
there is a "difficulty in parking ships" in a community in shanghai! at its peak, there were more than 300 ships... how to manage them?


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"it's difficult to park in other communities, but it's difficult to park boats in our community." hu linghao, secretary of the party branch of california water county residential area in xinjiang bay city, said that at the peak of its popularity, there were more than 300 paddle boards and kayaks in the two communities of california water county and jiayu bay.

yangpu xinjiangwancheng street has 11 clear rivers. the rich water resources and high-quality water environment have attracted water sports enthusiasts. kayaks, inflatable boats, rubber boats, speedboats and other equipment can be seen everywhere on the river. at the same time, it has also caused concerns among nearby residents about the ecological environment and safety issues.

should we regulate or not? how should we regulate? to what extent should we regulate? in the face of this new thing, many different opinions have emerged in the community.

on the evening of august 30, the xinjiangwancheng subdistrict cultural activity center was packed with people. the standing committee of the yangpu district people's congress, shanghai people's broadcasting station and others jointly launched the "people's city·everyone's discussion hall" democratic practice activity. more than 200 residents, experts and scholars, people's congress representatives, and community workers held a big discussion on the "blocking" and "unblocking" of xinjiangwancheng's water leisure activities.

should we care? "difficulty in parking boats" in the community

"let's do a small survey first. please raise your hands if you have a boat at home." as soon as the host finished speaking, many people in the meeting hall raised their hands.

"basically every two or three households in our community has a boat." a lady from jiayu bay said that her family has a four-seater kayak, which was purchased online. "xinjiangwan city has a very good ecological environment, the air is fresh, and it feels great to row a boat in the river, just like being in the forest."

"there is too much control now! this is public waters, and residents should be allowed to row boats." a man took the microphone and said, "as long as it is not a waterway, not a drinking water source protection area, and not a public water area of ​​a scenic spot, the public can engage in water sports."

a resident talked about her experience in beijing liangma river, "the river is rippling with green waves. various kinds of rowing boats and paddle boards are floating on the river for hundreds of meters. it is a gathering place for paddle board enthusiasts. there are people eating and playing around this river. it is bustling and prosperous, and has become a beautiful local landscape." she connected it to xinjiangwan city, "why did we choose to live here? it is because of the beautiful environment, where we can enjoy the fun of water leisure sports and enjoy a better life."

the scene of the renren forum

it is reported that at the peak of the boom, there were more than 300 boats in the two communities of california water county and jiayu bay in xinjiang bay city. a neighborhood committee official from california water county said that because there were too many boats, it was difficult to park boats in the community. for this reason, they built iron racks on the walls along the river in the community to store boats, but a new problem emerged - "zombie boats", that is, old and broken boats were thrown there, and new boats could not be put in, so many people put their boats in underground garages, foyers, and elevator halls.

"i want to sing a different tune!" a man stood up and said, "what is the core resource of xinjiangwan city? it's the water area, which is a public resource. the use of water areas is the same as the use of roads. we cannot only consider drivers and ignore pedestrians. similarly, the use of rivers cannot only consider people with boats and ignore people enjoying the scenery by the river." he believes that the use of public resources should be cautious and should not favor only a certain group of people.

at this time, a resident in the back row took the microphone and said: "the demands of the residents just now are actually the same. one wants to row freely on the river, which is the pursuit of a high-quality life; the other wants to sit quietly by the river and enjoy the scenery, which is also the pursuit of a high-quality life, but in different ways. so this issue still needs to be solved from the perspective of social governance and ecological governance."

why do i care? let me say a few words for the bird.

"everyone has talked a lot about human issues. i'd like to speak for the birds." a resident from jiangwan international apartment applied to speak. "residents of new jiangwan city can proudly say that we wake up to the sound of birds singing every day. this is one of the few areas in downtown shanghai, apart from dishui lake, where many water birds live. there used to be many water birds on the two islands in the middle of the lake, but with more water sports, there are fewer birds. there is a sign of 'people come in, birds go out'."

speaking of birds, an expert in the front row stood up and said, "i am from fudan university, specializing in ecological environment research, and i am also a resident of xinjiangwan city." he said that the waters of xinjiangwan city are inhabited by waterfowl, black-bellied whistling ducks, white-bone crested pheasants and other birds, which can highly adapt to human activities. "if there are people nearby, the birds will move. if there are more paddleboards on the river, they will go to the shoreline. but in the bird breeding season from april to june, human activities may affect them. during this period, daning park and minhang sports park will build some fences to prevent people from approaching the shore, so that the birds and humans are separated by a few meters and can reproduce safely."

