
china's least internally-distracted city is back to work


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tianjin - the happy hometown of beijing workers, where you can get free happiness in 2 hours, and all the uncles and aunts in the streets and alleys are busy having fun.

i believe that friends have all seen the video that has recently gone viral on douyin, of an old man from tianjin doing his "magical morning exercises" in the park. it's a hardcore fitness video, with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and extraordinary people emerging from the people since ancient times.

image source: tiktok

one group of tianjin uncles were acting as martial arts masters in the park, while another group were diving from the lion grove bridge over the haihe river. as the saying goes, "when it's cloudy in beijing and rainy in the north, it's raining uncles in some parts of tianjin."

there has been heavy rainfall in north china recently, but the old men in tianjin are not deterred by any weather conditions.

image source: sichuan observation

a tourist who came to tianjin to check in asked a street vendor, "where is the diving byebye?"

the old man waved his hand and said with satisfaction: "don't look for me anymore, i'll dance for you."

it can be said that the chinese have their own florida, because tianjin never keeps idle people and can be said to be the place with the least internal friction in china.

for example, the tianjin specialty "water bottle on the head".

if one bottle is not enough, then two bottles will do. if two bottles are not enough, then five bottles will do. if that is not enough, then add the five-star red flag and pheasant feathers.

image source: internet

the track is too crowded, with new moves every few months. anything can be pushed onto the head. tianjin people hold up the whole world.

it’s not enough to just lift it over your head, you have to toss the ball in the air with your hands and stand on a seesaw with your feet.

people around were used to it and no one looked at it in surprise. most of the people who were taking photos and videos with their mobile phones were "tourists from other places."

what other has a sword in his mouth?

30 aerial rotations on the horizontal bar;

image source: tiktok

parallel bars and fancy balance beam;

hardcore steel pipes are lined up in a row;

figure skating team dominates square dance...

tianjin has everything, from singing and performing acrobatics to special skills. if you don't have these skills, you won't dare go out.

the japanese comedy variety show yue yao ye wei yang went to tianjin for an interview. after each of them performed an incredible and difficult move, they would pat their chests and say, "i am the only one who can do this in this area!"

on this side, they throw a 30-pound sandbag like a frisbee; on the other side, they perform acrobatics with a 40-pound stone lock.

image source: yueyao ye weiyang

baibai is very proud of the big turntable on the horizontal bar. others don't dare to do it because they are afraid of pulling their balls, but baibai is not afraid: "it's all unnecessary. why bother with it?"

there was also someone who insisted on wearing homemade 500-kilogram iron shoes to walk, but he couldn't move 5 centimeters even with all his strength. the old man insisted that exercising for half an hour every day was good for his waist.

while practicing, i sang a little tune, and every note was a vibrato, shaking the whole world.

image source: yueyao ye weiyang

isn't this the folk art version of the olympics? even the world-class olympics are not as capable as those in tianjin.

wasn’t the just-concluded paris olympics known as the most relaxing in history? how could it be more relaxed than tianjin? paris is at best the little tianjin of europe.

if you taste it carefully, you will find that paris has the opening ceremony cruise ship and tianjin has the haihe river under the bridge; paris has the confluence of two rivers and tianjin has the sancha river estuary.

image source: weibo

paris has the pantheon and tianjin has a concert hall; the alexander iii bridge in paris is the beian bridge in tianjin.

notre dame de paris actually means "niangniang temple"; the arc de triomphe and minyuan square are exactly carved from the same mold.

so we can see the strange version of the olympics in tianjin. the most popular event, the "lion grove diving", has a viewing volume that is no less than that of the regular olympics.

all year round, rain or shine, especially in summer and autumn, all the tianjin martial artists gather at the lion grove bridge to hold martial arts conferences.

before posing and jumping, he did not forget to shout out the loud slogan: "survive for one minute, be happy for 60 seconds!"

for safety reasons, there were signs saying "no diving" everywhere along the river, but the police couldn't stop him and pulled the old man aside to persuade him: "no jumping here!" the old man said: "i'm not going to post on instagram, the children are still waiting!"

image source: internet

police: it’s very dangerous! young people watching: very! very!

crowd watching the scoring

the police comrades had no choice but to join in when they couldn't win, and set up a makeshift rescue team under the bridge to ensure the personal safety of the people.

image source: tiktok

there are not only diving uncles, but also diving aunties. oh, no, in tianjin, all ladies, regardless of their age, have to be respectfully addressed as "jiejie (sister)"!

