
within 48 hours, multiple missiles have fallen into the sea, four countries are rushing to show goodwill to the mainland, and lai qingde has committed a taboo


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"resisting reunification by force" and "seeking independence with foreign powers" are the labels that the dpp politicians have attached to their foreheads, but the result proves that they are just asking for trouble. recently, the taiwan military conducted exercises to confront the people's liberation army, but as expected, an accident occurred again. what happened? why are the four countries rushing to show goodwill to the mainland? what happened to lai qingde's taboo?

the first 100 days since lai ching-te took office can be said to be a bad year with constant troubles. polls show that in the more than three months since lai ching-te took office, his approval rating has plummeted by 10%.some analysts believe that if this situation continues, within four years, lai ching-te will become a "lonely man" due to losing all his "supporters."however, despite the shocking data, the "optimistic" lai administration remains indifferent and continues to intensify its challenges to the bottom line of the taiwanese people.

the taiwan executive yuan recently approved the 2025 budget compiled by the dpp authorities, and the total defense budget has increased to nt$647 billion. due to factors such as the continued deterioration of cross-strait relations, the economic situation in taiwan is not very good, but the dpp authorities still insist on taking the path of militarism. so, why does the dpp authorities spend so much military money? of course, to deal with the mainland.however, when the taiwanese people saw the outrageous operations of the taiwan military forces that were supported by their tax money, they were completely stunned.

recently, in order to strengthen its momentum against the mainland, the taiwan military held a two-day so-called "tianma exercise" with great fanfare, in which the anti-armored units of the taiwan army and marine corps conducted live-fire shooting of "tow" anti-tank missiles. as a result, like all previous military exercises of the taiwan military, if there were no accidents, it would not really be considered a "complete" military exercise.according to taiwanese media reports, the taiwan military fired a total of 17 missiles, only 7 of which hit the target, and the other 10 all fell into the sea to "explode fish." multiple missiles fell into the sea within 48 hours. this kind of thing would be a scandal that would make military officials lose face in any military.

but the taiwanese military officials are not as shameless as others. they attributed the embarrassing missile launch to the fact that "half of the exercisers were novices." however, some taiwanese professionals could not stand it and solved the mystery through social media: "this exposes the shortcomings of the taiwanese military in equipment maintenance and grassroots training."some taiwanese media have raised questions: in 2025, taiwan's defense budget is as high as nt$647 billion, which should ensure that the taiwan military can replace and obtain more modern equipment. however, the fact is that the grassroots units of the taiwan military are still facing the dilemma of equipment shortage, which makes people wonder: where did the budget go?

is there any need to ask this? the dpp authorities' budget goes to a part of the money in the pockets of politicians, a part of the money in the pockets of american arms dealers and speculative politicians, and a part of the money in the "dollar diplomacy" of the dpp authorities. they act as "money-spending boys" and invest all the money in so-called "friendly countries". but the problem is that some of the only 12 so-called "friendly countries" on taiwan island have begun to waver.

since the democratic progressive party came to power, during tsai ing-wen's two terms in office, 10 of the 22 so-called "friendly countries" that taiwan had originally won over through "dollar diplomacy" announced that they would "sever diplomatic ties" with taiwan. now that tsai ing-wen has stepped down and lai ching-te has taken office, a new round of cross-strait game has begun. according to media reports,lai ching-te has received bad news one after another recently, including that taiwan’s so-called “friendly countries” are scrambling to show goodwill to the mainland and are intending to “sever diplomatic ties” with taiwan.

according to taiwanese media reports, the lai ching-te administration, which advocates "using force to seek independence", has made those "friendly countries" feel very uneasy, so much so that some countries are seeking to cut ties with the taiwan authorities. it is reported that four countries have recently hoped to "break off diplomatic relations" with taiwan, namely the vatican, palau, guatemala and paraguay.regarding the possible turning against these so-called "friendly countries", the lai ching-te administration is still following the old routine of its predecessor, which is to hope to stabilize the emotions of these countries by "spending money".

however, if lai qingde can think with his brain, he should lie down and save some money, because his predecessor tried to keep the "allies" in this way, but in the end, only 12 of the 22 so-called "allies" remained. so,some analysts believe that as the mainland accelerates its pace of taking over taiwan, lai ching-te will sooner or later find that his so-called "friendly countries" have been wiped out. after all, cross-strait reunification is an inevitable trend, and any stubborn resistance by the dpp authorities will only end in a bloody blow.

lai ching-te did what he knew was impossible on the cross-strait issue. at the same time, at a time when taiwan's economic growth was stagnant, he embarked on a path of militarism and there was no turning back. he has obviously committed a serious taboo.the consequence of this is that the taiwan authorities' "international space for activities" will be further compressed. at the same time, according to taiwanese media, "lai ching-te has finally lost the support of the people."