in the elderly care service pattern require the continuous "upgrade" of elderly care services.
in recent years, beijing has promoted the construction of 22,000 nursing home care beds, and relied on market entities to launch universal home care service packages, so that elderly and disabled elderly people can purchase, afford and use them well.
in terms of solving the problem of "difficulty in seeking medical treatment", beijing has strengthened the connection between regional elderly care service centers and community health service centers, provided free physical examinations, health guidance, long-term prescriptions for chronic diseases and other services to the elderly in the jurisdiction, and actively promoted the inclusion of elderly people living at home and disabled elderly people into the family doctor service system.
according to a relevant person in charge from the beijing municipal civil affairs bureau, beijing is continuously focusing on the supply-side reform of elderly care services, building and improving an elderly care service system based on "one list, one platform, and one network", and actively exploring socialized and market-oriented ways to strengthen the supply of universal home-based elderly care services for elderly and disabled elderly people, opening up the last kilometer and the last hundred meters of home-based elderly care services.
in the future, beijing will take streets and towns as basic units, combine the distribution of "elderly people" in the region, coordinate the layout of home-based elderly care service facilities, accelerate the construction of regional elderly care service centers, and gradually integrate the elderly service resources in the jurisdiction to promote branding, chain and large-scale operations. on the basis of strengthening the supply of universal home-based elderly care services,beijing will continue to focus on the basic service needs of the elderly and promote the listing of service items, standardization of procedures and disclosure of prices.