there is also the diving proton group, which does some fancy hand movements before starting.

image source: xiaohongshu

the team gradually expanded, with the addition of foreigners, beautiful girls, two-dimensional characters, avatars...all kinds of species competing for the top spot.

image source: tiktok

it even attracted the real diving world champion he chong to come and compete with the old men.

image source: tiktok

some of them were just trying to take advantage of the situation, but actually they were here to take a shower and wash their hair.

image source: yueyaoyewei

diving alone is not enough, so they have also upgraded the events to include team synchronized swimming and difficult water ring jumping... it's true that people in tianjin can live without it, but they cannot live without it.

image source: weibo

the haihe river coast was directly turned into a national 8a-level scenic spot. tianjin is too complicated.

image source: lurk

the unique skill of the tianjin uncle is diving, so the intangible culture of the aunt must be her hair style.

walking on the street, sitting on the bus, or even being a driver, you can see moving city landmarks everywhere. each of the barriers has a towering bun on top, forming the most eye-catching landscape.

image source: internet

as the saying goes, nine out of ten people have their hair permed, and nine out of ten have their hair curled. fashion, fashion, the most fashionable.

during every festival, the aunts would style their hair to change their look and feel. their imagination in styling their hair was beyond imagination.

the higher the height, the more luxurious it is. the color is based on red-brown, with fashionable purple floral patterns. this is the basic style.

image source: tiktok

some craftsmen create sculptures directly on hair, carving a sleeping dragon with a phoenix chick, an entire mountain temple, and a black swan. even michelangelo would have to call him master.

image source: tiktok

there are also those equipped with colored lights, which combine sound, light and electricity to give people an upgraded aesthetic experience.

the spider cave is full of everything. if you ask me for a fairy tale drama, i’d go to aunt tianjin, where each of them is one of the seven happy fairies.

image source: li ruotong

changing from 1.6 meters to 1.7 meters is nothing. we just build a high building on flat ground, and the height will be 1.9 meters after the completion.

you know, isn't this the logic behind european court hairstyles? the higher and more gorgeous they are, the more they can show one's noble status. they can be decorated with garlands, feathers and jewels without losing the romantic style of rococo.

image source: the duchess

the perfect accessory to go with my aunt’s bun is the silk scarf that every woman in tianjin has.

they would wrap silk scarves around their newly made buns, with bright colors and various prints. walking on the street, it felt like they had arrived at a surreal art fair.

image source: internet

tianjin is a very tolerant place. strange creatures appear randomly on street corners, but no one is surprised. "she must have her reasons for doing this."

in fact, the reason why the aunties in tianjin wrap their hands with a silk scarf is because there is a lot of wind and sand in the northern region. after continuous practice, they found that wrapping their hands in all directions on windy days can resist the attack of the tenth-level evil wind.

thus, the unique cultural landscape of tianjin was formed, which embodied the word "cool".

don’t be disgusted, naruto is paying tribute to tianjin scarves.

image source: internet

when you come to tianjin, don’t mess with these masked knights. you should know that tianjin aunts are the most powerful in the world, and the most common label given to them on the internet is “not easy to mess with”.

they are the decision-makers in the family, the go-to people in the neighborhood, the bargaining kings in the vegetable market, and the hermits who are good at arguing with people.

the tianjin barrier that is not easy to mess with

there is a very popular program in tianjin called "lawyer with legal eyes". the content is usually about family matters and disputes over land and houses. you will find that the men rarely have a say. the program team mediates for a long time and then asks the brothers: are you willing to accept this mediation?

the man usually holds it in for a long time before saying, "i can't make the decision. i have to go back and ask my family."

image source: cctv13

it can be said that in tianjin, whether uncle or aunt, they all believe in not arguing about anything. let’s all live a good life and accept our fate.

otherwise, it is said that tianjin is the ancient greek god in charge of relaxation.

they would rather take a fixed salary of a few thousand yuan than work 996 in a big company, which is the top way to fight internal friction.

tianjin ranks lowest in depression incidence

after all, tianjin does not have the pressure of class sliding that families in beijing, shanghai and guangzhou face all the time. as long as they have enough food and clothing, "it doesn't matter whether they have money or not, just be happy."

image source: yang guang's happy life

when big companies come to tianjin, they must also get off work on time at 6 pm, otherwise they will be scolded by tianjin parents. it is said that tianjin parents think overtime is unreasonable and they directly wait at the door at 6 o'clock to pick up their children.

