
16-year-old boxer injured in provincial competition and admitted to icu suspected of delayed treatment! parents: no solution given after more than 45 days


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if he had not been injured in the boxing match on july 3, 16-year-old wu zirui would have returned to his home in huai'an to spend the summer vacation with his sister.

in a provincial competition, wu zirui was hit and injured by his opponent. he was transferred to several hospitals for treatment. he is currently in a rehabilitation hospital in nanjing and is basically in a coma.on august 30, wu zirui's family brought new news. after consultation between the provincial and municipal sports departments and the hospital, the child's hospitalization fees could be owed up to a certain amount, and the suqian side would then pay the additional fees.previously, the incident had encountered a dilemma of unpaid fees and no clear solution.

a staff member of jiangsu provincial sports bureau responded to china national radio that the competition was in compliance with regulations in terms of competition organization and on-site first aid, and the injury was an accident. at present, the provincial, municipal and county sports departments are raising funds from various sources to ensure the treatment of injured athletes. a relevant person in charge of the shuyang county sports bureau of suqian city said that the relevant treatment costs are currently being paid by suqian, and the local sports department has raised more than 200,000 yuan to advance payment and will do its utmost to ensure treatment.

wu zirui (second from right) previously participated in a competition (photo provided by wu zirui's family and released by china national radio)

the family of a teenager who collapsed in the provincial boxing ring questioned the lack of timely first aid at the scene

wu zirui is from huai'an, jiangsu province. in the sixth grade of primary school, he went to a club in shuyang county, suqian city to learn sanda. after entering junior high school, wu zirui followed his coach to nanjing city to learn boxing. he won the championship of the youth boxing competition of the 23rd nanjing sports games.

wu zirui represented the suqian boxing team in the 2024 jiangsu youth boxing championship, which was hosted by the jiangsu provincial sports bureau and the provincial education department and undertaken by the huai'an sports bureau and huaiyin district government. on the afternoon of july 3, in the 16-17 year old youth boxing competition, wu zirui was hit by his opponent and fell to his knees. afterwards, emergency personnel arrived and sent wu zirui to the huai'an fifth people's hospital.

"from the video footage taken in the audience, the emergency personnel did not perform any first aid when they arrived at the scene, but carried the child away to the hospital directly." mr. wu, the father of the injured teenager, told reporters that he did not know the exact time of the incident. he received a notice at around 6 p.m. that day and rushed to the hospital from another place at around 8 p.m. "at that time, the child was sent to the icu. he had respiratory and cardiac arrest, brain hypoxia, and pulmonary edema. his condition was very critical."

wu zirui receives treatment (photo provided by wu zirui's family and released by china national radio)

wu zirui's family provided reporters with several videos shot at the game, which showed that staff removed wu zirui's protective gear after he fell to the ground, and then emergency personnel entered the venue and carried the child away on a stretcher. wu zirui's father, mr. wu, told reporters that he had asked the local sports department to view the complete video of the scene, but the organizer refused on the grounds that the relevant personnel were not there.

a staff member of the first aid station in huaiyin district, huai'an city, told reporters that on the day of the competition, medical staff from the first aid station participated in the medical support work of the event. during the competition, wu zirui was hit and stood unsteadily. the referee helped the athlete back to his seat to rest. the medical staff immediately entered the venue for inspection. the on-site assessment showed that the athlete was unconscious, had spontaneous breathing and heartbeat. the boxing match doctor and the conference doctor initially diagnosed that the athlete was seriously injured and immediately transported the athlete to the 120 ambulance at the entrance of the venue on a stretcher. after getting on the car, the medical staff of the first aid station performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ventilator-assisted ventilation and other first aid measures on the athlete. "it took only 3 minutes from the discovery of the athlete's abnormal physical condition to the transfer to the 120 ambulance. the athlete got on the car and was delivered to the huai'an fifth people's hospital in about 2 minutes according to the first aid principles." the relevant departments did not respond to the reporter from china national radio on why cardiopulmonary resuscitation was not performed before being lifted onto the ambulance, and whether the first aid measures were in compliance with the regulations.

