
assisting green transformation and upgrading, the 2024 commercial coal quality improvement and brand building conference was held in luliang, shanxi


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china news service shanxi news, august 29 (ren lina) in order to implement the "outline for building a quality power country", promote the transformation and upgrading of commercial coal consumption, deeply explore the fuel, raw materials and material properties of coal, and serve the high-quality development of coal and related industries, from august 28 to 29, the commercial coal quality improvement and brand building conference hosted by the china coal industry association was held in luliang city, shanxi province.
photo provided by the organizer
the theme of this conference is "using intelligence to improve quality, empowering science and technology, focusing on luliang, and winning the future with quality". it is co-organized by luliang municipal people's government, china coal society, and china coal science and technology research institute co., ltd., and hosted by shanxi liliu coking coal group co., ltd. and coal science (shanxi) technology research institute co., ltd. more than 400 representatives from national ministries and commissions, scientific research institutes, fortune 500 companies and industry leaders were invited to attend the conference, and many academicians delivered speeches on improving coal quality via video.
at the meeting, many experts pointed out that in recent years, the clean and efficient use of coal has effectively reduced pollutant emissions, improved resource utilization efficiency, promoted energy transformation, and laid a solid foundation for achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals. my country's coal industry has deepened supply-side reforms, promoted clean and efficient utilization, led the coal chemical industry to transform to high-end, diversified, and low-carbon, and improved the comprehensive utilization efficiency of coal. shanxi's coal industry is a pioneer in transformation, creating high-value-added, refined, and differentiated products, moving towards high-end development, and significantly enhancing the competitiveness of the industry. in 2023, luliang city's raw coal output reached 160 million tons, ranking seventh in the country. its product variety is unique, mainly coking clean coal. it is a first-class coking coal production area in the country, which effectively guarantees the production of surrounding areas and domestic steel companies.
photo provided by the organizer
at the conference, shanxi liliu coking coal group, whose main coal production area is located in the liliu mining area of ​​hedong coalfield, launched the "liliu no. 1" coking coal series brand on site. china coal northwest energy also launched the company's main brands (china coal northwest energy chemical coal, blast furnace injection coal, medium and low temperature pyrolysis coal, power generation coal) at the conference.
photo provided by the organizer
the establishment and release of the company's coal product brand will provide users with higher quality products, provide the market with high-quality products and services, and win higher visibility and influence in the market. around the theme of the conference, relevant departments, company leaders, experts and scholars made exchanges and speeches.
wu yin, former deputy director of the national energy administration, made a report entitled "coal quality improvement and brand building help the construction of a new energy system" at the meeting, pointing out that the coal quality system and brand building will have a significant and far-reaching impact on the future energy structure. liu feng, vice president of the china coal industry association, suggested in his report "requirements for the quality improvement of commercial coal for clean and efficient utilization of coal" that the improvement of coal quality should be strengthened from the perspectives of strengthening coal quality research and management, improving coal utilization efficiency, promoting the diversified development of coal products, strengthening technological innovation and talent training, and improving the standard system and regulatory mechanism. wang yingsheng, chief economist of the china iron and steel industry association, fully explained the impact of coal quality and standardization on the steel industry through the "current status and development prospects of the steel industry". the steadily improved quality of commercial coal will promote the high-quality development of the steel industry. shi yanfeng, president of the china coking industry association, focused on the close connection between coking coal and the coke industry. in the report "current status and development prospects of the coking industry", he expressed his enthusiastic expectations for the improvement of commercial coal quality and called on the coking industry to vigorously promote the brand building of commercial coal. the collective appearance of representatives of the three industry associations at this conference showed that the entire coal, coke and steel industry chain paid close attention to this conference. ding hua, secretary general of the national coal standardization technical committee, pointed out in the report "value enhancement of the whole industrial chain of commercial coal" that it is necessary to improve the standard level through coal science and technology innovation and lead the high-quality development of the coal industry through standard modernization. representatives from beijing university of science and technology, huairou national laboratory, dalian commodity exchange, shanxi coking coal group, huaibei mining group, national coal quality inspection and testing center, shanxi liliu coking coal group, and shanxi pengfei group made professional reports from different perspectives around the theme of this conference.
the participants conducted in-depth and heated discussions on coal quality and its application performance under different regional characteristics and diversified uses. they actively explored how to lay a solid foundation for clean and efficient use of coal by strengthening coal quality improvement; promoted the widespread dissemination of advanced coal quality management concepts and practical cases; and deepened the understanding of the importance of coal quality among all sectors of society. by building a multi-level communication platform, it promoted dialogue and cooperation between the government, enterprises, scientific research institutions and the public, stimulated the attention and support of all sectors of society for technological innovation in clean and efficient use of coal, and jointly promoted the coal industry to move towards a greener, low-carbon and efficient direction.
the meeting was attended by the ministry of natural resources, the state administration for market regulation, the national bureau of statistics, the national energy administration, the national standardization administration, the shanxi provincial administration for market regulation, the shanxi provincial energy administration and other national and provincial industry authorities, the luliang municipal government and relevant luliang municipal management departments, the state energy group, china coal energy group, jinneng holding group, lu'an chemical group, huayang new materials group and other large domestic coal production enterprises, baowu steel group, anshan iron and steel group and other steel enterprises, as well as coal quality testing institutions, coal research institutes and other industry service cooperation institutions. (end)