
zhang xuefeng's daughter exposed: playing golf, flying first class, staying in five-star hotels, having more money than she can spend in her lifetime...


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author | i am wang erduo

while scrolling through weibo, i saw the entry #zhang xuefeng’s daughter exposed#.

at the age of 9, she participated in the recording of a variety show alone without her parents. she is a cute and brave little girl.

on the one hand, i felt sad that teacher zhang is already a father, and on the other hand, i was curious about how he, who always gives us educational advice, would educate his own daughter.

after watching the video, let’s chat.


li yueliang☽

zhang xuefeng named his daughter zhang nihan.

姩 means beauty in ancient times.

han refers to lotus, which is another name for lotus.

because she is a daughter, there is a "女" character in her name.

because my daughter’s zodiac sign is sheep, i chose a character with the grass radical.

put together, it means that i hope my daughter can be as beautiful as the lotus, and be as pure as the mud.

on the other hand, sheep eat grass, and he wants his children to be well fed.

moreover, "姩握", which is homophonic to "念寒", is to remind her that she is from northeast china.

another thing is that the father is "xuefeng" and the daughter is "nianhan", which also shows the little thoughts hidden by the father who is a daughter-slave.

he said that coming up with this name was the most educated moment in his life and he spent half a year reading the dictionary.

it seems that after having a child, no one can escape having an extra soft spot.

he said his philosophy of educating his daughter is simple:

whatever you want, as a parent, i will always be your solid support.

he said this with confidence.

after being famous for seven or eight years, zhang xuefeng has already achieved financial independence.

people interviewed him and he said:

“i played marbles when i was a kid, and my daughter plays golf now.”

"she must travel first class, stay in five-star hotels, and i've prepared enough money for her to spend in her lifetime. she can do whatever she wants."

"she likes painting. i can open an art school for her and let my employees' children go to class for free. i will pay for the tuition."

with vision and planning as well as material security, he said, "parents provide support and let children grow freely." this is definitely different from what applies to ordinary families like us.

but it's true.

when a child can assume that parents are support, backing, and retreat, and as long as he looks back, his parents are 100% behind him, the look in his eyes will be different.


li yueliang☽

here is a 3-minute video to share with you.