although she is not born with the wealth and fortune of the only daughters in jiangsu, zhejiang and shanghai, tianjin has become an invisible highland of native families with its unique optimistic gene.

image source: xiaohongshu

even many people who have been struggling to move to beijing, after witnessing the vibe of tianjin, a child-friendly city, have given up their pursuit of a beijing hukou and instead decided to register their children in tianjin.

after all, "the life of involution is monotonous, and the happiness of relaxation is one in a million."

indeed, people in tianjin are not motivated at work, but they are good at everything from food, clothing, housing, transportation, eating, drinking and having fun.

take “eating” for example. tianjin is the city with the highest obesity rate in the country.

tianjin ranks first in obesity rate

just the fried dough sticks can be cooked in seventy-nine different ways.

bangchuibaozi, ring-shapedbaozi, eggbaozi,baozi comb,baotou, sugar-coatedbaozi,baozi biscuits... i haven't even finished writing down all the names yet and i almost don't recognize the word "baozi".

basic pancakes

in addition to the fried dough sticks, tianjin noodles are also very popular and can be served as a separate dish.

the dish starts with four cold and four hot ingredients, using shrimps, purple crabs, scallops, meat slices, shiitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms... to make a fresh, fragrant and crystal-clear stew, and is paired with four special stir-fried dishes, plus a dozen crispy fresh vegetables as side dishes, and a touch of red rice noodles as the finishing touch. only with all these ingredients can a bowl of noodles be set off.

tianjin noodles

so naming dishes is a traditional ventriloquism in tianjin. they are so particular about food that they get off work on time every day but are willing to queue for two hours outside a shaved ice shop just for a bite of food.

image source: xiaohongshu

it is often said that "beijing people have oily tastes, while tianjin people have good mouths", which shows tianjin's obsession with food. tianjin cuisine uses fresh river and sea food as ingredients, and is unique in its own way.

there are many similar rhymes: "eat fish and shrimp, tianjin is your home", "borrowing money to eat seafood does not mean you can't survive", "eat a fresh meal, and it will not be unfair if you die."

tianjin cuisine, seafood and river food

in short, if you like your food, tianjin is the right place to go.

in addition to "eating and drinking" and "entertainment", tianjin is of course no problem. for the people of tianjin who believe that "you can be without money but not without work", the streets are a stage for them.

at the corners of the park and under the overpass, there are thousands of ways to play and tens of thousands of acrobatics, leaving the audience dazzled.

symphony under the bridge

in addition to the power-level "throwing sandbags" and "slinging stone locks" mentioned above.

there are also skill-based performances such as "shaking the gourd", "waving the dragon cloth" and "bullfighting dance" for you to enjoy.

image source: internet

at worst, people play bird fighting and cricket playing, and some even walk turtles on the streets.

after all, tianjin tv’s long-running program is "cricket championship".

image source: tianjin tv

zhou qimi’s talk show “listen to bye bye” became popular before. this is true and it happened in tianjin.

image source: "talk show conference"

in addition to baibai who can mediate fights, every person in tianjin is a crosstalk master, and even tianjin dogs have to learn quick-talking.

image source: tiktok

the traffic policewoman on the road is also a graduate of a professional crosstalk school with a level 10 skill. directing traffic is "crosstalk law enforcement": i shout "one, two, three, wooden man", and we can't move.

even the cba's home basketball court in tianjin canceled the cheerleading performance during halftime and turned it into a group rap performance.

one year there was a heavy rain in tianjin and the streets were flooded, so the people of tianjin decided to kayak, surf, fish, and bathe on the streets. they also got roller balls from the amusement park and had a lot of fun.

image source: weibo

at the same time, on the streets of beijing, car owners were calling insurance companies and towing companies with worried faces.

tianjin is the only city that has signs saying "no laughing" on the roads. other places worry about drivers driving under the influence of alcohol or while fatigued, but here people worry about drivers chatting without looking at the road.

the doctor's order from tianjin hospital specifically added "no playing cards", which shows how worried the old man in tianjin was. the old man thought: just saying no playing cards doesn't mean no playing chess.

image source: tianjin on palm

there are signs in teahouses in tianjin saying “audience members are strictly prohibited from entering the stage”.

the sculptures in other primary schools are of literary masters such as lu xun and confucius, but in tianjin wanquandao primary school, the sculpture on campus is of ma sanli. could it be that the school motto is "just teasing you"?

