
officials refuted the rumor that 6 employees of the scenic spot were infected with aids: the rumor maker was fined 500 yuan


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there is a saying that goes like this

where there is a "crouching dragon", there is a "phoenix youngster"

previously, "wolong" spread rumors that someone died in the scenic area and was dealt with according to law.

later, a "fengchu" rumor spread that a scenic spot employee had aids

august 13

dongsheng police station received a report from a scenic spot employee

someone is in the community wechat group

rumor: six employees of the scenic spot have aids

this has had a negative impact on the image of the scenic spot.

after receiving the alarm

dongsheng police station police quickly started work

august 14

the police locked in the suspect zeng

he was taken back to the police station for investigation.

according to zeng's confession

on august 13, i posted in the wechat group

i saw someone discussing about going to a scenic spot in naxi.

thinking back to what her friend had told her

there are employees in this scenic spot infected with aids

unconfirmed news was released

"xxx 6 employees have aids"

“they all resigned.”wait for rumors


wechat group administrator reminds in the group

do not post information that is inconsistent with the facts

around 19:00 that afternoon

zeng knew that the message he sent was wrong

then he sent a rumor-refuting apology letter to the owners group.

in view of the fact that zeng promptly refuted the rumor and apologized in the wechat group afterwards

actively eliminate the impact of spreading false information

the naxi district public security bureau imposed an administrative penalty of 500 yuan on zeng, and the scenic area manager expressed his gratitude to the dongsheng police station for quickly solving the case.

police reminder

be civilized when using the internet and speak rationally

don’t make rumors, don’t believe rumors, don’t spread rumors

for fabricating and spreading rumors

naxi police will crack down severely

effectively maintain the order of cyberspace and

the legitimate rights and interests of the people