
jinan's manufacturing industry sprints towards becoming a "single champion"


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there are champions in the olympics, and there are also champions in the manufacturing industry.
a mobile phone can be made smaller and smaller, yet more and more smooth and easy to use; a car can change from running on oil, electricity to hydrogen fuel... from breakthrough innovations in home furnishings and electrical appliances that meet daily needs to large aircraft and manned space flight, there is always a group of companies that are "single champions" in the manufacturing industry.
recently, the jinan municipal bureau of industry and information technology announced the list of jinan's 2023 manufacturing champions, including zhangqiu heavy forging co., ltd. and zhongfu information co., ltd. in addition, five companies, including shandong power and boiler group, which were single champions in the manufacturing industry in 2020, passed the review.
the champions of manufacturing are known as the "pearl" in the crown of manufacturing and the "tip of the pyramid", which is of great significance to promoting the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing. the list released by jinan this time also reflects from the side that jinan manufacturing has produced a group of "hidden champions" with impressive strength.
how to evaluate the "single champion" in manufacturing
public reports show that in the 1980s, the famous german management scientist hermann simon proposed the concept of "hidden champions", which mainly refers to small and medium-sized enterprises that are among the best in their industry, have the vast majority of market share, but are unknown to the general public. china has proposed the unique concept of "single champions" based on its own manufacturing development reality.
this definition contains two key points. the first is "single item", which means that the company must focus on the target market and "intensively cultivate" the relevant field for a long time; the second is "champion", which requires the company to have a champion-level market position and technical strength in the relevant segments.
according to the application conditions for jinan manufacturing single champion enterprises, the applicant enterprise must have been engaged in the relevant business field for 5 years or more. the main business income must be more than 300 million yuan. if the main business income is less than 300 million yuan, it should be a national-level specialized "little giant" enterprise or a provincial-level specialized enterprise with an annual sales income of more than 80 million yuan. the market share of the single product of the applicant enterprise should be among the top 10 in the country or the top 3 in the province, and the first in the city.
the 20 companies on the list of manufacturing champions for 2023 announced by jinan were determined after a rigorous screening process, including voluntary application from companies, recommendation from industrial and information technology authorities of various districts and counties, review and verification of restrictive conditions, industry review, expert discussion, and online announcement.
it should be noted that the title of single champion in manufacturing is not a "lifelong system". the ministry of industry and information technology will conduct an evaluation and review of the selected single champions every three years. jinan also implements dynamic management of municipal single champions. in december 2020, jinan announced the "list of jinan manufacturing single champion enterprises (products) in 2020", and the first batch of 21 enterprises were on the list. this time, jinan reviewed the first batch of "champion" enterprises and announced the list of 2020 manufacturing single champions that passed the review.
according to statistics, as of now, the total number of jinan city-level manufacturing champions has reached 87, there are 114 provincial-level manufacturing champions, and 23 national-level manufacturing champions.
lithium niobate film image source: jinan high-tech zone
the key to becoming a "single champion" in manufacturing
judging from products such as high-precision gear rings, high-strength steel hot forming intelligent manufacturing systems, pump crankshafts, and ultra-large-format laser cutting machines, the championship products owned by these manufacturing companies on the list are extremely "hard core".
for example, "lithium niobate single crystal film" is an important material for chips used in optical fiber communications, detectors and other products. however, due to technical difficulties, it has been impossible to mass-produce "lithium niobate single crystal film" for a long time. jinan jingzheng electronic technology co., ltd. has taken the lead in developing 8-inch diameter nanoscale lithium niobate single crystal film through self-developed ion implantation, direct bonding and other technologies, filling the gap in the industry and providing strong support for the rapid development of basic materials in the field of high-end device chips in my country.
another example is the "high-strength steel hot forming intelligent manufacturing system project", which is an intelligent manufacturing system developed by aotu co., ltd. with a large investment of manpower, material and financial resources, specifically for lightweight automobiles. it is widely used in processing automotive structural parts, safety parts and reinforcement parts. the main technical indicators have reached the international advanced level, and the localization of automobile production equipment has been achieved, replacing imports and going abroad. it is reported that the current market share of aotu's hot forming automation line has exceeded 60%, and domestic first-tier new energy brands have aotu's production lines.
also on the list is "artificial skin with active cells", a biotechnology product developed by jinan pansheng biotechnology co., ltd. at present, pansheng biotechnology has mastered the core technology of autologous cell regeneration and repair, and has developed artificial skin based on this technology, filling the gap in this technology at home and abroad, becoming the "single champion" of artificial skin.
another company that passed the review was jinan boiler group co., ltd., which was founded in 1954 and mainly produces high-pressure and ultra-high-pressure power station boilers and industrial boilers. it is a pilot base of the institute of engineering thermophysics of the chinese academy of sciences and a high-tech enterprise. jinan boiler is the birthplace of domestic circulating fluidized bed boilers and biomass boilers, and leads the forefront of circulating fluidized bed boiler and biomass boiler technology.
it is clear that building a "single champion" is not a one-day job. it requires years of continuous focus on the subdivided field, especially to maximize one's own advantages. only by focusing on the main business and persevering can one become bigger and stronger.
where does the confidence come from to train “single champions”?
in recent years, shandong has made industrial economy its top priority, and jinan has adhered to the strategy of "industrially strong city", vigorously developed advanced manufacturing, and accelerated the promotion of new industrialization.
at present, the total number of high-quality enterprises in jinan, including specialized, innovative, gazelle, and single champion, has exceeded 8,000, ranking first in the province. highly skilled talents are an important support for the breakthrough data.
on august 15, the jinan municipal government information office held a press conference to give a detailed interpretation of the recently issued "several measures on strengthening the construction of jinan's high-skilled talent team in the new era".
in recent years, the jinan municipal bureau of industry and information technology has implemented the industrial city strengthening strategy and the digital economy leading strategy in depth, continued to strengthen the dominant industries, vigorously cultivated advantageous enterprises, deepened the integration of production and talents, and created a fertile ground for the growth of high-skilled talents, forming a good situation in which the dominant pillar industries and outstanding talents "run in both directions".
on the one hand, we focus on strengthening the "4+10" industrial system and building a "1+n" industrial policy system. the scale of the four major leading industries, such as big data and new generation information technology, intelligent manufacturing and high-end equipment, continues to grow, and the "four new" economy accounts for 40.5%. on the other hand, we focus on improving and strengthening key enterprises, deeply implement the enterprise gradient cultivation project, and undertake a total of 5,969 shandong provincial technology innovation projects, accounting for about 1/3 of the province.
at the same time, the municipal bureau of industry and information technology took the lead in the province to carry out the certification of municipal public training bases, gathering talents through production and promoting production with talents, and promoting the deep integration of production and talents. it has currently certified 61 public training bases at the municipal level and above, with more than 1,700 training instructors, and cultivates more than 100,000 high-skilled talents each year in the fields of advanced manufacturing and digital economy.
at present, my country's industry is in a critical period of moving from big to strong and climbing over hurdles. we need more and more "single champions" in the manufacturing industry to play a leading role in demonstration and promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. we also look forward to more and more "single champions" in jinan and stronger manufacturing power.