
hongshan district experimental kindergarten holds autumn opening ceremony


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (hubei daily online) (reporter xu wenxiu, correspondent deng yongqin) when the earth embraces the autumn rain sweetly, and when the sky and the autumn wind hold hands happily, on september 2, wuhan hongshan district experimental kindergarten ushered in the first day of the fall semester of 2024. a group of lively and lovely little angels, with infinite longing and expectations for the new semester, stepped into this paradise full of laughter and joy, and jointly opened a new chapter of their learning and growth.
in order to let the children feel the specialness and importance of the new semester, the teachers carefully planned a series of childlike entrance ceremonies. from the warm welcome slogans to the carefully arranged campus environment, every detail reveals the love and care for the children. the health doctors carefully conducted morning examinations for each child to ensure their health and safety; the teachers waited at the entrance of the kindergarten early to welcome the arrival of each baby with warm hugs and kind greetings, making their first day of school full of warmth and happiness.
safety education is the top priority of kindergarten work. in order to enhance children's safety awareness and improve their self-protection ability, at 9 o'clock in the morning, the children in the middle and senior classes participated in anti-riot and fire safety drills. as the anti-riot alarm sounded, the teachers responded quickly and organized the children to evacuate to a safe area in an orderly manner; then, the fire alarm sounded again. under the guidance of the teacher, the children covered their mouths and noses with wet towels, bent down, and quickly and orderly escaped from the "fire scene" along the predetermined evacuation route. the kindergarten also invited officer geng from the hongshan street police station to explain the basic knowledge of fire safety to all teachers and students. this drill not only enabled the children to master basic self-rescue and mutual rescue skills, but also further enhanced the ability of faculty and staff to deal with emergencies.
at 10 a.m., the kindergarten held a simple but grand opening ceremony and flag-raising ceremony. in the majestic national anthem, the five-star red flag rose slowly, and all teachers and students stood in awe and saluted, witnessing this solemn and sacred moment together. afterwards, the host of the senior class took the stage and announced the official start of the opening ceremony. principal xu made five beautiful wishes for the children: health, happiness, politeness, exploration, and intelligence, and encouraged the children to study hard and grow happily in the new semester. at the same time, she also expressed her good wishes and expectations for the new semester to all parents, teachers and children.
a new semester, new hopes, and new dreams. in the warm family of hongshan district experimental kindergarten, every child will start a new journey. all faculty and staff will take greater enthusiasm and a more solid work style to carefully care for the growth of every child, so that every child can bloom like a flower.