
national party media high-quality development research tour | empowered by technology, "underground black gold" has undergone a gorgeous transformation


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on august 28, the media group of the work exchange meeting on "breaking new paths and new practices - national party media high-quality development research tour" and "building an all-media production and dissemination mechanism to promote systemic reform of mainstream media" visited and investigated the shangwan coal mine of the state energy group shenhua coal group located on the banks of the ulanmulun river in ordos city.
the media group arrived at the 200-meter underground mine of shangwan coal mine
standing by the ulanmulun river and looking out, the media group members were all attracted by the beautiful scenery. the tall mountains were divided into neat green grids, and everywhere you looked, there was lush greenery and vegetation. the banks of the ulanmulun river under the beautiful scenery contain a unique energy treasure trove. the "underground black gold" buried here for hundreds of millions of years continuously provides energy for more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in china.
shangwan coal mine is located in the transition zone between the hilly and gully area of ​​the loess plateau and the maowusu desert in the middle reaches of the yellow river. in the early development, the vegetation coverage rate here was only 3%. faced with the fragile ecological environment, shenhua coal group continued to explore during the construction process and formed a "three-phase three-circle" ecological governance model of "pre-mining prevention, mining control, post-mining restoration" and "external protection circle, surrounding evergreen circle, and central beautification circle".
the shangwan hongshiquan ecological governance area is one of the typical representatives of the "three phases and three circles" ecological prevention and control model of shenhua coal group. the governance runs through the entire process before, during and after mining, and has built a wide and three-dimensional "peripheral protection circle" with sand control as the main focus, an evergreen landscape "peripheral evergreen circle" with soil and water conservation as the main focus, and a beautiful and harmonious "central beautification circle" with garden construction as the main focus. today, the shangwan mining area of ​​shenhua coal group is a landscape in all seasons. mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasses and sands form a beautiful and moving green picture, and green waters and green mountains have become a veritable "gold and silver mountain".
at the shangwan coal mine dispatching smart center, the huge electronic screen displays all aspects of coal production, including cutting, crushing, loading, transportation, and washing. with the click of the mouse, the "three-dimensional clones" of 128 underground supports are clearly displayed in the digital twin system of the fully mechanized mining face. with the support of technology, the underground working conditions of the shangwan coal mine have changed dramatically.
in the afternoon of the same day, after the members of the media group changed into their mining uniforms and put on their self-rescuers and mining lamps, they felt the weight of the equipment and went down to the mine below 200 meters with professional equipment. "the orange box is a self-rescuer. it must be worn when going down the mine. it can provide oxygen at critical moments and is for emergency use." the staff of shangwan coal mine helped the media group to put on the equipment skillfully, and explained patiently, "there are many procedures, but for safety reasons, everyone who goes down the mine has to do this." the staff told the media group that changing into cotton clothes is to prevent sparks from static electricity. the safety helmets and mining lamps on the top of the head are the newly upgraded 5g equipment of shangwan coal mine in 2021. in addition to lighting, they are also equipped with cameras, positioning devices, and even calls. the position and every move of the underground personnel can be seen from the well, which can ensure everyone's safety when going down the mine.
in recent years, in order to reduce the number of workers in coal mines, shenhua coal group has conducted research on key technologies for green intelligent unmanned assisted transportation and developed complete sets of equipment. it has completed the research and development of 9 explosion-proof unmanned vehicles and successfully put them into trial operation in shangwan coal mine, realizing functions such as automatic driving, passing vehicles, global path planning, dynamic path planning, chamber parking, crossing, coordinated loading and unloading, and precise parking at platforms. with the help of a 5g mobile communication system based on 5g network and uwb underground precise positioning technology, shangwan coal mine has achieved full coverage of 5g+uwb signals. it lays a solid technical foundation for underground unmanned driving, underground high-definition video transmission, digital twin working faces for comprehensive mining and tunneling, underground industrial control, robot intelligent inspection, 5g-based ar enhanced training, and future intelligent applications underground.
the media group walked along the alley to understand the production process
according to reports, shangwan coal mine started intelligent construction in march 2020, passed the intelligent acceptance of the inner mongolia autonomous region with the first place in the same batch in november 2021, and passed the intelligent mine acceptance of the state energy group on september 15, 2022, reaching the intermediate intelligent level. shangwan coal mine's ultra-large mining height intelligent comprehensive mining face equipment is 100% localized, with an average annual startup rate of more than 98%, setting five "world first" records in mining height, single-face single output, installed power, production efficiency, and intelligent level. in 2020, it won the china industrial award in the same batch as major aerospace projects such as manned space flight, deep space exploration, and beidou navigation.
unmanned coal mining machines, unmanned assisted transportation... from rail mining cars to trackless rubber-wheeled transportation, shangwan coal mine has widely applied technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5g, cloud computing, and big data. innovative results continue to emerge, and scientific and technological innovation has become an important force to promote corporate transformation and upgrading and enhance vitality.
in recent years, shenhua coal group has fully played the role of "look to shenhua for coal", striving to build a source of coal science and technology innovation, and the leading model of ecological protection in the yellow river basin has been recognized. coal supply, scientific and technological innovation, and green development have become the shining "shenhua business card". from following to leading, as a microcosm of shenhua coal group, shangwan coal mine strives to improve the "appearance" inside and outside the mine, increase the value of gold and silver mountains, and embark on a high-quality development path with green as the foundation, science and technology as the guide, better structure, higher quality, better benefits, and full release of advantages.
(dazhong news reporter liu yufan)