a discharge record of huai'an no. 5 people's hospital obtained by the reporter shows that at about 17:45, the 120 emergency personnel found that the patient had weak breathing, decreased heart rate, and disappeared aortic pulses. they immediately performed chest compressions, opened the airway, and applied non-invasive ventilation with a ventilator. the patient was transferred to the hospital emergency department for treatment. after arriving at the emergency department at 17:51, they continued to perform symptomatic treatment such as chest compressions.

staff from the youth training and anti-doping management center of the jiangsu provincial sports bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "provincial youth anti-doping center") also confirmed the above statement to reporters and said that the on-site first aid was in compliance with the standardized procedures.according to reports, wu zirui was hit hard by his opponent in the last minute of the third round of the 54kg quarterfinals at around 6pm. there were three medical staff at the scene, including two boxing doctors and one emergency worker. the emergency measures were decided after a joint discussion among the three.

"the registration for the competition was two days in advance, and the athletes all had a letter of commitment, a disclaimer, insurance, a health certificate from the chinese boxing association, a letter of commitment, etc. they all registered one year in advance and met the eligibility requirements. we were also surprised that any athlete was injured."in response to the family's request to view the full video of the scene, relevant staff of the provincial sports bureau said that they had not received any relevant requests from the family.

after being transferred to multiple hospitals, he still did not wake up. his family members said that they often owed medical bills.

"the child has the new rural cooperative medical insurance, but because the child was injured by a third party, we can't use the medical insurance to pay." mr. wu said that during the child's treatment, the family paid 100,000 yuan in advance and could not afford it anymore. "which department should i contact? can they provide a long-term plan or a supervision account?"

mr. wu told the reporter that he had also asked the insurance company whether it could advance the expenses. for this competition, wu zirui's club purchased an electronic short-term group accidental injury death insurance policy for the contestants. the policy showed that wu zirui and 23 other people purchased a short-term group accidental injury death insurance policy with a total premium of 2,300 yuan. mr. wu said,the insurance will only pay out after the treatment is completed, and the maximum amount of compensation is 10,000 yuan.

event review (produced by wang shushu and released by china national radio)

while in huai'an no. 5 people's hospital, wu zirui had undergone craniotomy, decompressive craniectomy, ventriculostomy and other surgeries. as wu zirui had been in a coma, he was transferred to huai'an no. 1 people's hospital for treatment on july 9 at the request of his family. the discharge record of huai'an no. 1 people's hospital showed that wu zirui was still in a coma and still had an infection in his brain.

during the treatment at huai'an first people's hospital, the family paid more than 40,000 yuan in medical expenses, and the remaining expenses were paid by the city and county sports departments.

seeing that the child's condition was not improving, wu zirui was transferred to jiangsu provincial people's hospital for treatment at the request of his family on july 22. during this period, his family paid for the treatment several times."we often receive notices of overdue payments. after communicating with the sports bureau, they pay us part of the money every time," mr. wu told reporters.

considering that the child would need hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the future, wu zirui's family transferred him to nanjing zijin hospital for rehabilitation treatment on august 5. "when he first arrived at the hospital, the daily treatment cost was about 7,000 yuan, and he was often in arrears. as soon as we called the suqian sports bureau to discuss the cost, they paid part of the fee." mr. wu said that more than a month had passed, and the sports department began to pay 3,000 yuan a day from around august 25. however, on august 28, the child underwent hydrocephalus drainage surgery, and the treatment cost reached more than 9,000 yuan, and the medical expenses were again in arrears.

"a few days ago, the child's hand moved, but we will not give up," mr. wu told reporters.on august 23, the child regained slight consciousness, but the doctors believed that the possibility of the child's condition returning to normal was very low and the future treatment period was uncertain.

wu zirui is currently receiving treatment in the icu of a rehabilitation hospital (photo by zhuang binbin, a reporter from

more than 45 days after the incident, no solution was given. shuyang sports bureau: more than 200,000 yuan has been paid in advance

mr. wu told reporters,it has been more than 45 days since the child was in the accident. the provincial, municipal and county sports bureaus have all come to the hospital to visit. they all said they would do their best to ensure treatment, but they have not given a clear solution.

the reporter contacted zhang yawei, director of the competition and training department of suqian sports bureau. he told the reporter that the municipal sports bureau will do its best to ensure the child's treatment, and other information is inconvenient to disclose.

