
the philippines airdropped supplies to the coast guard ship at xianbin reef. the chinese coast guard said: we are monitoring the whole process and are on high alert. all consequences are entirely the responsibility of the philippines.


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on august 29, a spokesperson for the china coast guard made a statement regarding the philippines' airdrop of supplies to the philippine coast guard ship no. 9701 that was illegally stranded on china's xianbin reef.

gan yu, spokesperson for the china coast guard, said that on august 28, a philippine h-145 helicopter airdropped supplies to the philippine coast guard ship 9701, which was illegally stranded at china's xianbin reef. china monitored the entire process and handled it in accordance with regulations. the philippines' adventurous behavior is very likely to cause unexpected incidents at sea and in the air. recently, the philippines has repeatedly attempted to transport supplies to the 9701 ship through coast guard ships, official ships, fishing boats, etc., but all failed. the philippine ship 9701 can maneuver and evacuate on its own, and the relevant problems can be easily solved. however, the philippines gambled the health and life safety of the officers and soldiers of the 9701 ship, and carried out "adventurous infringement" in the name of "humanitarianism", seriously infringing on china's territorial sovereignty, seriously violating the "declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea", and seriously undermining regional peace and stability. we urge the philippines to immediately stop its adventurous behavior and incitement and hype, immediately withdraw the 9701 ship on its own, and not misjudge the situation and escalate the situation, otherwise all the consequences caused by this will be entirely the responsibility of the philippines. china has indisputable sovereignty over the nansha islands, including the xianbin reef, and their adjacent waters. the chinese coast guard is on high alert and has made full preparations to resolutely safeguard the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

[source: china coast guard]
