
ai is deeply integrated with industrial manufacturing. these minhang companies are taking the lead in network security management


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in order to further enhance the cybersecurity awareness and protection skills of the whole society and vigorously create a strong atmosphere of "cybersecurity for the people and cybersecurity relying on the people", the 2024 national cybersecurity publicity week minhang district event launch and shanghai cybersecurity escort "intelligent and smart manufacturing" sub-forum were held at the shanghai aerospace innovation and entrepreneurship center on the morning of august 30. the event was guided by the municipal party committee cyberspace information office and hosted by the minhang district party committee cyberspace information office, district economic commission, and district public security bureau.
around the "campus day" of the national cyber ​​security publicity week, minhang district held the "campus little anchors talking about cyber ​​security" activity, soliciting relevant and vivid cyber security popular science broadcast videos from campus tv stations across the district, and broadcasting them through the five education integration cloud space. at the event, letters of appointment were issued to outstanding cyber security little anchors who emerged from the event.
focusing on the "personal information protection day" of the national cyber ​​security publicity week, minhang district actively advocated that key enterprises in the district's consumer sector make full use of their own websites and offline stores to carry out public welfare publicity on personal information protection. after comparison, 9 well-known enterprises won the excellent organization award. at the event site, the carefully designed personal information protection posters of the winning enterprises were displayed.
minhang district insists on linking regular publicity with publicity at important nodes, and with the theme of "internet security for the people", it has cultivated and incubated a number of interesting and interactive special projects of "entering communities, rural areas, enterprises, government agencies, campuses, and families" in 14 streets and towns. as the main host of this year's minhang district cyber ​​security week, xinzhuang industrial zone has carried out a series of "cyber ​​security @ illustrations" activities based on the characteristic cultural resources of deqiu lixiang valley's "illustration town". related illustrations will be displayed in various new era civilization practice centers throughout the district. xinhong street's "cyber ​​security + sachet" and pujiang town's "cyber ​​security + plate gourd" were selected as shanghai-level exhibition works.
in recent years, minhang district has vigorously promoted the deep integration of new-generation information technologies such as artificial intelligence with the real economy, especially the industrial manufacturing industry. many key enterprises have taken the lead in the field of network security management and accumulated a number of advanced management experiences, which have a reference and demonstration significance for the city's industrial internet security construction. to this end, minhang district held the shanghai network security escort "intelligent and smart manufacturing" sub-forum around the security of the industrial internet in the field of intelligent manufacturing.
at the event, shanghai mitsubishi elevator conducted a demonstration emergency drill in the form of a desktop exercise, showing the effective emergency response process after the "remote elevator service system" suffered an external data ransomware attack. at the same time, three experts in the field of industrial internet security and two front-line managers of key enterprises in the district were invited to give keynote speeches. at the forum, network security leaders of smart manufacturing enterprises in minhang district gathered together to exchange ideas and learn from each other, which achieved good publicity and training results.
author: zhu yue
text: zhu yue editor: liu liyuan responsible editor: su zhan
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