
philippine ship 9701 deliberately rammed our coast guard ship 5205, china coast guard responded


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according to the china coast guard’s official wechat account, liu dejun, spokesperson for the china coast guard, said that at 08:02 on august 31, the philippine coast guard ship no. 9701, which had illegally stayed at china’s xianbin reef, weighed anchor and continued to maneuver and provoke trouble in the xianbin reef lagoon. the chinese coast guard ship no. 5205 took measures such as shouting warnings and following up with the supervision and control of the no. 9701 ship in accordance with the law and regulations. at 12:06, the philippine ship no. 9701 deliberately collided with the chinese ship no. 5205, which was normally safeguarding rights and enforcing the law, in an unprofessional and dangerous manner, resulting in a collision. the responsibility lies entirely with the philippines. we once again warn the philippines to face reality, give up illusions, and immediately withdraw on its own. this is the only correct way. do not misjudge the situation, create hot spots, or escalate the situation. otherwise, all the consequences caused by this will be borne by the philippines. china has indisputable sovereignty over the nansha islands, including the xianbin reef, and its adjacent waters. the chinese coast guard will take necessary measures to resolutely thwart all infringing acts of provoking trouble and causing multiple disturbances, and resolutely safeguard the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

edited by mao tianyu