
a man set fire to the underground garage in the community due to an emotional dispute. the police reported


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at around 11 p.m. on august 26, 2024, an arson case occurred in the underground garage of a community in weiyang district. our bureau has opened a case for investigation.

upon investigation, it was found that wang (male, 48 years old) set fire to the underground garage in the community due to an emotional dispute, causing three motor vehicles to be damaged to varying degrees.

at present, the suspect wang has been criminally detained and the case is under further investigation.

earlier report: a man in xi'an set fire to a community basement, causing multiple cars to burn. the police have taken him under control (jimu news)

recently, mr. wang, an owner of the south district of zijingyuan, xiangbin international city, weiyang district, xi'an, shaanxi province, reported to jimu news reporters that in the early morning of august 27, a fire broke out in the underground garage of the community and many cars were burned. it was suspected to be caused by arson.

3 cars were almost burned to ashes

on august 29, jimu news reporters visited the community and saw that three cars in the underground garage were burned to empty frames, and many cars were damaged. workers were spraying paint to repair the walls. the community property security staff said that a man set someone else's car on fire, causing a fire, and he was quickly controlled by the police.

man sets other people's cars on fire, causing multiple cars to burn

mr. wang told jimu news that he was awakened by the sound of a fire truck not long after he fell asleep in the early morning of the 27th. after waking up, he learned that a car in the underground garage of building 15 in the community was on fire, affecting his own car. "my car needs to be repainted. other residents' cars were burned to empty frames." he said that at first he thought the fire was caused by the spontaneous combustion of an electric car or the circuit in the underground garage, but later he learned that it was suspected to be arson.

on the 29th, jimu news reporters saw traces of black smoke in the underground garage and corridors of building 15 of the community where the incident occurred, and the ash on the tiles in the public area was still there. cleaning staff were using water to clean the ash and stains in the corridors and other public areas from the upper floors of building 15. a cleaning staff member said that the floor and walls of the underground garage were all blackened, and it took two days just to clean the garage floor.

accident scene

reporters saw dozens of cars covered with plastic sheets in the underground garage area g and f, and workers were spraying paint to repair the blackened walls. among them, three cars in area g were almost burned to empty frames, and the cars next to them were damaged to varying degrees.

a property security guard in the monitoring room of zone g said that in the early morning of the 27th, a man set fire to someone else's car in zone g, and the two cars next to it were burned one after another. the fire spread to other vehicles, and firefighters quickly arrived at the scene to put out the fire. he mentioned that not all of the cars covered with plastic sheets were damaged, "the plastic sheets were used to prevent paint from being sprayed on other owners' cars."

an owner of building 15 said that in the early morning of the 27th, after a car caught fire in the underground garage of building 15, black smoke spread to the upper floors along the corridor, and there was a brief power outage at the time. according to him, a man and a woman had an argument, and the man set a car on fire. another owner also said that a young man was upset and set a car on fire.

burnt vehicle

lawyers say the sentence could be 3 to 10 years in prison

on the 29th, the on-duty staff of the property customer service center of the community said that the property management company was temporarily unable to disclose more details of the incident. the matter was being investigated by the local police station and fire department, and the property management company was also waiting for the results of the investigation.

a staff member of the public security office of weiyang lake sub-district office said that after the incident, the local police and fire department rushed to the community involved to deal with the situation as soon as possible, and the sub-district office is also assisting in the investigation and handling of subsequent matters.

on august 29, there was still cigarette ash in the corridor

relevant staff of weiyang district said that according to preliminary information, the fire in the underground garage of the community involved was caused by arson, and no casualties were caused at the scene. a man set a car on fire, and the fire spread, causing multiple cars to be burned or damaged. after the incident, firefighters quickly rushed to the scene to deal with it, and the police controlled the man. the case is currently under investigation. the damage to the vehicles of the owners of the community is being counted, and the staff will do a good job in comforting the owners and conducting safety inspections in the community.

hu lei, a lawyer at sichuan dingchi law firm, analyzed that according to article 114 of the criminal law, arson, flooding, explosion, release of toxic, radioactive, infectious pathogens and other substances or other dangerous methods that endanger public safety, but have not yet caused serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years. the man's arson caused damage to several cars of unrelated owners. it is initially estimated that the amount involved has reached the standard for criminal prosecution, and the local public security organs may initiate criminal prosecution procedures against him in the future.

workers repair the wall and clean the floor

lawyer hu lei pointed out that in addition to the corresponding criminal responsibility, the man will also bear civil compensation liability for the owner's car damage. if the community property company did not provide timely assistance after discovering the fire, according to the relevant provisions of the civil code, the property company will also bear the expanded compensation liability for the corresponding losses.