the internet-famous sign “missing you in the wind” has indeed come to tianjin, but it has suddenly transformed into something slightly crazy.

tianjin "zhenghuo" sign

as a result, even the tianjin dialect has its own humorous gene. someone once translated domineering president literature into tianjin dialect, which is so sour and refreshing, and can definitely cure love-brain.

image source: wechat screenshot

they have their own dialect-dubbed version of "tom and jerry", called "tang erde and sanbangzi". it has to be said that the childhood of tianjin children is quite comprehensive.

why do people in tianjin have a sense of contentment with poverty and a carefree lifestyle that is ingrained in their bones?

mr. feng jicai, a representative writer from tianjin, is also very curious about this. he is actually a ningbo native who lived and grew up in tianjin. he particularly loves tianjin culture and has written a collection of short stories, "strange people in the world", which fully captures the essence of tianjin.

feng jicai: strange people in the world

looking through china's modern history, nine countries, namely britain, france, germany, the united states, japan, italy, russia, austria and belgium, have all built concessions in tianjin and moved buildings with their own national characteristics here. however, tianjin has this magic that can wipe out all foreign imprints and instead radiate tianjin's unique optimistic flavor.

after all, tianjin’s unique optimism and open-mindedness are inseparable from the city’s special history.

the common name tianjin wei actually originated from the military system of the ming dynasty. in the second year of yongle in the ming dynasty, the ming army built a garrison here. emperor chengzu of the ming dynasty named it "tianjin" (emperor's ferry), and the soldiers from anhui who were transferred here became the earliest residents here.

old photos of tianjin drum tower

the anhui dialect mixed with the northern dialect formed the unique tianjin dialect. with the increase of population and the development of commerce, it was promoted to a prefecture in the qing dynasty.

both river and sea transportation must pass through tianjin, which has become a key hub for communication between the north and the south, and the main supplier of fish, salt and other goods to the capital.

tianjin shifted from being a military city to a trading city, gathering peddlers and hawkers from all over the place. "nine rivers lead to tianjin, with three floating bridges and two checkpoints," which formed the unique river and lake atmosphere of the place and created the urban flavor of tianjin city.

old photos of tianjin's opening to the outside world

although located in the north, most of tianjin's earliest residents were from the south. the fusion of various cultures has made this city inherently highly inclusive.

especially after tianjin was opened as a port, it became a typical port trading city. merchants from all over the country came to do business and set up various chambers of commerce. harmony brings wealth, so people called each other "brother" and "sister" to show courtesy.

a large number of citizens need cultural life. the tianqiao wharf, which has the atmosphere of the market and the rivers and lakes, gathers all the sacred figures in the folk art world, and quick-talking and crosstalk flourish here.

tianjin deyun club

in the dock society, people make a living by their own ability. those with special skills eat meat, look bright, and stand in the middle of the street; those without skills eat vegetarian food, look wilted, and stay on the sidelines.

it has been passed down to this day and has become a unique gene of tianjin people.

so feng jicai said:

"tianjin is a strange place. the people who are praised are not dignitaries or scholars, but living gods from all walks of life."

the characters he painted, such as zhang the clay man, li the brush, wei the kite, su qikua, the drunkard woman... these talented people with unique skills hiding in the world of mercenary are so lifelike, and their deep-seated respect for the craft is evident.

tianjin art museum’s clay figurine zhang colored sculpture exhibition

in the humiliating modern times, with nine foreign concessions and warlord separatism, tianjin was the forefront of military conflicts. one side took over and another took the stage, but they were all power struggles among outsiders and foreigners, and had no deeper blood ties with tianjin. therefore, the people of tianjin treated it with a joking attitude of cold-eyed observation.

on the contrary, it has further strengthened tianjin people's contented and optimistic character. coupled with their top-notch self-deprecating spirit, tianjin people do not seek anything else but to live a colorful and enjoyable life.

feng jicai: pointing and talking about tianjin

just like the most popular tv series in tianjin, "yang guang's happy life", it tells the story of the life of ordinary people who are free and easy and "unambitious".

but isn’t this just a small resistance of ordinary people against the tide of history?


1. how wild are the grandpas and grandmas in tianjin?

2. "talking about tianjin" by feng jicai

3. "the moon is still young - tianjin chapter"

4. how did the people of tianjin become so poor? feng jicai and his old tianjin