
tvb's "forensic heroes 6" has concluded! how can a hong kong drama sequel be filmed to be satisfactory?


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i admit that i chose to click on the suspense drama "forensic heroes 6" jointly produced by youku and tvb out of curiosity.

at first, she was seduced by bosco wong's bus dance on the social platform.

later, i heard about two more "strange" deaths. a man was electrocuted after urinating on a bridge over a railway track...

a man fell to his death from a rope because he was too fat...

until the moment i clicked on the tv series, i couldn't believe it, the product was really as advertised.

01 anti-routine setting, advanced mental state?

it’s not that "forensic heroes 6" doesn’t have any suspenseful plots, but the moments when the endings of many cases are revealed are a bit ridiculous.

the first case in the play is about a young man who was crushed into several pieces by a speeding train on the tracks under an overpass.

the suspenseful part is that the police checked many factors and found no possibility of homicide, but everyone around him said that he had a cheerful personality and would not commit suicide.

seeing this, many people would probably think that this case will not end up with a smiling depression to increase its value, right? but it just doesn't follow this routine.

the police used a series of high-tech means to investigate and finally found the truth. the boy was urinating on the overpass and his urine fell onto the cable. as a result, he was electrocuted and fell directly off, landing on the railroad track and losing consciousness.

the second thing that caught my attention was the bizarre death of the tea restaurant owner, who suddenly died downstairs one day with a hole in the awning above his head.

this time, the police ruled out the possibility of suicide by jumping from the building, because it was impossible for him to land in this position after falling from the awning, and his body must have been moved by someone.

then the story becomes complicated again, because this means that the person who destroyed the awning was another missing body?

but the ending was beyond my expectations, everything was unexpected.

the awning above the boss's head was actually broken by a boy who was on drugs and was doing parkour in the city. the body was bounced into the garbage truck and disappeared.

the boss was hung up by someone because he owed money. however, because he was too fat, the rope broke and he fell to his death.

through these cases, we can see that the sixth season of "forensic heroes" is trying to use an anti-routine approach to break free from the shackles of a clichéd ending, but the result is still marked with a huge question mark.

02 what is more important than telling a good story?

if there is something that pulled me to follow it all the way to the end, i think it is probably the core of the "forensic heroes" series that has never changed from beginning to end.

when i watched "forensic heroes" before, what moved me most was the ever-unfathomable darkness of human nature in the show, and the social realities reflected through the plot.

the husband will project his hatred on his daughter because of his wife's transgression, and abuse and beat her because he mistakenly believes that she is not his biological daughter. the mother, who should have protected her, helps the evil with a guilty heart.

the case of the girl with the clairvoyance that scared many people back then was indeed full of psychedelic colors at first glance - the girl with the clairvoyance who could predict the future on the tv show actually predicted the death of the victims on the beach.

but it was not until the truth was revealed that the audience finally realized that this was a tragedy of a 12-year-old girl.

an adult male who called himself guangming jushi deceived her since she was a child because she had autism and molested her by saying that she had to take off her clothes to exorcise ghosts. when she grew up, he used these fantasy stories to take her to tv shows to make money for himself.

fortunately, in the sixth season of "forensic heroes", such expressions have at least never been ignored or eliminated.

the theme of this app is to curse someone to death. the original intention of this app is to let people vent their stress. however, after a real murder happened, it no longer makes people feel creepy. instead, it becomes more and more popular and becomes a tool that carries malice and is exploited at will.

the indiscriminate murder case in a kindergarten that happened in real life was also staged in the play.

a mentally ill patient was put in prison for killing two people and injuring five in a kindergarten. but he was released only 15 years later.

many people cried and protested in front of the camera. there was the daughter of a kindergarten teacher who was stabbed to protect the children, and there were also victims who were injured and had to walk with crutches for the rest of their lives.

but on the other side, a criminal who had committed a crime was also kneeling down and crying. he said that he had repented, but he was being discriminated against every minute.

no one knows whether the tears he shed were crocodile tears, and how to balance law and morality seems to be an extremely difficult multiple-choice question.

after watching the series till the end, i suddenly felt that everything was going smoothly and i understood it all. just like the plot of yu xingbai looking for his wife, which was constantly criticized at the beginning of the series.

it seems to become fragments, interspersed in the plot of each episode. until the truth is finally revealed, we will find that everything seems to be traceable. the fragments that appear in different cases have a continuous connection and echo with the ending. from the first day of the honeymoon, it was emphasized that the owner of the b&b was a college classmate who had known baoying for ten years; when talking about baoying's disappearance, the owner of the b&b had an overly calm expression... all of this hinted that all this was related to him.

from points to lines, from lines to surfaces, and finally piecing together the truth, this is the "forensic heroes" that i am familiar with.

03 technology or hard work?

it is also worth mentioning that in the sixth season, the process of analyzing the case is no longer a simple naked eye identification, but a rigorous attempt to integrate the latest technology. for example, the artificial intelligence "hades" is used as an autopsy assistant, and the pig corpse is used to simulate the decay process to calculate a more accurate time of death. experimental simulation dummies are used to simulate the environment at the time of the crime, and the crime scene is restored as much as possible to find out the real cause of death of the victim.

this is another layer of surprise that i saw beyond the core of forensic science. a classic big ip is now trying to blaze a new trail by combining new-age elements.

how to make a good sequel to a successful film seems to be a topic that the industry can never solve. therefore, even the "forensic heroes", whose first three films received rave reviews, will fall into the crisis of declining public opinion.

but, as "veteran" bobby au-yeung said in an interview: "the focus of each season changes. from the first season to now, everyone has been growing along the way, and every sequel is actually an improvement."

because of the expectation, all the requirements are higher. because the previous work shines so brightly, we also hope that this series will not be covered by dust and lose its brilliance.

it's hard to say that the sixth season of "forensic heroes" is a sequel that can satisfy everyone. we can only be thankful that it is still trying to grasp the core, trying hard, changing, and not giving up. just like, most sequels and remakes are full of risks, but at least there are still people willing to continue for them.