
a total of 61 classes! 2,633 first-grade students in jiujiang city primary school were divided into classes (photos | video)


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01:12 news client news reportercheng manhuaphoto report: in order to further standardize the operation of compulsory education schools, promote the balanced development of compulsory education, ensure educational equity, optimize the educational ecology, and establish a good educational image, on the afternoon of august 29, at the 2024 jiujiang municipal compulsory education school sunshine class grouping on-site meeting, 2,633 first-grade students in municipal primary schools were organized into 61 classes.
sunshine class organization site
at the sunshine class grouping site, as the parent representative clicked the start class grouping button on the computer, the sunshine class grouping system started, the school's first-grade student data was imported into the balanced class grouping system, and the students' names began to scroll. after a few seconds, the system randomly generated a list of students for each class, and the parent representative drew lots on the spot to decide the teacher and class.
staff unpacked and sealed the data on site
signature confirmation by supervisor
jiujiang municipal education bureau basic education section stamped on site
xu yanping, a deputy to the jiujiang municipal people's congress, told reporters that she felt honored to participate in the sunshine class division work of the municipal primary schools as a supervisor. she felt that the sunshine class division process was carried out under the supervision of cppcc members, deputies to the people's congress, the education system and the news media, which was a great improvement for jiujiang's education, and was also a fair and just performance for primary school students from the starting line, and a good reflection of social order.
parent representative huang tao said that he witnessed the whole process on site, especially the step of randomly assigning teachers, in which he participated in the drawing of lots. all the names were shuffled and randomly generated, which was truly fair to the children. he truly felt the fairness of the sunshine class grouping. as a parent, he firmly believed in the random results of computer class grouping.
it was mentioned at the scene that after the sunshine class grouping is completed, the student list of each school class has been determined, and schools are strictly prohibited from conducting secondary class grouping. once verified, the education bureau will give serious punishment and hold accountable those who privately add classes or conduct secondary class grouping. in addition, for the very few students who did not report to the school on time and did not participate in the sunshine class grouping, the school will report to the jiujiang municipal education bureau, and the basic education section of the education bureau will send staff to the scene to randomly draw lots to arrange them to the corresponding class.