
chinese journalists in africa ①|speaking only chinese, what can you buy in the vegetable market in rwanda


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"the world is a huge china", this popular meme on the internet seems to have been confirmed in the rwanda vegetable market in addis ababa, the capital of ethiopia. chinese is actually the common language in this african vegetable market.
various bright fruits and vegetables are neatly classified and piled higher than people; whenever someone walks by, the vendors will actively promote their products, especially when the customer is chinese, the african guys will shout "brother, sister" loudly, enthusiastically and familiarly. although they are good at promoting, they are not so good at calculation. when bargaining, they can't help but calculate several times, switching flexibly between english, amharic and chinese. even if the transaction fails, the shopping process is still very novel and interesting.
the market consists of several small streets interlaced, with a total of more than 100 small shops, and many chinese restaurants and chinese supermarkets gathered around it. this place got its name because it is close to the rwandan embassy. it was originally a chinese vegetable market. to this day, chinese people who come to ethiopia for work and tourism still like to come here to shop. just like in china, you can bargain in the rwandan vegetable market. as for how much you can bargain, it depends on yourself. (all-media reporter guo wenwen video he jiajie)
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