
to jointly control outdoor "wandering smoking", the first standard specification for outdoor smoking spots in china will be officially implemented in shanghai from tomorrow


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the shanghai local standard "requirements for the establishment and management of outdoor smoking points" was issued by the shanghai municipal market supervision administration on may 25 this year and will be officially implemented on september 1, 2024. this is the first standard specification for outdoor smoking points in china, filling a gap in this field and also has innovative and leading significance internationally. by the end of this year, shanghai will complete the construction of 300 outdoor smoking demonstration points.

the first outdoor smoking area standard in china will be officially implemented tomorrow. all pictures in this article are provided by shanghai municipal health commission

the standard was proposed and implemented by the shanghai municipal health commission, led by the shanghai health promotion center, and jointly drafted and compiled by the shanghai tobacco control association, fudan university, shanghai environmental monitoring center, tongji university, and shanghai fire rescue corps.

according to the shanghai municipal health commission, this standard is a key content and important achievement of the healthy shanghai action project (2022-2024) - "construction of tobacco control demonstration management and improvement of smoking cessation network capacity", and is also an important measure to further promote the "three steps of tobacco control action" in public places, namely "complete indoor smoking ban, no outdoor smoking, please read the signs when smoking". on the basis of strictly following the provisions of the "shanghai public places smoking control regulations" and the "shanghai patriotic health and health promotion regulations", the city will further strengthen the publicity and advocacy of not smoking anywhere and not smoking outdoors, and smokers should avoid crowds and go to designated outdoor smoking spots.

outdoor demonstration smoking areas.

this standard summarizes shanghai's long-term practical experience in tobacco control management and refers to relevant foreign practices. it stipulates the requirements for the location, facilities, signs, health tips, etc. of outdoor smoking spots, and clarifies the management requirements such as daily inspections and maintenance of outdoor smoking spots. it is conducive to guiding and regulating outdoor smoking behavior, reducing the health hazards of outdoor secondhand smoke and wandering smoke to non-smokers, and protecting the public health of citizens. it is of great significance to further improve the effectiveness of smoke-free environment construction, and assist in the refined management of urban tobacco control and the construction of healthy cities.

in addition, health warnings about the hazards of tobacco smoke and smoking cessation service information are set up at outdoor smoking spots to provide smokers with a professional, scientific and convenient channel to quit smoking. at the same time, representative outdoor public places are selected throughout the city, such as comprehensive business districts, sports and fitness venues, parks and green spaces, exhibition and cultural venues, transportation hubs, and "one river and one river" waterfront public spaces for outdoor smoking point demonstration construction. in accordance with the requirements of the "notice on issuing the shanghai tobacco control sign system and setting specifications", the setting of no-smoking signs, smoking point signs and guide signs is standardized, and the construction of 300 demonstration points will be completed by the end of the year.

the shanghai municipal health commission stated that currently, there are no standards and specifications for outdoor smoking spots in the country. faced with new problems and challenges in the governance of megacities, as well as the outdoor secondhand smoke problem that the public is urgently concerned about and looking forward to solving, shanghai leads the country and benchmarks against the international level, innovatively exploring and formulating the "requirements for the establishment and management of outdoor smoking spots", providing professional guidance and technical support for venues and units to reasonably and standardizedly set up and manage outdoor smoking spots, so as to give full play to the role of outdoor smoking spots in guiding and standardizing outdoor smoking behavior and protecting the health of the public.

in order to promote and implement local standards, the shanghai health promotion committee and the shanghai municipal health commission recently issued the "notice on issuing the requirements for the establishment and management of outdoor smoking areas" and released the country's first "standard" publicity and training toolkit to more effectively guide the standardized construction of outdoor smoking areas, further improve the effectiveness of smoke-free environment construction, and enhance the level of healthy shanghai construction.