
as school starts, what new equipment do you buy for your kids?


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school is about to start, and many parents in fuzhou are busy "purchasing" in stationery stores and online shops to buy new "equipment" for their children. which type of stationery is more popular in supermarkets and stores? what do children think about this? what suggestions does the school have?
stationery store:
“parents prefer practical stationery”
the reporter walked into a stationery store near a primary school in gulou district, fuzhou city. a wide variety of stationery was placed on the shelves, and parents often brought their children to buy them. the long and narrow shelves were filled with school supplies of various shapes and functions.
▲the dazzling array of goods on the shelves of a stationery store
the small table at the entrance of the store is also covered with book covers of different patterns and styles. "book covers are hot-selling items every year, and i have also purchased a large number of them this year." ms. zhang, a stationery store owner, told reporters that as the school season approaches, the school supplies that parents come to the store to buy are mainly book covers, pens, correction tapes and other commonly used stationery.
the reporter saw an ink pen set called "university promise" in another stationery store. a box costs more than 20 yuan and contains 6 pens. each pen has the name of a famous domestic university written on it, including tsinghua university, peking university, fudan university, zhejiang university, etc. the pen body is also printed with the motto of the corresponding school and its iconic buildings.
the store owner said that this product is the best-selling product in the store. "on average, a pen costs about 4 yuan, which is not expensive. in addition, it has the good meaning of hoping to be admitted to a prestigious school, so it is popular among students and parents. this year, parents also prefer practical stationery. the previous co-branded blind box pens are relatively priced and obviously not very popular."
▲the reporter was also tempted to buy a box of "university appointment"
during the interview, the reporter found that many parents would choose to purchase school supplies through online platforms. ms. liu from fuzhou bought all the school supplies for her daughter who is about to enter the first grade of junior high school on pinduoduo. "i bought book covers, pens, folders, etc. online. the purchase volume is relatively large. they have been delivered to my home in the past few days." she said that the merchants also launched many discount packages for promotion, which are very affordable.
new students:
budget constraints make trade-offs
in september, xiaonan from gulou district, fuzhou city, will become a junior high school student. in his opinion, there must be a sense of ceremony when he is promoted from a primary school student to a junior high school student, so he decided to upgrade his "equipment" before school starts.
in addition to buying a new schoolbag and upgrading its capacity, xiaonan also wants to upgrade his "equipment" - a bicycle and a smartwatch. in early august, xiaonan just turned 12, which means he can finally ride on the road alone. in elementary school, he could only ride a small-wheeled children's bicycle in the community, but now he can finally ride freely. xiaonan hopes to have a mountain bike, which can save time and make him a happy "conspicuous bag".
however, her mother was worried: "will the new watch be lost if it is parked at the subway station for so long?" this reminder really made xiaonan hesitate: "what if it is lost? it makes me sad just thinking about it." so, xiaonan planned to upgrade another device - a smart watch.
"if the smartwatch has the function of scanning codes to share bicycles, i can still ride to the subway station every day and don't have to worry about the bicycle being stolen. however, the budget given by my mother is limited, and smartwatches are not cheap." xiaonan said generously that there is no rush and he will upgrade his equipment when he has the chance in the future.
school recommendations:
stationery should be "minimalist"
recently, at a parents' meeting for first graders at a primary school in cangshan district, fuzhou city, the school's relevant person in charge explained the school supplies that need to be prepared for first graders and suggested that parents try to choose a "minimalist style" when purchasing school supplies.
"there are so many different kinds of stationery nowadays, and some are so designed that you can't even tell what they are. last fall, in a first-grade class, i mistakenly thought a child had brought soap from home, but when i got closer, i found it was actually a huge eraser." the person in charge said, "the eraser is too big and inconvenient to use. even an adult would have difficulty holding it in one hand, let alone a first-grade child. it also adds weight to the child's schoolbag."
ms. zhao, who attended the parent-teacher meeting, fully agreed with the school's suggestions.
"this year, my second child, my youngest daughter, is entering first grade. since my eldest daughter started first grade, i have chosen to buy simple and easy-to-use stationery, such as a small white eraser that can be wiped clean quickly, and a ruler with enlarged scale marks to prevent myopia." she believes that "fancy stationery should be chosen with caution, as it can easily distract children from class, and some erasers or refills with 'attractive fragrance' may be harmful to the body."