
the j-16 is equipped with more than 350 aircraft. the us media calls it the "strongest flanker" and its performance is better than that of the russian su-30.


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as we all know, the world situation today is turbulent and international disputes have been continuing. although our country has always advocated peace, in order to prevent trouble before it happens, we are also working hard to enhance our military industrial strength.

in modern warfare, air superiority often determines the direction of the battlefield. the j-16 multi-purpose fighter independently developed by our country has won the reputation of "the strongest flanker" because of its excellent performance and rapidly growing number of equipment.

according to the latest news, the number of j-16s has exceeded 350. the us media has spoken highly of this, believing that its performance is superior to russia's su-30 and su-35 fighters in many aspects. next, i will give you a detailed introduction to our country's j-16.

we call the j-16 "a national weapon with both offensive and defensive capabilities." the advent of the j-16 is the pride of our country's aviation industry. it not only inherits the high maneuverability and high-altitude and high-speed capabilities of the su-27 series fighters, but also, thanks to the efforts of our country's scientific researchers, is equipped with advanced avionics, weapon systems and radar technology, which has enabled our j-16 fighter to achieve a leap in performance. this also means that our country's air military power has ushered in a qualitative leap. since its first official debut in 2017, the j-16 fighter has become an important equipment for the chinese air force's transformation to both offensive and defensive capabilities.