
central bank: continue to adhere to a supportive monetary policy stance and study reserve increment policy measures


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on august 26, pan gongsheng, party secretary and governor of the people's bank of china, hosted a symposium with delegates and members of the two sessions, experts and scholars, and heads of financial enterprises to analyze and study the current economic and financial situation and listen to relevant opinions and suggestions. xuan changneng, party committee member and deputy governor of the people's bank of china, and officials from the state administration of foreign exchange attended the meeting.

zhang bin, tian xuan, peng wensheng, lu ting, chen dongsheng, yang yucheng, wang changqing, lu huayu and others spoke respectively. they all agreed that since the beginning of this year, the macroeconomic policy has been further strengthened, a series of policy measures to expand domestic demand, stabilize expectations and prevent risks have been introduced, and the economic operation has continued to recover and improve. the fundamentals of my country's economy are sound. the delegates also put forward suggestions on how to boost effective demand, especially consumer demand, stabilize expectations and strengthen confidence, promote the stable and healthy development of real estate, and maintain the health of financial institutions.

pan gongsheng said,everyone has put forward very good opinions and suggestions. since the beginning of this year, the people's bank of china has resolutely implemented the decisions and arrangements of the party central committee and the state council. the prudent monetary policy is flexible, moderate, precise and effective. in february, may and july, it has implemented three relatively large monetary policy adjustments, which strongly support the economic recovery. in the next stage, the people's bank of china will thoroughly implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee, implement the requirements of the central political bureau meeting on "macroeconomic policies should continue to be more effective", continue to adhere to the supportive monetary policy stance, strengthen counter-cyclical regulation, comprehensively use a variety of monetary policy tools, and increase financial support for the real economy. at the same time, we will study the reserve increment policy measures, strengthen the coordination and cooperation of macroeconomic policies, and support the consolidation and enhancement of the economic recovery.

relevant officials from departments and affiliated units of the people's bank of china and the state administration of foreign exchange attended the symposium.