"birds and humans can live in harmony, but some compromises are needed from residents at certain stages." the fudan teacher gave an example, saying that the xinjiangwan ecological corridor is also home to the small civet, a national first-class protected animal. when a certain project was under construction last year, three floating bridges were built to protect the small civets. "after the construction, we received a large number of complaints every day. residents complained that the river was blocked and paddle boards could not be used, which delayed everyone's normal play." he said that such a situation would not last too long, but the tolerance of neighbors was needed so that the small animals could continue to reproduce.

after hearing the story of the bird and the civet, a resident stood up and said, "the reason why everyone started arguing is because of information asymmetry. residents saw that a section of the river was blocked, but they didn't know it was a passage built for the civets. it should be said that all residents of xinjiangwan city, including those who row boats, do not want their paddle boards to affect the water quality of the river and the habitat of civets." this resident believes that in the management of "blocking" and "draining", if information can be made public, such as the publication and sharing of professional information, management information, water quality information, and residents' self-governance information, then many contradictions and misunderstandings can be easily resolved.

"everyone looks at things from the perspective of their own interests. animals cannot speak, but in today's meeting hall, someone spoke for them, which is great! this is also an indispensable perspective for us to explore this issue," said hu xiaoli, a member of the municipal people's congress.

how to manage: "happy troubles" rely on residents' self-governance

is it possible to row a boat on the river in xinjiangwan city?

xinjiangwancheng community cadres and people's congress representatives have read a lot of laws and regulations for this purpose. "after checking a lot of information, i found that there is no clear regulation on whether it is legal or illegal, that is, it is not prohibited. however, the restrictions on these personal behaviors on the water are what we must pay attention to."

"should water sports be regulated? i think they should be regulated, but it should be regulated within limits and with warmth, and with laws and rules." a district people's congress representative from a nearby community said, "xinjiangwan city is different from other places where waters are open. the clean ecological small watersheds here are scarce resources and precious green lungs of the city. our ultimate goal is the harmonious coexistence of man and nature."

"it's not that water sports are not allowed, but we must be cautious in opening up waters." a resident said that some people like fishing, some often take walks, and some like wild boating. "can we organize and discuss which waters and time periods can be used for which water activities, and publish them in the community?"

a resident took the microphone and said: we should do a stress test. if these rivers in xinjiangwan city are open to boating, what scale can they accommodate? will it affect the water quality? will it disturb small animals? who will pay for the maintenance of the river? if a crisis occurs, are the residents able to solve it? these issues need to be professionally tested so that they can be managed more scientifically and rationally.

"blocking" and "draining" should be better combined for efficient law enforcement. several functional departments also came to the scene. they said that they would guide and manage water sports and establish and improve corresponding supporting and emergency services. the district water affairs bureau said that it would do a good job of daily water quality monitoring of the river and publish these monitoring data in the community. the district urban appearance and greening bureau said that it would strengthen the observation and protection of the ecological diversity of this area with professional teams, and share these observation data with the water sports project development department.

"the sky is blue, the shore is green and the water is clear, so there are needs for swimming, boating, fishing and so on. i was fishing and the paddle board came over and you chased my fish away; i was taking pictures of birds and you scared the birds away. these are happy troubles." hu yuanhui, director of the xinjiangwancheng sub-district office, said that today's discussion was very inspiring. after the meeting, the opinions of the residents will be summarized. next, they may explore zoning governance and zoning experiments, encourage residents' self-governance, and form a residents' self-governance convention. it also encourages every resident to participate in volunteer services for ecological environmental protection and jointly maintain the green water of xinjiangwancheng.