
get a one-code pass with one click! a credit report in beijing can replace 42 fields of proof


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starting from september 1, beijing market entities only need to issue a special credit report to replace the information query work of whether there are any violations of laws and regulations in 42 fields, and realize one-click acquisition, one-paper certificate, and one-code access. this is clearly stated in the "notice on further expanding the scope of market entities' special credit report to replace the information query of whether there are any violations of laws and regulations" jointly issued by the municipal bureau of economics and information technology and other departments recently.

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when companies apply for listing, conduct refinancing and other market operations, they often need to issue a certificate of no illegal or irregular activities. the large number of certificates, multiple submission scenarios and multiple procedures have always been a headache for companies.

to this end,a year ago, beijing officially implemented the use of special credit reports to replace information inquiries on whether there were any violations of laws and regulations in 20 areas including market supervision, provident fund, social security, and health, so that one report could replace a thick stack of certificates.

starting from september 1, this report will be expanded to more fields. according to the new regulations, starting from september 1, the special credit report for market entities will be expanded to civil affairs, judicial administration, finance, agriculture and rural areas, auditing, sports, statistics, landscaping, civil air defense, medical security, food and material reserves, culture, tourism, radio and television, cultural relics, press and publication, copyright, film, earthquake, archives, local financial supervision, meteorology, tobacco monopoly and other fields.

"in this way, the alternative areas have expanded from 20 to 42, achieving full coverage of key areas." a relevant person in charge of the municipal economic and information technology bureau said that the application scope of the report also covers companies, non-corporate legal persons, sole proprietorships, partnerships, farmers' professional cooperatives, individual industrial and commercial households, social organizations, grassroots autonomous organizations, public institutions and other entities.

the scope of application of credit reports has also been further expanded to include financial and commercial operations and administrative management activities. market entities can use special credit reports to replace the certification materials issued by relevant administrative agencies for whether there are any illegal or irregular records in financial and commercial operations such as corporate listing applications, refinancing, mergers and acquisitions, bank loans, property transactions, third-party agency evaluation and review, and business cooperation, after reaching an agreement with the partners. departments can also use special credit reports provided by market entities to replace certification materials in accordance with laws and regulations in handling government service matters, applying for preferential policies, financial support, evaluation and appraisal, and qualification review according to work needs.

how do market entities obtain reports?

the relevant person in charge introduced:online, market entities can obtain reports with one click through the "credit china (beijing)" website and the "beijing tong" applet; offline, market entities can query and print reports after selecting the time range and field to be covered in the municipal and district government service halls and government service integrated machines. market entities can also provide "verification codes" and "authorization codes" to third parties for authenticity verification or report acquisition, realizing "one code access" to facilitate authorized use and avoid forging or altering reports.

special credit reports require high-quality and timely data. beijing has optimized and improved its data service capabilities based on the original credit information collection. the data sources cover three levels: city, district, and street and township. it can timely reflect whether market entities have any illegal or irregular information, and indicate the source of the data.avoid problems such as various types of certificates issued by various departments, scattered data, and inconsistent standards, and achieve "one-paper certificate".

"we will proactively push service information and expand usage scenarios." the relevant person in charge said that in order to better serve enterprises, multiple departments will jointly push special credit report collection information to relevant enterprises, actively guide market entities to apply on-demand in scenarios such as finance, business operations, and administrative management, and achieve seamless connection between enterprises and the government. at the same time,the credit report has also expanded its service scope to support inquiries from special groups. entities that meet the requirements but have their licenses cancelled, revoked, or bankrupt liquidated after january 1, 2020 can also submit relevant materials to apply for a report at the government service halls at the municipal and district levels. this is a first in the country.

source: beijing daily client reporter: cao zheng

process editor: u028