a staff member of the shuyang county sports bureau, where wu zirui's boxing club is located, said that the province is currently investigating the incident. since the investigation report has not yet been issued and the child's treatment is uncertain, the division of responsibilities and subsequent medical expenses compensation have not yet been determined. regarding the hospital account arrears, the staff member said,since treatment costs are incurred every day, there is indeed some arrears, but the arrears have not affected the child's treatment. we have currently advanced more than 200,000 yuan in medical expenses, and will continue to raise funds in the future.

a staff member of the youth anti-epidemic center of the jiangsu provincial sports bureau told reporters that after the incident, the provincial sports bureau coordinated with the provincial, municipal and county sports departments to put the treatment of the child first. the child's treatment expenses in the hospital are being raised through various channels and are guaranteed. the next step will be to determine the subsequent division of responsibilities and cost solutions based on the professional doctor's judgment of the condition.

why is there a “vacuum zone” in the treatment of athletes seriously injured during competitions?

the parents were so focused on the treatment that they could not use the medical insurance and could not afford it. the insurance company would only intervene to pay the compensation after the treatment was completed and the responsibilities were clarified. the organizer was slow to clarify the responsibilities and coordinated to raise more than 200,000 yuan through multiple channels. who would pay for the treatment and how? is there a clear process for reference? such "confusion" and "dilemma" are not only faced by parents, but also by relevant clubs and even relevant departments.

it is not uncommon for athletes to get injured. what if the next "misfortune" happens on the field?

regarding the division of responsibility for wu zirui's injury during the game, cao keyu, partner and lawyer at beijing angel shize law firm, believes that according to article 1,198 of the civil code of the people's republic of china: hotels, shopping malls, banks, stations, airports, stadiums, entertainment venues and other business premises, public places, operators, managers or organizers of mass activities who fail to fulfill their safety obligations and cause damages to others shall bear tort liability.

as the managers of the event venues, the organizers and sponsors of this event should ensure the communication, medical, sanitation, transportation and other aspects of the event, formulate corresponding emergency plans, and fulfill their safety guarantee accordance with the requirements of "whoever organizes, whoever is responsible" and "whoever is in charge, whoever is responsible" put forward in previous relevant documents of the jiangsu provincial sports bureau, the security guarantee obligations of the organizers and sponsors are also clarified.

"article 32 of the regulations on the management of sports events further clarifies that if a person with no or limited civil capacity participates in a sports event, the organizer or organizer shall inform their guardian of the relevant risks and have the guardian sign a letter of commitment."cao keyu said that the entire incident still depends on further investigation by the relevant departments to determine whether it was an accident or one or several parties were at fault, and the parties will then bear corresponding responsibilities based on the degree of fault.

liu jian, a lawyer at jiangsu zhenyu law firm, said:unless the opposing boxer commits a violation, such as illegal moves, falling to the ground and chasing, etc., the probability of being held responsible is relatively small.whether the organizing unit has fulfilled its obligation to inform of risks in advance, whether it has fulfilled its obligation to provide safety protection during the competition, and whether it has fulfilled its obligation to provide timely medical treatment after the competition, all of the above circumstances will determine the proportion of liability borne by the organizing unit.because boxing itself is an intense and confrontational sport, injuries during confrontation are considered reasonable by most people. this incident mainly depends on whether the injury has exceeded the necessary limit, and whether there is a causal relationship between the injury and the negligence of the organizer. if the lawsuit is filed, the parents can sue the provincial sports bureau and the local sports bureau as double defendants to protect their rights.

what to do if athletes get injured?the reporter also interviewed several local athletes from jiangsu, who did not know much about the treatment of serious injuries."major events all have medical coverage, and if you get injured, you can claim compensation through insurance. but when it comes to the treatment of serious injuries, there should be no relevant regulations. or maybe there are, but i'm not sure." a staff member of the boxing club said that this was the first time he had encountered such a situation since he started working, and he would make reminders and preparations in the future.

during the interview, a staff member of the youth prevention center of the jiangsu provincial sports bureau said that he did not know whether there was a protection mechanism for athletes in the province, and the current priority was to save the child. this accident also has certain reference significance for the establishment of an athlete protection mechanism. the sports department plans to require all participating teams to increase the amount of personal accident insurance for athletes in such competitions next year. in addition, it will explore the establishment of a special fund for athlete injury protection to ensure that athletes receive timely treatment when encountering similar problems.